Clavering Primary School

Playground Rules and Interventions

(As part of our Behaviour Policy which will be reviewed as a whole next term)

Incidents are discovered through pupil voice and observations.  Clavering Primary School has a school incident book in which incidents are logged by MDAs. Classteachers are informed by the MDAs and the book is monitored by the Head teacher (or SLT in her absence on a daily basis).

Pupil voice is actively encouraged in the school; channels for this include play leaders, circle time, buddies and worry boxes. Clavering Primary School has an ‘open door’ policy for parents to contact their child’s class teacher if any concerns arise which a child has not managed to communicate to the teacher themselves.  The class teacher then deals with the matter appropriately and immediately.

Sanctions do not work in isolation.  The incident, sanction and rationale are discussed with the child and the appropriate PSHE route is then followed.

Our children need to understand that although our policy is to praise good behaviour, inappropriate behaviour will be dealt with by use of the following interventions that were designed by the children and staff.  These as well as the playground rules, are displayed in each classroom and each of the Midday staff have their own copy:­


Level Type of incident


Intervention Please note:
1 Bad language, general unkindness, breaking our school rules.


The offence is discussed with the children concerned and an understanding reached as to what and why action/s are unacceptable.  If this is during a playtime or an assembly, this may result in some time out.


The level that is followed depends on the seriousness of the incident.  If the incident is of a very serious nature then a higher level is reached immediately and parents notified.  This is at the school’s discretion


In incidents such as those involving racism, prejudice, bullying, stealing, then procedures 1 and 2 will be omitted and procedure 3 will be followed immediately.


In cases of physical contact (i.e. fighting) procedures 2 or 3 will be followedimmediately.


If physical contact is made then the pupil/pupils concerned will suffer loss of privilege i.e. loss of break time and parents informed if apprpriate. Apologies would be sought from offending parties.


In cases of persistent bullying parents will be informed and procedures followed according to the school anti bullying policy.


2 If the action is repeated or more serious than above, then a senior member of staff will be notified. Stay in for the whole of playtime/lunchtime – a letter may be written to the recipient of the bad behaviour.


The child/renwill be asked to reflect on what has happened on an ‘What Happened’ proforma and will be involved  in drawing up a plan to modify behaviour i.e no climbing frame, no lunchtime equipment. The consequence should mean something to the child and be relevant to the behaviour.


Headteacher notified.


Parents notified if repeated incident.



Identified pupils are monitored at playtime by staff as appriopriate.

3 More serious offences More serious offences will result in a meetingbetween the head teacher and the parents of the children concerned.

This may lead to exclusion and the LEA.


Pupils will be initially interviewed away from those they are in conflict with.

When parents are informed and need to be involved in discussions the school will endeavor to meet with them no later than the next working day.

If conflicting parties do come together (le. for an apology) then the scene must be a balanced one. Assurance should be sought to confirm that the child/children understand clearly what has happened, what is expected of them and that they feel they have been fairly treated.

The exclusion of a pupil is always a last resort and usually follows an attempt to modify a child’s inappropriate behavior. However if there has been a physical attack exclusion may be the most appropriate immediate sanction.

Fixed term exclusion may be seen as a positive opportunity for a ‘cooling off’ period in order to establish an objective view of the situation.

All exclusions will follow statutory and County procedures.

Let’s solve the problem together!

Remember the five W’S

How do you feel?


What’s the problem between us?


Why do I/you think it happened?




What rule was broken?




What can I do to make things better?




Who could I ask to help me?




How do you feel?





Our Golden Playground rules (AGREED BY School Council and displayed in the classrooms).

(These rules are carried around by MDAs)

Golden rules that children are aware of and are displayed in classrooms:

  • Be gentle (do not hurt anybody
  • Be kind and helpful (do not hurt people’s feelings
  • Work hard (do not waste other people’s or your own time
  • Look after property (do not waste or damage things
  • Listen to people (do not interrupt
  • Be honest (do not cover up the truth


Field and Playground Rota  – when we are on the field

Football – Both playtimes

Days Small pitch Large pitch Volley Ball/Cricket (alternate weeks)
Monday Year 3 Year 5 Year 4
Tuesday Year 2 Year 4 Year 5
Wednesday Year R and 1 Year 5 Year 6
Thursday Year 4 Year 6 Year 3
Friday Year 3 Year 6 Year 2


Basketball shooting days (lower playground third section nearest hedge):

  • Year 2 – Monday
  • Year 5 – Tuesday
  • Year 4 – Wednesday
  • Year 3 – Thursday
  • Year 6 – Friday


Playground Rota  – when we are NOT on the field

Football days –  at lunchtime only (lower playground first two sections nearest Children’s Cottage).

  • Year 3 first half hour then Year 5 – Monday
  • Year 2 first half hour then Year 4 – Tuesday
  • Year R,1 first half hour then Year 5-  Wednesday
  • Year 4 first half hour then Year 6 – Thursday
  • Year 3 first half hour then Year 6 – Friday

Basketball shooting days (lower playground third section nearest hedge):

  • Year 2 – Monday
  • Year 5 – Tuesday
  • Year 4 – Wednesday
  • Year 3 – Thursday
  • Year 6 – Friday

Monkey bars only to be used by children in years 2  – 6.  Children in these year groups should only use the bars if they can reach them from the ground (ie jumping up and not by climbing from one bar to the next).  No sitting or somersaulting on the bars – hanging only.

The train area is to be used by the children when directed by the adults on duty (consideration needs to be given to the weather conditions)

Playleaders direct games on the upper playground.