Isabella, Millie, Bella, Imogen and Elizabeth recently took LAMDA exams as a result of their hard work in their Bedazzle Lessons. They received their certificates in our sharing assembly. Well done to you all. Continue Reading
Not only was it non uniform day for Wales who were the Spring Term House Point winners but we had some fantastic flute playing in assembly today after a term of lessons! The children in Key Stage Two have just finished their flute lessons with Miss Harding. The Wider... Continue Reading
Girls’ Cross Country Event On 20th April 2017, six girls from year 5 went to Hadleigh Park to run their team cross country finals. The course was made from grass, gravel and concrete and had lots of uneven ground. All the children were amazing runners and very talented. Georgie,... Continue Reading
Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 14 28.4.17 Welcome I hope you all had an enjoyable and restful Easter. We would like to welcome Lavinia and Tabitha Daubney and their family to the school. They have joined Classes... Continue Reading
Class 5 Summer Term Newsletter – 2017 Welcome back. I hope you have had a good Easter break, we have another busy term ahead of us! Please find below a brief outline of what we will be covering this term. English: This term we are looking at short suspense stories, this... Continue Reading
Class 1 Summer Term Newsletter Welcome back to the Summer term. This half term we are learning about Dinosaurs. The children have already been enthusiastic to share their knowledge about different types of dinosaurs. English In English we will be using the book Dear... Continue Reading
Year 4 Summer Newsletter Welcome back! We hope you all had a fantastic Easter break with lots of chocolate! Here is an overview of the plan for the coming term. English – Handwriting and spelling will continue to be a focus. Spellings will be given to the children... Continue Reading
Class 6 Summer Term Newsletter Welcome back! This last term at Primary School will, I hope, be a very special, busy and memorable one. The diary is already full with all kinds of activities and events which I will try to outline for you in this newsletter. Curriculum English: we... Continue Reading
Reception were really motivated for the start of their new topic today! They went hunting for minibeasts by the pond, in the wild area and on the allotments. They enjoyed using magnifiers to look more closely at the insects and were very gentle when handling them. We remembered... Continue Reading
Summer Newsletter, Year 2 Welcome back for the last term of the year in Fox Class! We have a busy and exciting term ahead, including our visit to the Henry Moore Foundation at Perry Green on 5th July. Many thanks to all of you for your kind wishes... Continue Reading