Class 4 Summer Term Newsletter
Year 4 Summer Newsletter
Welcome back!
We hope you all had a fantastic Easter break with lots of chocolate!
Here is an overview of the plan for the coming term.
English – Handwriting and spelling will continue to be a focus. Spellings will be given to the children on Monday, they will complete spelling activities during the week and then have a test on Friday. A copy of the spellings will be given to each child for you to support at home. Children will continue to participate in guided reading sessions and will have their own reading book. Please listen to your child read as often as possible – thank you.
We will start the term looking at persuasive writing and texts with humour.
Maths – we will continue to focus on quick recall of times tables. Please encourage your child to practise their tables as often as possible at home. They will know which table they are learning. They will be tested weekly on a Thursday. We will start by looking at mental and written addition and subtraction, followed by fractions, decimals and percentages.
Science –We will start the term by learning about living things and their environments.
History/Geography – We will be learning about invaders and settlers (Anglo-Saxons)
Music – Wider opportunities will continue supporting children to learn the flute, followed by the ukulele.
Computing – we will be using computers to support other subjects and continue to focus on the importance of E-safety. We will be learning to use simple data bases and using ipads to edit photos and videos.
PSHE – We will be looking at keeping safe (road safety) and living a healthy life style.
RE – We will begin with looking at the Ten commandments and continue to focus on Jewish beliefs and festivals.
PE – There will be three PE lesson each week; this term will be Invasion Games and athletics. Please ensure that children have their full kits in school every day. PE will be on Tuesday with Miss Crosby and Thursday and Friday with Mr Dyce.
Art/DT – The children will be looking at and creating their own art work based on the work of Henry Moore and Alberto Giacommetti.
French –We will be revising learning about regions of France, transport and holidays.
Homework will be given each week on Thursday/Friday. Please return to school for marking on Monday (Tuesday at the latest). Spelling and reading will continue to be on-going .Children will bring a spelling list home with them on Mondays and will be tested on Fridays. Children will continue to learn their times tables (they will know which one) and be tested on a Thursday. Those who are already familiar with all the tables will be focusing on even faster recall!
Our class trip will be to an Outdoor Adventure Centre – details to follow.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Mrs Abusham. Thank you for your continued support. We have had two great terms so far and look forward to an even better summer term with your children.
Miss Crosby and Mrs Abusham.