Clavering Primary School


Working together as a whole class

We would like the children to:

  • Listen to each other and to the teacher without interrupting
  • Follow directions the first time they are given
  • Respond appropriately to one another and to the teacher
  • Sit still when it is helpful to do so; move appropriately and for good reasons within the classroom space
  • Be aware of and respect other people’s personal space
  • Value other people’s views and be aware of everyone’s need for time to think
  • Be alert and attentive
  • Put a hand up to signal a desire to say something
  • Respect the classroom environment
  • Respect other people’s belongings and work

Working together in groups

We would like children to:

  • Recognise and value one another’s strengths
  • Support and encourage one another
  • Respect one another’s views
  • Be sensitive to one another’s feelings and needs
  • Concentrate and apply selves to the given task whether working independently or with an adult, whether working within the classroom or in some other part of the school building or grounds
  • Communicate quietly, clearly and effectively with one another
  • Allow everyone to contribute to the work of the group and to say what they want to say, and encouraging constructive criticism
  • Try to sort out difficulties independently; seek support from and authorised adult if attempts to resolve difficulties are ineffectual
  • Share equipment
  • Care for equipment

Working alone

We would like children to:

  • Concentrate on the task given and complete it as well as possible
  • Work independently, without interrupting other people unnecessarily
  • Accept responsibility for individual behaviour and work

 In the playground

We would like children to:

  • Respect the boundaries by playing on the playground, the patio or the field, but not at the front of the school, behind the library or in the environment area
  • If the field is wet, play on the playground, decking or patio
  • Recognise the needs of different groups of children
  • Enjoy playing together, but not at the cost of someone else’s enjoyment
  • Recognise that someone may want to be alone and respect that
  • Find ways of including other people who may feel lonely
  • Establish the rules of a game and ensure that everyone playing knows the rules
  • Care for people if they are hurt
  • Listen to adults on duty: respond courteously and obediently
  • End any game as soon as the bell goes, line up at the designated place, in a quiet orderly manner ready to return to the classroom

In the hall at lunch time

We would like children to:

  • Walk into and leave the hall quietly
  • Sit where the mid-day staff indicate
  • Talk quietly
  • Put up a hand if help is needed and wait patiently until a member of the midday staff is at hand to attend them
  • Say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ appropriately
  • Use the crockery, cutlery and glassware correctly and carefully

 In assembly

We would like children to:

  •  Enter and leave the hall quietly and in an orderly way
  • Listen to the music, to adults and to others attentively
  • Respond appropriately with silence, comment, praise, laughter, action or song
  • Accept different styles of presentation and different expectations

 On trips or at competitive events

We would like children to:

  •  Be responsible for one another
  • Be responsible for theirown possessions
  • Be aware of personal safety and that of others
  • Be aware of representing the school
  • Be aware of the needs of members of the general public
  • Act courteously and speak politely
  • Walk quietly
  • Stay together
  • Accept rules
  • Encourage and support one another
  • Respond quickly to instructions

With visitors to the school

We would like children  to:

  • Notice whether or not an adult is authorised, either because the adult is introduced to them wearing a visitor’s badge or is accompanied by another member of staff
  • Be welcoming, courteous and helpful to any authorised visitor
  • If someone is not authorised, attract the attention of a known adult to that fact

At other times

When children are on the school premises we would like to them to conform to our expectations of their behaviour at all times, whoever is responsible for them.  This means that they should:

  • Be respectful towards all adults
  • Be considerate towards one another
  • Take care of the environment
  • Leave equipment alone unless given specific permission to use it
  • Respect all boundaries