Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 10
Parking Restrictions Along Stortford Road – to start 31st March
The parking restrictions along Stortford Road will come into effect from 31st March 2014. This is the last week of the Spring Term. Therefore from this date you will not be able to park along this road at specific times that are during ‘drop off’ and ‘pick times’ of the school day. The exact times are: 8.30 am – 10.00 am and 2.30 pm – 4 pm. Further information is in your child’s Friday Folder.
We have been assured that the pavement will be widened from the Fox and Hounds pub before this happens. The Fox and Hounds pub and the local shop have kindly agreed that parents can park in their car parks during these restricted times. If the shop car park is busy then we have been given permission to park around the back of the shop – eg school events such as Tray Day when the shop is open.
The Parent Forum is in the process of planning to re-start the Walking Bus from the shop and pub. We are hoping to activate this during next term.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Tom and Jo from the Fox and Hounds and Muru Visana from the local shop for their support and car park space.
Sports Hall Athletics
After winning the family tournament at NFGS, the sports athletics team went on to the district finals event at Forest Hall. They all participated incredibly well with great team spirit and came 4th!
Library Club
Unfortunately Aline Parriaux who has been helping with Library Club on Tuesday lunchtimes is no longer able to do so. We are very grateful to Ms Parriaux for all the time she has given up but are now looking for someone to replace her for half an hour each Tuesday or Wednesday lunchtime between 12.45 and 1.15pm. The role is very straightforward as the pupil librarians are very capable. If you are interested in helping out or would like some further information, please contact Mrs Poole via the school office.
Bad weather and snow patrol
In the event of severe weather conditions and possible school closure a notice will be placed on the school website and a Parentmail will also be sent, please be sure to check these before leaving for school. BBC Essex and Heart FM will also publish the names of CLOSED schools on their websites at www.bbc.co.uk/essex and www.heartessex.co.uk. Please take a look at the websites or listen to the radio stations if there is a likelihood of closure due to bad weather.
A path will be cleared to enable you to gain access to the school but care does still need to be taken.
We are looking for volunteers to help us clear the school in the event of snow. If you think you could be available at short notice please contact the school office and they will add you to our ‘Snow Patrol’ list. We are looking for people who could be called the morning of the severe weather to meet with Ron Docking, our handyman, to help him clear the snow. Please bring any useful spades or shovels with you. Thank you.
Week ending January 31st :
Reception: Lucy Carter – very careful and effective work to make a blossom painting
Year One: Lily Betts – super independent writing
Year Two: Annie Donker – extra effort and excellent progress in reading
Year Three: Ben Smith – showing a really mature attitude to improving his focus in class
Year Four: Luke Townsend – his enthusiastic approach to learning and his commitment to further
Year Five: Adam Pointer – his excellent poem on Bess from ‘The Highwayman’
Year Six: Elijah Bamford – for controlling tense changes in his writing a story with a flashback
For children who have achieved their personal best:
Max Griffin – for really careful writing by listening to the sounds to help him spell the words
Louis Russell – for working hard to make a detailed dragon from the dough and thinking of
interesting ways to describe it.
Year One:
Amelia Langbridge – for developing methods to find all possible number bonds to 10
Finley Anderson-Patmore – for developing methods to find all possible number bonds to 10
Year Two:
Annie Donker – for creative body shapes and the effort put into gymnastics
Amelie Windsor – for creative body shapes and the effort put into gymnastics
Year Three:
Joseph Moshtagh-Kahnamoui – for his positive attitude and contribution to classroom learning
Saffron Frewin – for her progress and effort in both her maths and literacy work
Year Four:
David Owen – working with great motivation and concentration on his rainforest poster
Thomas Livesey – for ‘going the extra mile’ to research his RE homework, by borrowing and reading a Children’s Bible from the main library
Year Five:
Sophie Eldrett – for trying to apply her targets to her writing and for her thoughtful contributions to Science lessons
Harry Chalk – for his enthusiasm in all areas of the curriculum and his effort to improve the presentation and pace of his work
Year Six:
Millie Hall – for demonstrating perseverance and resilience in maths resulting in excellent progress and achievement this term
Phoebe Love – for consistent effort and achievement in science
The Tidiest Classroom of the Week!
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Week beginning –
13.1.14 Class Reception
20.1.14 Class Five
27.1.14 Class Two
3.2.14 Class Three
6th January Spring Term starts
10th January Non-uniform day – House Cup Winners: Ludgate
17th January Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Class 6 parents 2.45 pm start
3rd – 6th February German students visiting us
14th February School Council event – ‘Dress as a Celebrity Day’ – money raiser
17th – 21st February Half Term
6th March Friends of Clavering ‘Clothes Swap’ event (Please note change of date)
14th March Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Class 3 parents 2.45 pm start
15th March Friends of Clavering – Quiz Night
18th March Parent Consultations 3.30 – 5.30 pm
19th March Parent Consultations 5 – 7pm
28th March Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Class 1 parents 2.45 pm start
31st March School Council ‘Spring Fayre’ to raise money for Juliana
3rd April Friends of Clavering Easter Fayre – 3.15pm
- Please note that on return to school we will be on Week 1 of the new school lunch menu.
- Please return the ‘emergency communication ladder’ contact information sheet as soon as possible, thank you to those parents who have already done so.
- There are still swimming monies outstanding and we have now received all invoices for payment for the autumn term. In order to settle these as soon as possible, we would be grateful if you could send in your child’s swimming fees if you haven’t already done so. Thank you very much to those parents who have already paid.
- Dinner Money for the next half term is £63.00, £10.50 per week, £2.10 per day. Dinner money should be sent in on a Monday morning for the week in a sealed envelope stating your child’s name, class and amount enclosed. Please note if a lunch is ordered but not taken, it must be cancelled before 11.00 am to avoid charge.
- Please remember to use the pavement to walk in and out of school, the school buses and other vehicles arriving at school make it very dangerous if children and adults are on the drive.
- School children and their siblings should not be on the climbing equipment after school.
- Parents should ensure that young children are properly supervised when waiting at the gate before the end of school and not allow them to disturb the classes at the front of the school building.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment.
Have a good weekend.
Rosalind Allsop