Clavering Primary School Equalities Information
Clavering Primary School
The Public Sector Equality Duty 2011 has three aims under the general duty for schools, academies and settings:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act. By removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people due to their protected characteristics.
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. By taking steps to meet the needs of people from protected groups where these are different from the needs of other people
- Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. By encouraging people from protected groups to participate in public life or in other activities where their participation is disproportionately low.
Our school has considered how well we currently achieve these aims with regard to the eight protected equality groups: race/disability/sex/gender reassignment/age/pregnancy and maternity/religion and belief/sexual orientation
In compiling this equality information we have:
- Identified evidence already in the school setting of equality within policies and practice and identified gaps.
- Examined how our school engages with the protected groups, identifying where practice could be improved.
- Analysed our effectiveness in terms of equality.
In relation to RACE, the evidence we hold tells us:
- Racist incidents are rare, dealt with promptly and are reported to Governors.
- The RE and PSHE curriculum is varied and includes many different religions and beliefs to promote inclusion.
- Policies include all children in our school.
- We have an increasing number of languages spoken at our school.
- Our pupils understand what it means to be a British Citizen and uphold British Values.
- Our pupils regularly discuss and understand our core values.
- All staff have completed ‘Prevent’ Training and receive regular updates.
In relation to DISABILITY, the evidence we hold tells us:
- We have a number of pupils with medical needs in our school.
- Pupils, parents and staff with medical needs feel included in school life.
- We make “reasonable adjustments” for pupils and staff with disabilities.
- Pupils who transfer to our school make friends quickly.
- The PSHE and Citizenship curriculum addresses this in an age appropriate way in each year group.
- Assemblies address individual pupil’s needs and abilities in a way that they feel comfortable and are encouraged to participate.
- We have good access for children with disabilities and will make reasonable adaptations where needed.
- Procedures are in place to ensure smooth transitions between key stages and schools for disabled pupils.
- Parents have access to the school carpark if disability access is needed.
In relation to SEX, the evidence we hold tells us:
- Boys and girls attain differently in English and Maths but this differs from cohort to cohort. There is a attainment gap between boys and girls across the school. The curriculum has been adapted to meet this need.
- All children have access to after schools clubs.
- All children from Year R to Year 6 have regular access to qualified Sports Coaches. Most teams are mixed gender.
- Our staff and older pupils challenge stereotypes.
In relation to Gender Reassignment, the evidence we hold tells us:
- Our curriculum, school policies and recruitment procedures do not discriminate.
- We would make “reasonable adjustments” if notified of any issues as we have for other needs.
In relation to PREGNANCY AND MATERNITY, the evidence we hold tells us:
- Our Science and Health and Relationships Education suits our pupil’s needs.
- We complete a risk assessment to meet the needs of individuals who are pregnant.
- All staff can ask to work hours to suit them on returning to work after pregnancy.
- Staff choose to return to work here after maternity leave.
In relation to RELIGION AND BELIEF, the evidence we hold tells us:
- Our collective worship is inclusive.
- We practice Equality and Diversity in Employment
- A wide and varied curriculum is covered by all children throughout our school.
- We have regular visiting Christian leaders for collective worship and welcome other faith visitors
In relation to SEXUAL ORIENTATION, (including L.G.B.T.) the evidence we hold tells us:
- Our Science, health and relationships education suits our pupil’s needs.
- We have an equal opportunity policy to address this.
- Children rarely use negative language aimed at implying sexual orientation or gender but this is always challenged by staff and some pupils and is reported to Governors.
- All children have full access to the curriculum and after schools club.
- Our children readily accept that all families are different and are made up of many different combinations of people.
- Our Core Values encourage pupils and staff to respect, treat equally, achieve, co-operate and ensure that everyone is happy. Pupils are able to articulate this in age appropriate ways.
In relation to ECONOMICALLY DISADVANTAGED, the evidence we hold tells us:
- The progress of pupils who qualify for Pupil Premium differs from cohort to cohort and is often due to SEN rather than their economic disadvantage.
In relation to RACE, our self-evaluation tells us :
- We live in a mainly white community which means our pupils understanding of race issues are limited.
- We involve pupils and families.
- Our Equal opportunities policy allows for the inclusion of all groups.
- We promote British values.
In relation to DISABILITY, our self-evaluation tells us:
- Awareness raised by PSHE curriculum for all children is good.
- Our pupils are tolerant and understanding towards pupils with disabilities, particularly those who have dwarfism, D.H.D., autism or medical needs due to our open and honest discussion with pupils and parents about individual needs.
- Our Health and Safety policy meets the needs of individual children.
- Our building is accessible for wheelchair use.
- Our SEN Information Report was written in consultation with parents, governors and members of the wider community.
In relation to SEX, our self-evaluation tells us:
- Data shows there is a difference in some cohorts, between rates of progress for boys and girls.
In relation to PREGNANCY AND MATERNITY, our self-evaluation tells us:
- Risk assessments for pregnant staff meet the needs of individuals using Health and Safety guidelines.
- Good liaison exists between school and the school nurse, counsellor and other agencies.
- Staff return to work at Clavering Primary School following maternity leave.
In relation to AGE, our self-evaluation tells us:
- Staff and Governor age is varied.
- Recruitment is based on ability not age.
- All pupils are expected to work hard and are treated with respect and independence is encouraged regardless of age.
In relation to RELIGION AND BELIEF, our self-evaluation tells us:
- We have a wide and varied curriculum.
- We need to increase our Religious speakers from religions other than Christianity.
In relation to SEXUAL ORIENTATION, our self-evaluation tells us:
- Pupils and families tend to approach the school to discuss any issues however, through our Core Values, these issues are addressed regularly with all pupils in an age appropriate manner.
In relation to ECONOMICALLY DISADVANTAGED, the evidence we hold tells us:
- The progress of pupils who qualify for Pupil Premium is already tracked by staff and Governors and forms part of regular discussions with class teachers. Discussions are held with these pupils and their parents as part of our normal reporting processes, with extra meetings if required.
Please refer to the link below for our Equality Objectives –
Clavering-Primary-School-Equality-Objectives-March-2023-to-February-2027 (1)