Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 16
Walk to School Month
As you are aware the children took part in a ‘Walk to School Month’ at the beginning of this term up and until half term. We were delighted with the response and the engagement of the children. The children enjoyed filling in their passport each morning recording the points they had earned. Year 6 collated all the totals and worked out which house had gained the most points. Wales won with 760 points and will be rewarded on 30th June with an extra playtime.
Friends of Clavering Film Night
We had our first ‘Film Night’ yesterday after school, which was a great success. The children watched Despicable Me 2 with a drink and popcorn.
Thank you to the Friends of Clavering for running and organising this event.
Fun Run
School fun run is next Monday 9th June. Please bring all sponsorship forms and money into school.
Please could children have sun cream, water bottles and sun hats for this event.
MIDDAY ASSISTANT FOR TWO TERMS (Autumn 2014 and Spring 2015.)
Band 1
Start date: September 4th 2014
We are looking to appoint an enthusiastic person to join our experienced and friendly team of Midday Assistants to take care and manage children during the midday break from 12.15 – 1.15 pm for up to 5 days a week (number of days to be agreed, term time only).
Your primary role will be to maintain the safety, welfare and good conduct of the pupils during the lunchtime period.
DBS checks and references will be obtained prior to appointment.
Further details and an application form are available from the School Office. Closing date for applications: 16th June. Interview date: TBC
Sports Day – advanced warning
Sports Day is taking place on Thursday 3rd July 10 – 12. All parents are welcome.
Rounders Tournament
On Wednesday 21st May, Years 5 and 6 went to NFGS for a family rounders tournament. The A team won two of their matches, lost two and drew the last game against Great Chesterford. The B team won five out of six matches and drew the last match against Clavering D team. Clavering C and D played very well too. Overall Clavering A came third in their tournament and Clavering B came first in theirs. Everyone played really well and had a great morning out.
by Archie Camp & Zak Zanella
Second hand Uniform Sale
The Friends of Clavering will be selling second hand uniform on Sports Day (3 July) and also at the induction morning for new parents on 20 June. If you have any school uniform at home that you would like to donate please bring it into the school office between now and 19th June. All proceeds of the sale of uniform go directly to the school.
With thanks
Friends of Clavering
Week ending May 16th
Reception: Jude Dunn – for working really hard on his letter formation and writing his name beautifully
Year One: Jayden Jones – for his super forward rolls
Year Two: Maisey Dillon – an excellent written report about our pond dipping
Year Three: Molly Hill – for an excellent personification poem
Year Four: Martha Collett – increased confidence in maths: keeping calm and carrying on!
Year Five: Joseph Berrett – for the big improvement in his reading and comprehension
Year Six: Freddie Cooke – a very positive approach to all of his work throughout the course of the
year, embracing all challenges. For stamina and a smile in sitting all of the additional SATs
this week.
Week ending May 23rd
Reception: Matilda Course – for a brilliant re-telling of our rain story
Year One: Grace Wardle – for being a kind and caring friend encouraging others to do their best.
Year Two: Isabella Budden – for her outstanding work about ‘the salt test’ in Science.
Year Three: Saffron Frewin – for her marvellous maths work this week.
Year Four: Hollie Buckley – for always putting great effort into everything she does
Year Five: Max West – for his sportsmanship and positive attitude at rounders
Year Six: Zak Zanella – for demonstrating excellent understanding and thinking skills in Science
100% Attendance Awards for Spring Term 2014. (Please note that illness or medical appointments during school time are not classed as attendance. School trips, visits and sporting events are).
Well done to:
Agatha Donker Isabelle Down Oliver Dyster Freddie Hill Louis Russell
Tilly Westoby Finlay Anderson-Patmore Bella Birch Jude Mack
Maya Parker Felix Phipps Ben Spicer Grace Wardle Georgie Collett
Daisy Coy William Crabb William Forster Sam Prentice Alexander Baker
Emily Berglund Imogen Kocher James Langbridge Isobel Palmer Max Sanderson
Edan Anderson-Patmore Lizzie Bohanon Heidi Buckley Hollie Buckley
Martha Collett Alice Donker Alice Forster Charlotte Green Sophie Hartley
Hannah Moloney Beth Parker Alex Taylor Luke Townsend Harry Chalk
George Coy Amelia Donker Sophie Eldrett Adam Pointer Elliott Wood
Lucas Berglund Joshua Blackaby Hattie Cooke Millie Hall Fergus Knowles
William Kocher Phoebe Love Samuel Miles Ben Wilkinson
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Week beginning –
12.5.14 Year Two and Year Four
19.5.14 Year Two
23.5.14 Katie Benbow – for helping the MDAs and Playleaders to put away all the equipment. Katie was
given THREE post it notes for our ‘Good News Wall’ to say thank you.
For children who have achieved their personal best:
Evie Fox – for super independent writing
Tilly Westoby – for super retelling of our story
Year One:
Lily Betts – for thinking so carefully about what she wants to write and how she is going to
write it.
Ben Spicer – for thinking so carefully about what she wants to write and how she is going to
write it.
Year Two:
Katie Benbow – for doing a lot of extra work at home about our learning in class especially
writing about Roald Dahl
William Crabb – for his exceptional writing about Roald Dahl
Year Three:
George Macfadyen – for really good progress and a responsible attitude to his learning.
Molly Hood – for increased confidence in maths
Year Four:
Sophie Hartley – for an informative and well written report on Britain’s preparation for war
Heidi Buckley – for a beautifully illustrated food chain
Year Five:
Daisy Collett – for being resilient and working hard to overcome challenges in understanding
her maths work.
Maddie Dudley-Scales – for always trying to do her best and meet her targets
Year Six:
Zachary O’Connell – for progress and achievement in both French and Spanish
Millie Hall – for effort, progress and achievement in Literacy, particularly in her written work.
22nd April Summer Term starts
24th April Class photographs
24th April SATs and Residential meeting for year 6 parents
2nd May Non uniform day for Ludgate – Spring Term House Cup winners
5th May Bank Holiday
12th – 16th May Year 6 SATs week
14th May Friends of Clavering Bag2School
19th May Assessment week for Classes 3, 4 and 5
26th – 30th May Half Term
5th June Friends of Clavering ‘Film Night’ from 3.15 pm
9th June Fun Run
16th June Year 6 visit Crucial Crew
20th June Induction Morning for new Reception parents
20th June Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Class 4 parents
25th June Years 3 and 4 visit Duxford
25th – 27th June Year 5 Residential to St. Marks
22nd – 25th June Year 6 Residential to Kingswood
27th June Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Reception parents
3rd July Sports Day (reserve date 11th July)
4th July Induction Day at Saffron Walden County High School for Year 6
7th July Inset Day – school closed/Tour de France
8th July Induction Day at Newport Free Grammar School and Saffron Walden County
High School for Year 6
9th July Years 5 and 6 visit the Houses of Parliament
10th July Tray Day/Open Afternoon 3.15 – 4.30 pm.
11th July School Fete
15th July Class Swap (11 – 12)
16th July Playleader Celebration at St. Marks
17th July Church Service am.
17th July Leavers’ Assembly pm.
18th July End of term 3.15pm
- Dinner Money for the summer term is £121.80 or £48.30 for the half term, £10.50 per week, £2.10 per day. Dinner money should be sent in on a Monday morning for the week in an envelope confirming your child/children’s names, class and amount enclosed. Please note if a lunch is ordered but not taken, it must be cancelled before 11.00 am to avoid charge.
- Please could we respect the front gardens along Stortford Road when we walk to and from school. Thank you.
- Unfortunately due to the number of school meals that we are producing (100+) on a daily basis we are unable to accommodate children who would like to swap from our school menu to the vegetarian option due to personal preference on the day. The vegetarian menu is for vegetarians only and has to be requested for by letter in advance with the view that the pupil will then stick to this dietary requirement.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment.
Have a good weekend
Rosalind Allsop