Clavering Primary School



At Clavering Primary School we do not charge for most of our school-time activities. However, we make appropriate charges or request a voluntary contribution from parents/carers, which, we believe, enables the provision of a wide range of enriching activities. If a particular activity cannot take place without some help from parents/carers, this is explained to parents/carers. Crucially, no pupil will be left out of an activity because their parents/carers are unable to make a contribution.

There is no limit on the level of voluntary contribution, which parents/carers can make to school activities nor is any restriction placed upon the use of such contribution. A request for a voluntary contribution towards the cost of an activity could, for example, include the cost of travel for accompanying adults. Also, parents/carers could be asked for a voluntary contribution towards part of the cost whilst the shortfall could be met from the proceeds of other fundraising. Parents/carers who have contributed voluntarily may be given a refund if their child is unable to take part in the trip through illness.


  • We make no charge for National Curriculum or Statutory Religious Education and related activities in school time.
  • We may ask for a voluntary contribution for activities wholly or partly in school time which otherwise would be prohibited by cost.
  • We may charge where it enables an increase or enriches non-statutory extra curricular provision at any time.
  • There is no obligation to contribute.
  • No child will be excluded from any such activity on the basis on non-contribution.
  • We may provide support towards part or all of the cost of an activity where there are financial difficulties and the parent/carer has met with the Headteacher to discuss payment.
  • We support the development of all community groups use of school facilities through a flexible charging approach
  • We offer minimum cost of facilities for no-profit making community activities
  • We raise income for the school from appropriate groups’ use of facilities

Contributions are voluntary. Pupils of parents/carers who are unable to contribute will not be discriminated against. However, where there are not enough voluntary contributions to make the activity possible, and there is no way to make up the shortfall, then the activity will be cancelled.


Key responsibilities

  • The Finance and Asset Management Committee will review and amend where appropriate this Charging and Remissions Policy on behalf of the Governing Body annually in the Autumn Term.
  • The Finance and Asset Management Committee will review annually the charges and remissions and will monitor whether actual income is in line with anticipated income in the Summer Term. Amendments will be recommended where there appears to be a material shortfall or excessive income.
  • The Headteacher will be responsible for drafting proposals for charges.
  • The Finance Officer / Consortium Manager will provide effective financial administration enabling the Headteacher to make reasonable proposals.
  • The Finance Officer / Consortium Manager will manage the letting of school premises.
  • The Administration Assistants will maintain accurate records and information of any charges or remissions made.


We make the following exceptions to the rules concerning not charging for activities in school hours.

  • Voluntary contributions will be requested for swimming lessons.
  • Charges will be made for individual musical instrument tuition.

Damage to school property

Parents/carers and community groups are asked to make a contribution towards replacing damaged or lost school property caused wilfully or negligently by their children or those whom they are responsible for.


Reviewed December 2023  (Reviewed every 3 years)