Clavering Primary School

Clavering Primary School Accessibility Plan

We believe that this Accessibility Plan is compliant with current legislation and requirements as specified in Schedule 10, relating to Disability, of the Equality Act 2010. The Governing Body is accountable for ensuring the implementation, review and reporting on progress of the Accessibility Plan over a prescribed period.

The Accessibility Plan is structured to complement and support the school’s Equality Objectives.

We are committed to providing an environment which enables full curriculum access which values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their education, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs. We are committed to taking positive action in the spirit of the Equality Act 2010 with regard to disability and to developing a culture of inclusion, support and awareness within the school.

The Accessibility Plan shows how access is to be improved for disabled pupils, staff and visitors to the school in a given timeframe and anticipating the need to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate their needs where practicable. The Accessibility Plan will contain relevant and timely actions to:

  • increase access to the curriculum for pupils with a disability, adapting the curriculum as necessary to ensure that pupils with a disability are as, equally, prepared for life as are the pupils without disability;

(If a school fails to do this they are in breach of duties under the Equalities Act 2010); this covers teaching and learning and the wider curriculum of the school such as participation in after-school clubs, leisure and cultural activities or school visits – it also covers the provision of specialist or auxiliary aids and equipment, which may assist these pupils in accessing the curriculum within a reasonable timeframe;

  • improve access to the physical environment of the school, adding specialist facilities where possible – this covers improvements to the physical environment of the school and physical aids to access education within a reasonable timeframe;
  • improve the communication of written information to pupils, staff, parents and visitors with disabilities; examples might include letters, timetables, books and information about the school and school events; the information will be made available in various formats within a reasonable timeframe

The Accessibility Plan relates to the key aspects of physical environment, curriculum and written information.

Whole school training will recognise the need to continue raising awareness for staff and governors on equality issues with reference to the Equality Act 2010.

The Accessibility Plan should be read in conjunction with the following school policies, strategies and documents:

  • Curriculum Policies
    Special Educational Needs Policy
  • Equality Policy
    Equality Objectives
    Behaviour and discipline Policy
  • Educational Visits Policy
    Health and Safety Policy
    School Improvement Plan
    Asset Management Plan / Suitability Survey

 Improving Physical Access

At Clavering Primary, the physical environment of the school has been developed over time. This has resulted in improved accessibility through ongoing premises projects including:

  • installation of disabled toilet facilities,
  • improved for wheelchair access
  • installation of a school lift

We review the accessibility all areas of the school, including the outside areas, on an ongoing basis and make adaptations as required, taking into account the constraints of the building. This is based on the information we have on roll and those children who are joining Clavering Primary School. For example, we take account of the relevant legislation and needs of pupils and visitors with physical difficulties and visual and hearing impairments when planning and undertaking future improvements and refurbishment of the site and premises.

Item to be addressed Strategy Outcome Responsibility Time Frame
Ensure the physical environment continues to meet the needs of people with disabilities, including physical and visual and hearing needs e.g. Regular Health & Safety inspections of the physical environment (at least 3 per year) carried out by H&S governors & Site Manager
Concerns identified e.g. uneven playground surface, additional space required within the playground, trip hazards are recorded and actions implemented taking advice from specialists as required. (Liaison with Inclusion Manager/SENCO)
All members of the school community & visitors have full access to the physical environment of the school
The school accommodates the requirements of all members of the school community & visitors
Governing Body Premises Committee Headteacher Ongoing
Ensure all new projects undertaken by the school meet DDA requirements Plans for new projects include DDA requirements
Seek specialist advice as necessary e.g. building consultant
All members of the school community & visitors have full access and can benefit from new premises improvements Governing Body Premises Committee Headteacher Ongoing
Audit of pupil needs and staff training to meet those needs. Review the specific needs for pupils living with a disability, in terms of basic daily living skills, relationships and future aspirations. Teachers are aware of the relevant issues and can ensure that this group has equality of access to life- preparation learning. The use of other professional partners has been made available.

Where possible, all school activities are accessible to all disabled pupils, with reasonable adjustments when necessary

All staff Ongoing
Train staff in medical needs. For example, EpiPen training or Diabetes Training for First Aid team and relevant teachers Members of staff will be trained in managing Diabetes & regularly updated as appropriate
Children with serious allergies or diabetes can attend school all day and access the full curriculum
Headteacher Inclusion Manager/SENCO Ongoing
Train staff in supporting pupils with sensory needs e.g. autism, hearing & visual impairments Training from Specialist teacher team
Visits to other settings
Consult other professionals
Making adjustments to the curriculum, resources, equipment and the environment as appropriate Transition plans created and implemented
Children with sensory needs can attend school all day and access the full curriculum Headteacher Inclusion Leader/SENCO and teaching staff Ongoing
Train staff in supporting pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs Training from SEMH Specialist teacher Team
Visits to other settings
Consult other professionals
Making adjustments to the curriculum, resources, equipment and the environment as appropriate Transition plans created and implemented
Children with SEMH needs can attend school all day and access the full curriculum Headteacher Inclusion Leader/SENCO and teaching staff Ongoing
All out-of-school activities are planned to ensure, where reasonable, the participation of the whole range of pupils Review all out-of-school provision to ensure they are inclusive
Seek specialist advice where appropriateCreate individual risk assessments where needed
Ensure resourcing including staffing, allows all children to participate in their chosen activities
All out-of-school activities will be conducted in an inclusive environment with providers that comply with all current legislative requirements.
All out of school activities, where reasonable, are accessible to all disabled pupils.
Headteacher External providers Ongoing
Classrooms are organised to promote the participation and independence of all pupils. Review and implement a preferred layout of furniture and equipment to support the learning process in individual class bases in consultation with the Inclusion Manager. Lessons start on time without the need to make adjustments to accommodate the needs of individual pupils
All pupils have full access to the National Curriculum
Teaching Staff and Senior Leadership Team Start of each school
Training for Raising Awareness of Disability of current pupils or prospective pupils. Provide training for governors, staff, pupils, in consultation with parents. Discuss perception with staff to determine the current status of school Whole school community will continue to benefit by an inclusive school and social environment Senior Leadership Team and Inclusion Manage/SENCO Ongoing
Availability of written material in alternative formats when specifically requested e.g. school brochures, school newsletters and other information for parents The school will make itself aware of the services available for converting written information into alternative formats.

Disabled members of the school community able to access school information

The school will be able to provide written information in different formats when requested for individual purposes Office staff
Senior Leadership Team
Communication with parents and carers who have disabilities e.g Braille, large print, telephone, texting or emails, telephone appointments Ensure parents and carers with a disability are receiving communicative information in an accessible format/media Newsletter/ website periodically – ask what communication needs families have e.g. sign language support

Seek advice as necessary on alternative formats and use of IT software to produce customised materials

All school information available for all who request it Office staff
Senior Leadership Team
Ensure all policies consider the implications of Disability Access. Consider all policies in view of priorities. Access to all aspects of school life for all pupils HT and Governors Ongoing

Review and Approval

This policy was reviewed on and approved by the Governing Body on 7.12.23 (Every two years)