Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 8
Happy New Year to you all and welcome back to a new term. We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
We have an exciting term ahead. Class letters have now been distributed which outline the curriculum for the term. They are also on our website.
Sharing Assemblies – an invitation!
We would like to invite our parents to attend one of your child’s Sharing Assemblies. The assemblies take place in the hall on a Friday afternoon and start at 2.45pm. Listed below are dates when your child’s class will be taking part in a Sharing Assembly. Please join us on this date:
Autumn Term 2013:
Class 5 165h November
Class 2 22nd November
Spring Term 2014:
Class 6 17th January
Class 3 14th March
Class 1 28th March
Summer Term 2013:
Class Reception date to be arranged
Class 4 date to be arranged
Swimming gala
Six children from each Key Stage Two class were chosen to represent the school on Wednesday 15th January at the annual Swimming Gala. The children swam against the other medium sized schools in the North Uttlesford area. Overall, Clavering came joint second, with the children swimming incredibly well, and being a credit to the school. A big thank you needs to be given to Mrs. Barker, Mrs Buckley , Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Townsend for their fantastic support and encouragement during the event.
Cross Country KS1
On Wednesday 18th December 2013, Key Stage 1 took part in the first organised KS 1 Cross Country Event in Essex. Inspired by the success of the children in the Key Stage 2 Cross Country, the children had been practising hard and were all very enthusiastic.
The Sports Leaders from NFGS helped to run the event along with their teacher, Lisa Dunlop and Mr. Dyce. There was also a surprise visit from Mrs Coleman, head of PE SWCH.
The Reception children were helped by the Sports Crew and the Year 6, who helped to run alongside their Buddies. The Year 5 children cheered loudly as they counted how many times the children ran around the field.
Certificates were awarded to the 3 fastest boys and girls in each year and certificates awarded to the 3 fastest children per class. A special award was given to Jayden Jones, for making great improvement and running very fast during the competition. Well done!
Two Cross Country League Events have been organised for this term, both being at the Friends School on 11th February and 23rd March at 4pm. All children from Key Stage 2 are invited to participate.
Clavering Art Prize
The Clavering Art prize is awarded each term to a representative from Early Years, Key Stage One, Lower Key Stage Two (Years 3 and 4) and Upper Key Stage Two (Years 5 and 6) in recognition of outstanding work in Art:
Teija Lawrence Year 5
Beth Parker Year 4
Jasmine Henchie Year 2
Isabelle Down Reception
Homework Policy
We have recently updated our Homework Policy which has been approved by our governing body and accompanies this newsletter.
Bad weather and snow patrol
In the event of severe weather conditions and possible school closure a notice will be placed on the school website. BBC Essex and Heart FM will also publish the names of CLOSED schools on their websites at www.bbc.co.uk/essex and www.heartessex.co.uk. Please take a look at the websites or listen to the radio stations if there is a likelihood of closure due to bad weather.
A path will be cleared to enable you to gain access to the school but care does still need to be taken
We are looking for volunteers to help us clear the school in the event of snow. If you think you could be available at short notice please contact the school office and they will add you to our ‘Snow Patrol’ list. We are looking for people who could be called the morning of the severe weather to meet with Ron Docking, our handyman, to help him clear the snow. Please bring any useful spades or shovels with you. Thank you
Clubs for the Spring Term
Just as a reminder. Here is a list of our clubs for this term which started this week:
Recorders | Beginners | Tuesday lunchtime in Reception class |
Recorders | Intermediate | Friday lunchtime in class 3 |
Football | Years 5 and 6 | Tues and Thurs 3.15 – 4.15pm Starting week 13th January |
Library | All year groups | Friday 3.15pm – 4pm |
Sports fitness club | Years 3 and 4 – 1st half term Years 1 and 2 – 2nd half term |
Wednesday 3.15 – 4.15pm Starting 15th January |
Bedazzle Drama Club | All year groups | Monday 3.15-4.15pm Starting 13th January |
Hockey | Years 5 and 6 | Fridays 3.30 pm – 4.45 pm. Dates to follow |
Cookery | Years 2 and 3 (Reception and Year 1 after half term) | TBC |
Golf | Years 1 – 6 | Thursdays 3.15 – 4.15pm starting after February half term . |
Tennis | Years 1 – 6 | Mondays 3.15 – 4.15pm Starting 13th January |
Language | Reception | Monday afternoon – class time |
Netball | Key Stage Two | TBC |
Week ending December 13th
Reception: Harry Hood – brilliant concentration in all the productions and fantastic performance in the
‘Wriggly Nativity’
Year One: All of Class 1 for a fantastic Nativity play
Year Two: Lucy Green – brilliant narration and angel singing in the Christmas play
Year Three: George Macfadyen – super independent sewing making his Christmas tree decoration
Year Four: Hannah Moloney – the mature way in which she spoke to the class about the life of Nelson
Year Five: Elliot Wood – helping with the music for ‘Five Gold Rings’
Maddie Dudley-Scales – for helping with the music for ‘Five Gold Rings’
Year Six: Joshua Blackaby – a very confident performance in the play.
Week ending January 10th
Reception: Olivia Collier – very careful pattern making on her 2014 poster. Super concentration
Year One: Oscar Kellett – working independently and creatively in his writing
Year Two: Daisy Coy – writing an excellent letter to our Australian pen-friends using full sentences.
Year Three: Molly Hood – realistic dialogue and good use of punctuation for speech
Year Four: Alex Taylor – making great progress in Literacy
Year Five: Daniel Lee – his positive attitude towards his work this week
Year Six: Hattie Cooke – a positive and conscientious approach to all her work
100% Attendance Awards for Autumn Term 2013.
Please note that illness or medical appointments during school time are not classed as attendance. School trips, visits and sporting events are. Well done to:
Class R: Hermione Barker; Matilda Course; Caitlin Crabb; Isabelle Down; Jude Dunn; Oliver Dyster; Freddie Hill; Harry Hood; Abigail ; Mia Sundler; Ted Davidson
Class 1: Hamish Anderson; Lily Betts; Rose Denyer; Summer Hilton-Keech; Freddie Lawton; Sam Macfadyen; Jude Mack; Emily MacKenzie; Maya Parker; Keira Shaw
Class 2: Charlie Cooper; Daisy Coy; Megan Elliston; William Forster; Petra Joseph; Grace Livesey; Sam Prentice
Class 3: Millie Denyer; Molly Hill; Imogen Kocher; Joseph Moshtagh-Kahnamoui; Isobel Palmer; Freddie Wardle; Ellie Wilkinson
Class 4: Heidi Buckley; Hollie Buckley; Martha Collett; Alice Donker; Alice Forster; Charlotte Green; Tabitha Joseph; Sophie Miles; Hannah Moloney; Beth Parker; Charlotte Smith; Luke Townsend
Class 5: Jessica Barker; Joseph Berrett; Thomas Berrett; Georgia Carter; Harry Chalk; Daisy Collett; Maddie Dudley-Scales; Arthur Stevens; Elliot Wood
Class 6: Freddie Cooke; Hattie Cooke; Millie Hall; Isabel Hartley; Maya Joseph; Fergus Knowles; Samuel Miles; Georgia Spicer; Ben Wilkinson
Didn’t Go Unnoticed Award:
17.1.14 Harry Hood – for being a really good friend to Jamie and Olivia and playing games with
The Tidiest Classroom of the Week!
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Autumn Term Winners: Class Four and Class Five
Week beginning – 09.09.13: Class Reception
16.09.13: Class Four
23.09.13: Class Five
30.09.13: Class Six
07.10.13: Class One
14.10.13: Class Six
04.11.13: Class Three
11.11.13: Class Two
28.11.13: Class Four
25.11.13: Class Five
02.12.13: Class One
09.12.13: Class Reception
16.12.13 Classes 4 and 5
6th January Spring Term starts
10th January Non-uniform day – House Cup Winners: Ludgate
17th January Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Class 6 parents 2.45 pm start
3rd – 6th February German students visiting us
14th February School Council event – ‘Dress as a Celebrity Day’ – money raiser
17th – 21st February Half Term
27th February Friends of Clavering ‘Clothes Swap’ event
14th March Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Class 3 parents 2.45 pm start
15th March Friends of Clavering – Quiz Night
18th March Parent Consultations 3.30 – 5.30 pm
19th March Parent Consultations 5 – 7pm
28th March Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Class 1 parents 2.45 pm start
31st March School Council ‘Spring Fayre’ to raise money for Juliana
There are still swimming monies outstanding and we have now received all invoices for payment for the autumn term. In order to settle these as soon as possible, we would be grateful if you could send in your child’s swimming fees if you haven’t already done so. Thank you very much to those parents who have already paid.
Dinner Money for the spring term is £126.00 or £63.00 for the half term, £10.50 per week, £2.10 per day. Dinner money should be sent in on a Monday morning for the week in a named envelope. Please note if a lunch is ordered but not taken, it must be cancelled before 11.00 am to avoid charge.
If your child is unwell, please phone school first thing in the morning on the first day of absence and follow-up with written confirmation of absence on your child’s return to school.
Please can we remind you that in order to comply with Essex County Council Health and Safety guidelines we cannot permit dogs on the premises.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment.
Have a good weekend.
Rosalind Allsop