1. Ethos
At Clavering Primary School we seek to meet the needs of all our pupils. We accept, recognise and value each child as an individual. The School believes that all children are entitled to an education that enables them to achieve their best. We value the contributions made by all children, professionals and parents to enhance and maintain our inclusive school community.
We recognise that some pupils will, either permanently or from time to time, have significantly greater difficulties in learning than most children of their same age.
Some children who have Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs may require a different way of learning. This could be in the form of hover support, 1:1 support or learning outside of the classroom for a time. On occasions it may be necessary to support the emotional well-being of the child by initiating a part time timetable. It is always our aim to reintegrate children back into the classroom on a full-time basis as soon as possible.
We believe in the therapeutic approach to managing challenging behaviour. It is essential that we meet the needs of the child, rather than focusing on the behaviour.
Some may have disabilities which may prevent or hinder them from making use of the facilities provided for our pupils. We will give these children individual consideration and make special provision for them, working in partnership with others, where necessary. As far as possible, all children, including those with special educational needs, will have equal opportunities to participate in the full curriculum and all other activities. All children will be encouraged to become confident and independent in their learning.
Special Educational Needs are identified in terms of learning, communication, interaction and emotional needs and physical and Sensory needs.
We believe that the child has the right, where possible and appropriate, to be part of the decision making process. They have the right to express an opinion and have that opinion taken into account. Consequently, the school is committed to working in partnership, identifying needs and to provide support, with all those involved; the child, parents, carers and any outside agencies.
Our ultimate aim is to provide a happy, caring learning environment where all are able to reach their full potential, feeling valued and secure.
2. How do we work in partnership with families?
At Clavering school we work hard to include parents in their children’s education. We firmly believe that home and school should work together in partnership. We welcome the involvement of parents supporting at home, in class and with specific trips and events. Parents are encouraged to attend class assemblies. We have regular termly parent/teacher consultation meetings, mid term and yearly reports. Parents of children with Special Educational Needs (SEND) will meet with the class teacher and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDco), where necessary, to review Learning Plans (LPs) at least termly; parents and teachers will meet more regularly if and when the need arises.
Parents are encouraged to share information from any other professionals involved with the child. When the school receives a report from an outside agency, where a copy has not already been sent to the parent, the class teacher/SENDco will ensure that the documentation is passed on to the parent. It will be encouraged that the parent also passes on any reports that have not been Sent on to the school. The parents will be given an opportunity to meet with the class teacher and SENDco to discuss findings and recommendations. The outside agency representative may be invited to attend, if appropriate.
If the school feels that an outside agency/professional would be helpful in further supporting the child, parents will be advised and their permission sought.
Outside agencies may include the following; Educational Psychologist, speech therapy, the school nurse, Occupational therapy, Relate, Kids Inspire, The children’s association, EWMHS (Emotional well being and Mental Health Services), Social Care, Family Support workers, The Attendance Advisory Team, Educational Psychologist, Play Therapy, Occupational Therapy, support from the Mental Health Support Team (Uttlesford service).
A learning mentor programme is also available; if this support is deemed appropriate, the class teacher will discuss with the parent and permission will be sought.
Transition meetings /discussions will be arranged with pre-schools, secondary schools and any other schools attended.
When additional agencies are involved, there will be regular meetings where all those involved will be invited. The progress and needs of the child will be reviewed and next steps agreed. This may be in the form of a Team around the Family (TAF) meeting. An Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) may be devised.
Where there is involvement with a paediatrician, the class teacher or SENDco may, if possible, offer to attend appointments, if considered appropriate.
We encourage parents to discuss successes and concerns regularly; appointments can be made to meet with the class teacher and SENDco. Any immediate concerns are always dealt with as soon as possible; we aim to be approachable and accessible.
Where possible and appropriate, the child will be involved in reviewing progress and devising next steps. There will be age appropriate conversations about targets and progress; pupils’ views (one page profiles) will be included. Positive encouragement will always be the focus, where the child feels that they have achieved. All progress, however small, will be recognised and celebrated.
At Clavering School we seek to involve parents in all decisions made about their children. The views of parents will be sought at all stages of assessment and provision. We will make every effort to discuss openly each stage of the child’s progress and encourage the positive, rewarding the achievements of all children, regardless of their special needs.
3. Identification and Interventions/How the school works to support my child/quality first teaching/Personalisation
The method of identification and provision follows a graduated approach. Concerns are first raised; this may be by the parent, pre-school, a previous school, other professionals or Clavering primary School. The child will be given the opportunity to ‘settle’ into their new environment, if this is appropriate. The class teacher will, in the first instance, address any concerns through normal classroom practise, including differentiated tasks, where appropriate.
The SENDco and class teacher will liaise with teachers from secondary schools where children from Year 6 will be attending, to ensure a smooth transition. Information from all those involved will be passed on. The SENDco and LSA can make extra visits to the chosen Secondary school with the child and parent. Photographs and a visit log can be made, identifying key staff and areas within the school. This helps the child to become more familiar and secure in the new environment. Thereby, reducing stress on entry.
If additional needs are apparent for a child joining from pre-school, the class teacher and SENDco will liaise with pre-school staff. Any reports, assessments and interventions will be shared to measure impact and progress.
If more targeted support is deemed necessary, an individual plan will be developed in collaboration with parents, child, school staff and any other professionals who are involved. This is known as Additional School Intervention (ASI). The child may receive individual support or be part of a group of children with a common need. Review meetings will take place termly (more often, if required), where progress will be scrutinised and adaptions made to the level and type of support, if necessary. Plans will relate to a clear SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely) set of targets, which will be achievable to promote a feeling of success, but also designed to stretch the child’s learning and development.
The quality, appropriateness and impact of the provision will be kept under regular review, using the ‘Assess, plan, do, review’ process. Progress and achievement will be measured, whether quantitative or qualitative. School data, specialist teacher reports, consultant visit notes and views of the child and parents will all be used to evaluate effectiveness of interventions and to identify next steps at Pupil progress meetings. (See teaching and learning policy, including assessment).
Interventions may be a published programme of support or personalised for the child, depending on the need. The child may receive support from an LSA, either individually, hover support or in a small group situation. Support within the class setting will be reviewed on a regular basis and further support implemented, where possible.
If more extensive support is required, an assessment of Education, Health and Care needs may be undertaken by the local authority and an EHC plan developed. This process should take no more than 20 weeks and will involve the school, child, family and outside agencies. A Statutory Assessment can be requested under the following areas of need:
- Cognition and Learning
- Communication and Interaction
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
- Sensory and/or physical needs
If an EHC plan is considered necessary, where additional and individual support is needed, a personal budget may be implemented. This is to enable the child to participate, enjoy and achieve their learning outcomes. This is called the personal SEND budget. A child may also receive an element of their personal budget from social care or health. . The personal SEND budget is focused on learning outcomes. The personal health budget will be focused on outcomes around the family and home life. The personal budget is allocated in recognition that the child’s support needs cannot be met in full by mainstream/universal or targeted support without an additional individual investment being made. Parents will be made aware of the total personal budget so that they can be involved in all decision making in order to choose the right provision to best meet the outcomes identified in the child’s Education, Health and Care Plan.
A personal budget could;
- Add to existing learning support.
- Fund some time for key parties to meet in order to build a dedicated support team.
- Fund specialist input.
- Add to the technology available to promote an individual’s style of learning.
Personal budgets can be made up in the following different ways,
- An organisational arrangement No money changes hands. Parent carers find out how much money is available and with support identify the different ways to spend that money meeting the outcomes of the child’s care plan. The services are then arranged on the family’s behalf by the local authority or health service.
- Third party arrangement/nominees A third party organisation, trust or nominated person holds the money and supports parent carers to decide the best way to spend the funding, they then buy the services chosen.
- Direct payment. Parent carers are given the cash to buy and manage the services themselves to meet the outcomes identified in the child’s care plan.
- A combination of the above
Interventions currently being delivered
Learning Mentor programme
We have four trained Learning Mentors. Permission is sought from the parents and a mentor may be assigned to a child if
- Additional support is needed to complete school work.
- They need help to make friends or develop positive relationships with other pupils.
- They are having difficulty following the school behaviour policy.
- They are having difficulty attending school.
- They are in Year 6 and about to move to secondary school.
- They are at risk of being excluded.
- They are new to the school.
Support may be in the form of individual or small group sessions, within the classroom or playground, depending on the need. Frequency and length of support will vary and be reviewed regularly. No child is ever removed from the Learning mentor programme completely; support may reduce, but mentors are always mindful of the child and will ensure that there are informal ‘check ins’.
Socially Speaking/Time to talk
Socially Speaking/Time to talk are programmes which supports a child with their social interaction, increasing self esteem and improving listening and language skills. It is divided into three units:
- Let’s communicate
- Let’s be friends
- Let’s practise
Spell Attack
Is a systematically structured and carefully programmed teaching aid designed to teach the basic skills of reading and spelling.
Lego group
Designed to support children to develop social skills; listening, turn taking and following instructions
Individual programmes
Individual programmes may be set up for children in collaboration with SENDco, class teacher and Learning Support Assistants, where appropriate.
Rapid reading
The rapid reading programme aims to support children who find reading difficult. It Improves reading comprehension, spelling and decoding skills.
More able group support
Support groups may also be organised for more able children, where appropriate.
More able children may also be given the opportunity to attend sessions in other primary or secondary schools, where they get to meet and work with children of similar ability.
The Power of 2
A maths intervention currently used in Year6
Pets As Therapy(PAT)
The aim of the PAT dog is to encourage children to enjoy reading, either as part of a group or individually, depending on the need. PAT Dogs provide comfort, encourage positive social behaviours, enhance self-esteem, motivate speech and inspire young people to have fun. Currently this intervention is not available as Maisie has moved. We are in the process of finding a replacement.
Zones of Regulation
The Zones is a systematic, cognitive, behavioural approach used to teach self-regulation by categorising all the different ways we feel and states of alertness we experience into four concrete coloured zones. The zones framework provides strategies to teach students to become more aware and independent in controlling their emotions and impulses, manage their sensory needs and improve their ability to problem solve conflicts. Some classes will have their own strategies to support emotional regulation.
Play Therapy: (Currently unavailable)
We have a Play therapist who is employed for one day per week. She will liaise with parents and school staff before sessions commence and make regular contact throughout. A Play therapist helps children to make SENDse of difficult life experiences, or complex psychological issues through play.
Mental Health Support Team in Schools (Uttlesford Service)
The aim of the project is to support early intervention in mental health provision for children and young people through a range of targeted work including 1:1 support, one off workshops and group work. In primary schools the 1:1 work will be conducted with the parent/carers of the children referred for support. Groups/workshops may focus on the following areas: anxiety, friendship issues, transition to secondary school, emotional regulation, mental health awareness, staff training and staff consultation.
4. Our staff expertise
Yolanda Crosby is the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDco) at Clavering Primary School. She is contactable in person, by phone or school email. She oversees the SENDD provision within the school. There are also two LSAs who are part of the SENDco team, Mrs Julie Martin and Mrs Kym Elliston, who work in close collaboration and support the SEND of the school. Miss Crosby is a qualified and experienced teacher and has been awarded the Special Educational Needs National Qualification. She has regular meetings with the Head Teacher, class teachers, LSAs, SEND governor, families and professionals. Miss Crosby identifies training opportunities and, with the support of the SEND team, monitors the quality of delivery and the impact of interventions.
Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) are employed to support children with Special Educational Needs and disabilities (SENDD). Our staff is selected for their experience, knowledge and aptitude for working with pupils with SEND; they are dedicated to the well-being and progress of all children.
Staff are encouraged to up-date their knowledge and attend relevant courses. All staff are trained regularly on safeguarding and the school has a specific Child Protection designated person.
There are two Learning Mentors, Mrs Julie Martin and Mrs Kym Elliston.
There is a clear expectation that all members of staff should make a contribution to raising standards of achievement. Staff, Governors and SENDco are committed to providing necessary support and training.
The class teacher takes responsibility for the progress of all children, including those with SEND and this is monitored rigorously by the school leadership team.
The SENDco will make contact with any outside agencies, including health, as the need arises.
5. Details of support services
There are a number of professionals working in collaboration with the school who may become involved with SEND children. Listed below are those who are currently involved with children at Clavering Primary School:
Speech and Language Therapist –Speech and language therapists (SALTs) work with children with a range of communication difficulties, ideally in partnership with parents and teachers to maximise the child’s communication and learning skills.
Communication is central to the learning process – it is the main tool for teaching, learning and building relationships. So a child who is experiencing any sort of difficulty in this area, perhaps having trouble in making themselves understood, embarrassment over a speech impediment, or difficulty understanding the meaning of what people are saying to them, is likely to find not only lessons, but social interaction a struggle.
School Nurse, Family Support Worker, GP, Paediatrician
The role of the school nurse includes health promotion, advice, signposting to other services, education, support, protection, safe-guarding and service co-ordination. School nurses work in partnership with other agencies, including schools, and as part of a multidisciplinary team to support the health and well-being of school aged children. The school Nurse for Clavering is Elaine McGuinness.
Occupational therapist/Physiotherapist
An occupational therapist may become involved with a child, where there is concern over physical ability. The Occupational Therapist may then make a referral to a physiotherapist, where deemed necessary. An occupational therapist can identify problem areas in everyday life, such as dressing or participating fully in school activities, and will help you work out practical solutions.
Relate Counsellor
A referral may be made to a Relate Counsellor, where a child is experiencing emotional difficulties. It is the aim of the counsellor to help the child to talk about how they may be feeling, separate from school and home life.
EWMHS (Emotional well being and mental health services – previously CAMHS)
They offer assessment and treatment when children and young people have emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties. Children and young people and their families can be referred to EWMHS if children are finding it hard to cope with family life, school or the wider world. If these difficulties are too much for family, friends or GPs to help with, EWMHS may be able to assist.
Types of problems EWMHS can help with include violent or angry behaviour, depression, eating difficulties, low self-esteem, anxiety, obsessions or compulsions, sleep problems, self-harming and the effects of abuse or traumatic events.
Educational Psychologist/Inclusion Partner
A referral to an Educational Psychologist may be made in order to diagnose the reasons for a child’s Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs or learning difficulties.
They will conduct a variety of tests and sub-tests to pin-point areas of difficulty, explain their findings and recommend strategies that will help, both at home and at school.
The School Inclusion Partner works alongside the EP in order to support the SENDco and the school. Their specialist knowledge will be used to support the whole school in meeting the needs of pupils. Our School Inclusion partner is Carolyn Stannard and our Local Authority Educational Psychologist is Sophia Wareham.
Play Therapy (Currently unavailable)
There are play therapy sessions available for children who may be experiencing social or emotional difficulties. The therapist will organise sessions where the child can work through their emotions in a safe environment through play. Parents and teachers will be involved in the initial assessment of need and kept updated regularly by the therapist.
Children’s Society
A referral can be made to the children’s Society in order to support the well being of an individual child. The Society can also support families by teaching parenting skills. A list of possible support can be found using the following link
6. Complaints
At Clavering school we acknowledge that from time to time parents will have concerns about their child’s education. Many of these can be resolved at school level, as they can sometimes arise from misunderstandings. We aim to resolve issues swiftly, often coming to mutual understanding and agreement. If there are any concerns, the parent is encouraged, in the first instance, to approach the class teacher, who will refer to the SENDco, if appropriate. Thereafter, an appointment can be made with the Head Teacher. The governor responsible for SEND may be contacted through the school office.
The Complaints Policy is available on our website or is available from the school office on request.
7. Governor Involvement
There is an appointed Governor for Special Educational Needs, Mrs Julia Mackintosh, who can be contacted via the school office. She meets with the SENDco and is kept up to date through SEND Governor Report.
After a visit, Mrs Mackintosh reports back his findings to the Governing body.
Essex County Council SEN ‘Local Offer’
Parents of children with SEND need to be aware of the provisions in Essex.
Please follow the link below to view specific services and resources.
Updated September 2024
Well-being Resources for Parents
Essex Family Support Service
The Essex Family Support Service is here to offer early help, for families with
children and young people aged 8 to 19 to help you build a happier life together.
We will listen to you and take the time to work together to find solutions, which
could include matching you with one of our Family Mentors, who can help with
friendly support for up to 10 weeks.
For more details please see the poster below –
Parent/Adult Resources
The following resources will help you to support the emotional wellbeing and mental health of yourself and your family:
Emotional Wellbeing through Coronavirus:
- Public Health England Coronavirus resources: https://campaignresources.phe.gov.uk/resources/campaigns/101-coronavirus-/resources
- Advice for children, families and staff: https://www.annafreud.org/coronavirus/
- Mental health foundation, How to look after yourself after your mental health during the Coronavirus outbreak: https://mentalhealth.org.uk/coronavirus
- Mind, coronavirus and your wellbeing: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/coronavirus-and-your-wellbeing/
- 6 ways parents can support their kids through coronavirus (Unicef): https://www.unicef.org/coronavirus/6-ways-parents-can-support-their-kids-through-coronavirus-covid-19
- Young minds advice to young people and parent on mental health and impact of coronavirus: https://youngminds.org.uk/about-us/media-centre/press-releases/youngminds-publishes-advice-for-young-people-and-parents-on-mental-health-impact-of-coronavirus/
- Young minds, what to do if you are anxious about coronavirus: https://youngminds.org.uk/blog/what-to-do-if-you-re-anxious-about-coronavirus/
Supporting children and young people:
- Supporting children and young peoples’ mental health advice: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/
- NSPCC, Mental health and parenting: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/support-for-parents/mental-health-parenting/
Supporting yourself and your family:
- How to support your mental health whilst working from home by Mental Health First Aid England: https://mhfaengland.org/
- For your mind health get ‘your mind plan’ quiz, get ‘your physical health quiz’, plus NHS endorsed Apps: https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/your-mind-plan-quiz/?WT.tsrc=Search&WT.mc_id=MentalHealthGeneric&gclid=CjwKCAjw3-bzBRBhEiwAgnnLCgr2g84Ag7XAbtbARWt6APSWPwt75UUcPUtsNkI6L37vTprESbG_wBoC8XwQAvD_BwE
- Mental health explained by the organisation Mind: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/mental-health-problems-introduction/support-services/ –
- Time to Change website & signposting to other websites: https://www.time-to-change.org.uk/mental-health-and-stigma/help-and-support
- How to support someone experiencing mental health difficulties by the Mental Health Foundation: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/publications/supporting-someone-mental-health-problem
- That discomfort you’re feeling is feeling is grief- by Scott Berinato
- Helping your friends and family 12 things to try when a loved one is struggling by Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH): https://www.samh.org.uk/documents/looking_after_friends_and_family_factsheet.pdf
- 16+ self-help CBT online course by Moodgym (advocated from SAMHs document above): https://moodgym.com.au/info/faq
- 24/7 safe community to support your mental health by Big White Wall: https://www.bigwhitewall.com/
- Course for learning and practicing mindfulness by Be Mindful Online: https://www.bemindfulonline.com/
- Parental mental health: How to help children living with parents with mental health problems by NSPCC: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/child-protection-system/parental-mental-health/
- Parenting with mental health challenges by Mind: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/tips-for-everyday-living/parenting-with-a-mental-health-problem/parenting-and-mental-health/
- Young Minds for parents: https://youngminds.org.uk/find-help/for-parents/
- Parenting with mental health illness by Young Minds: https://youngminds.org.uk/find-help/for-parents/parents-guide-to-support-a-z/parents-guide-to-support-parental-mental-illness/
- Activities for families whilst in self-isolation by Home Start: https://www.home-start.org.uk/news/activities-for-families-during-self-isolation
- Parent helpline and online counselling by Relate: https://www.relate.org.uk/relationship-help/talk-someone
- NHS mental wellbeing audio guides: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/moodzone-mental-wellbeing-audio-guides/
- Mental Health Foundation Podcasts: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/podcasts-and-videos/podcasts-for-your-wellbeing
- Obsessional Compulsive Disorder – OCD UK: https://www.ocduk.org/
SEN Co-ordinator/Inclusion Manager/Designated Teacher for Looked After and Previously Looked After
- Ms. Yolanda Crosby