Class 5 Summer Term Newsletter
Class 5 Summer Term Newsletter – 2017
Welcome back. I hope you have had a good Easter break, we have another busy term ahead of us!
Please find below a brief outline of what we will be covering this term.
English: This term we are looking at short suspense stories, this will include exploring examples texts and the techniques required to build suspense within a story. Non-fiction work will include recounts particularly diary entries and will link to our current history topic. We will also be covering poetic style, looking at the work of Michael Rosen and Roger McGough.
Spelling, grammar, punctuation, handwriting, guided reading, reading comprehension, vocabulary expansion and improving self-editing skills are ongoing.
Maths: Improving mental calculations-including times tables. Drawing and measuring angles. Identify 3D shapes from 2D representations. Using the properties of rectangles to find related facts and find missing lengths and angles. Distinguishing between regular and irregular polygons based on knowledge of equal sides and angles. Reflection and translation of shapes. Converting between different units of metric measure. Understanding and using approximate equivalences between metric units and common imperial units. Solving problems involving converting between units of time. Measuring and calculating area and perimeter. Estimating volume and capacity. Solving comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in a line graph.
Science: This term we will be covering living things and their habitats. This includes life cycles of plants, mammals, reptiles, fish and other living things. We will also be covering animals including humans in which we learn about the development of humans from birth to old age.
Topic: During the first half term we have a history topic and will be learning about the Battle of Britain. This will cover how the war started, countries and leaders involved and learning about what the Battle of Britain involved.
In the second half term we move on to a geography topic ‘Our Local Area’. This will involve learning about Clavering and the surrounding area both geographically (map work and a class walk) and economically (jobs and facilities in the area).
Art, Design and Technology: Our art theme this term is Nature. We will be looking at the landscape work of Van Gogh and Constable.
French: We will be concluding our work on chez moi which will then be followed a l’ecole.
P.E: This half term we are lucky enough to have a cricket coach visiting us on Wednesday mornings. Mr Dyce will also be teaching athletics and rounders. After the half term break we will continue with rounders and athletics.
Music: This term we will be learning to play the ukulele.
Computing: Understanding computer networks including the World Wide Web and using search technologies effectively.
RE: We will be learning about religious symbols, followed by Hindu and Christian places of worship.
PHSE: We will be looking at healthy lifestyles followed by economic wellbeing/growing and changing.
Other information:
P.E. – This will be taught on Tuesdays and Wednesdays before half term and Mondays and Tuesdays after half term. Please ensure all kit is in school for both days ensuring PE kits are brought back into school after clubs as we have very limited spare kit available. Make sure all kit and uniform is labelled so that missing items can be easily reunited.
Reading- Please encourage children to read daily and take responsibility for their reading journals. This includes bringing it to school every day, updating it when they start and finish a book and completing their reading challenges to an acceptable standard.
Key Dates for Your Diary
2nd May International Week
5th June Inset Day
6th July Class 5 Assembly
13th July Outdoor Pursuits Trip
If you have any questions or concerns at any time please do come and talk to me after school, or make an appointment through the school office.
Sarah Turner