Class 1 Summer Term Newsletter
Class 1 Summer Term Newsletter
Welcome back to the Summer term. This half term we are learning about Dinosaurs. The children have already been enthusiastic to share their knowledge about different types of dinosaurs.
English | In English we will be using the book Dear Greenpeace to investigate both formal and informal styles of letter writing.
Using reference books to find out facts about different types of animals. Writing animal poems. We will continue with our daily phonics sessions focussing upon learning different ways of writing the same sound (phase 5 of the letters and sounds programme). We have already made a great start on learning how to join our handwriting, and will have daily practise of this skill. Reading books will be changed on a regular basis and the children will take part in a daily reading activity, either reading to their year 4 buddy, class partner, group activities, LSA or myself. |
Maths | In Maths we will continue to follow the Maths Curriculum, developing our use of number, becoming faster with our mental recall of number facts. We are finding halves and quarters of shapes and amounts, beginning to recognise the links between halving and doubling. We are concentrating on how to record our sums using mathematical terms. |
Science | We will be thinking about different types of animals and learning how to sort animals according to their habitat, diet and classified group. We will choose one animal to become experts about, answering questions from the class and making a video presentation. |
History |
This topic will focus on geography, learning about the different climates of the world and why animals are more suited to live in specific locations. In history we will be learning about the pre-historic times. |
Computing | We will learn how to record ourselves taking on the roles of animal experts.
We will also continue to become more confident on the computer to find information, word process and save and retrieve our work. |
Religious Education | We will be looking at Religious Books in R.E. and will be thinking about how to look after important books. |
PSHE | In PSHE we are thinking about Healthy Lifestyles and different types of medicines. |
In Music we will listen to music about different animals and we will compose a piece of music about our favourite animals. |
PE | Athletics will take place with Mr. Snelling on Thursdays and I will be teaching striking and fielding games to the class on Friday mornings. Please make sure your child has the correct PE kit on those and days. |
DT |
In art we are going to be looking at how dinosaurs are portrayed. We will be exploring different media, and investigating how to draw dinosaurs in different shapes and positions.
Our DT work will mainly take place in the second part of the Summer term when we will be making playground equipment. |
Please do not hesitate to speak to me if you have any questions.
Many thanks
Sam Langan
If you have internet access at home, these are really useful websites to support your child’s learning;