Definition of Bullying
Bullying is a continuous pattern of behaviour by one person or a group of persons towards another person which is designed to hurt, injure, embarrass, upset or discomfort that person. It is premeditated and persistent. It can be in the form of verbal or physical abuse by one or a group of people.
Our aim is to create a friendly and secure environment in our school; a climate where children can tell others how they feel. This is taught through regular circle times and planned PHSE and practised by implementing preventative measures such as; the Playleader Scheme, Circle of Friends, Mentoring, Friendship Week and Worry Boxes.
Children are taught to know that they have the right to respect, to safety and to their own space and that if they feel threatened or ‘unsafe’ they must tell someone.
School Action/Procedures
All incidents, which are reported to school staff, will always be dealt with and recorded. The head teacher will keep a record of all incidents. Each incident must be handled individually once the problem and the children have been identified. The school uses the ‘No Blame Approach’ and each adult is committed to recognising and putting an end to acts of bullying or harassment.
1) All staff to be informed
2) All action to be recorded
3) Full investigation including monitoring to be carried out
4) Reported to the parents of the children involved if necessary
5) Name of the child committing the bullying will not be disclosed except under exceptional circumstances
6) A behaviour modification programme will be implemented in extreme cases
7) Persistent occurrence will necessitate the involvement of outside agencies
Victims need our support, no one deserves to be bullied even if at times their own behaviour has proved to be irritating or annoying.
Children who display bullying behaviour need to be helped with a behaviour modification programme designed to develop more appropriate social skills. Depending on the nature of the bullying this will be either a discreet or enhanced method.
When the children were asked what they thought bullying was they said:
- Bullying is when someone keeps picking on a person
- When people make you feel useless or miserable
- When people upset you for no reason
Bullying can involve:
- Hurting you
- Calling you names
- Asking you for money and things
- Taking your friends away all the time
- Making threats
Every pupil has the right to a safe environment in which to grow, to be happy and to feel fulfilled. It is the duty of the school to provide these safe surroundings for all its pupils. Every pupil wants the bullying to stop.