We have a very active Parent Forum. Each year group has a representative on the Parent Forum, working as a link between the head teacher and all parents in the school. Parents will be notified of the themes that are being explored at the meetings through the fortnightly newsletter or the class representative.
The current members are:
- Year R Laura Hagger
- Year 1 Amelia Berner
- Year 2 Hollie Thomas
- Year 3 Claire Briggs
- Year 4 Maria Lawrence
- Year 5 Laura Nash
- Year 6 Nicole Bond
Ray Gooding – School Governor
If you would like to join the forum then please contact the office.
School Improvement Plan 2024 – 2025
The Parent Forum is a place for parents and the school to work together on projects linked to the School Improvement Plan. Please see below for the areas we are looking for ideas from parents for this academic year. Should you have any suggestions that you would like to be discussed at the forum, linked to the areas below, then please contact the representative for your year group via the school office or directly.
- To continue to raise attainment and progress in Maths and GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling) across the school – close the gender gap across the school between boys’ and girls’ attainment
- To continue to raise attainment and progress in writing across the school – particular focus on boys and phonics
- To reinstate The Parent Forum to increase parental involvement – focus on after school club offer, allotments, link between school and volunteers
- To further develop the curriculum in line with the new OFSTED Framework – focus on French, Art, RSE, diversity and Cultural Capital, including after school clubs.
- To continue to further embed and develop Community Cohesion with a particular focus on multicultural awareness
- To continue to further embed subject leadership – focus on pedagogy, making progression across foundations subjects across all year groups explicit with increased pupil involvement.
- To continue to improve further the rate of progress including gender imbalance, SEN and challenging the high attainers
- Buddies for new parents
- To improve attendance figures and reduce unauthorised holidays in term time, in line with the new statutory guidance
- Further develop pupil voice to strengthen pupils’ emotional development.
EXAMPLES OF PAST PROJECTS linked to previous themes:
Well-Being Week
Hobby Week
Developing our outside area
Library Club events – Father’s Day, Chinese New Year etc
School uniform
Developed the School Menu
Introduction of a school tie for Year 6
World of work project
Global Week
Professional Weeks
Ideas to develop our outside area, linked to our Vision Day
Parent Pack
Second hand uniform stall
School photos
After school clubs including a ‘Relax Kids’, Gymnastics club, Cricket club, Language club, Tennis and Cookery club