Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 17
Reception, Year One and Year Two visit Colchester Zoo
Our younger children spent a fantastic day at Colchester Zoo last Wednesday. All the children had a wonderful time looking at the animals at the zoo. Some took a ride on the train, others were able to feed the giraffes and everyone was able to get really close to lots of wild animals. The children and staff would like to thank all the parent helpers who accompanied us and helped to make the day such a success, in the words of Ollie Dyster “It was the best day of my life”!
Fun Run
The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves during the afternoon of the 9th June. They took part in our annual Fun Run as organised by the Friends of Clavering. The weather was kind to us despite the looming grey clouds. It was pleasing to see the older children encourage and support the younger ones. Thank you to the Friends of Clavering for organising and running the event. Thank you to all our parents for supporting the children.
Year 6 Speedwatch
On Thursday 12th June year 6, accompanied by two policemen and someone from the road safety company, went outside Clavering Primary School’s drive. Once a speeder was caught using a speed camera, the police would have a chat with them and send them to the pupils. Each pupil in the group would ask a question. A lot of speeders were embarrassed and many said they were late, didn’t see the speed limit sign or weren’t looking at their speedometer.
We found out that at the speed of 30 mph it takes 23 metres to stop, let alone 40 mph! We suggest that outside the school you go at 20 mph where it takes 12 metres to stop. We also found out that most road accidents take place in areas where you’re used to driving.
Elijah Bamford
Year 6 Bike Maintenance
On Wednesday 18th June Halfords came in to teach us how to change a tyre and fix a puncture on our bikes. They brought a bucket of water and a pump. When we pumped the inner tube up we put it in the water and looked for bubbles. If bubbles form you know there is a puncture and where it is. They showed us how to remove a tyre and inner tube. After that we went on to the decking and they showed us the ‘M’ check, which is a way of checking your bike is in full working order. We all enjoyed the afternoon.
Archie Camp and Freddie Cooke
Year 6 Pizza Sale and Pay to Play
Year 6 hosted a fun pay to play day on Friday 13th June, for the whole school to take part in, in order to raise funds for their play script and their fun day at St Marks. The price to play was £1 which also included a slice of pizza, homemade by Year 6, on Monday 9th.
Georgia, Olivia and Ella hosted a game called Jelly Beans. Millie, Hattie and Maya played an obstacle course. Phoebe, Izzy and Chloe did French cricket. Fergus, Ben and Lucas did football games. Freddie, Samuel, Zak and William did a parachute. Archie, Elijah and Zachary hosted cricket. Finally Jack, Josh and Alex hosted bowling.
A spokesperson from the school quoted “Despite the hot weather, Year 6 stayed outside and gave the children a very enjoyable experience, and gave the teachers a leisurely break!”
The end result of our fundraising was spectacular! All the children who played had fun, playing games that the playleaders organised, and the playleaders had fun teaching the games.
Georgia Spicer and Zachary O’Connell
Pre-school visiting Reception class
We are already preparing for our new Reception Class in September with lots of activities to help make the transition smoother.
The older children from Pre-school visit our school library every Tuesday afternoon for some stories and games. We have also had some shared story times at the end of the day and it is super to see the current Reception Class setting a good example to their younger friends.
When Reception Class were out for the day at Colchester Zoo, next year’s Reception children spent the morning in our classroom and familiarising themselves with the environment. They also went to the hall for their lunch and experienced going to the counter to collect a delicious roast dinner.
They will repeat this when we are out for the KS1 Athletics morning.
It was really nice today for the current Reception Class to visit their old Pre-school and they had a fabulous time playing with the younger children and re-acquainting themselves with their teachers and some favourite toys! Mrs Poole and Mrs Honour also had the chance to get to know some of next year’s children.
All of next year’s Reception Class will be spending part of the morning in school together on Tuesday 15th July so that they are familiar with their new surroundings before the big day in September!
Crucial Crew
On Monday 16th June Class 6 went to Crucial Crew for the afternoon in Thaxted. We learnt about drugs and alcohol, fire, smoking, shoplifting, internet safety and a lot more. We firstly got into groups and split up to go and do the activities. We saw role play scenarios, watched film clips and had discussions. Overall it was a really fun afternoon and we learnt a lot.
Hattie Cooke
Reception and Year 6 Forest School
A special morning at Snail Wood was enjoyed by all of Reception Class and their Year 6 buddies. Lots of fun was had building and trying out swings, obstacle courses, zip wires and other playground adventure activities. The time passed quickly and everyone was ready for a snack before dismantling the fantastic constructions and walking back to school wearing our new and very bright high visibility jackets!
Week ending June 6th
Reception: Rebecca Langton – for working really hard to write neatly
Year One: Seraphina Harris – for super phonic work
Year Two: Caitlin Mackenzie – for identifying complex sentences in a number of texts you have read.
Year Three: Ben Smith – for focussed learning and contributions to class discussions
Year Four: Sophie Miles – for fantastic organisational skills and her willingness to offer help.
Year Five: Georgia Carter – for greater effort with her written work
Year Six: Olivia Taylor – a good use of connectives and extended sentence work in French.
Week ending June 13th
Reception: Max Griffin – for a fabulous picture of an elephant after our zoo trip.
Year One: Ben Spicer – for super use of connecting words
Year Two: Ruairi Dillon – for always being polite and for neatly presented work.
Year Three: Emily Berglund – for impressing year 6 with her football skills in ‘Pay to Play’
Year Four: Jack Day – thinking about how to improve his sketches and applying new skills with success
Year Five: Harold Baker – for using perspective in his sketch.
Year Six: Georgia Spicer – for a systematic approach in maths, finding the prime factors of numbers
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Week beginning –
12.5.14 Year Two and Year Four
19.5.14 Year Two
2.6.14 Year Five
9.6.13 Year Four
13.6.14 Thomas Berrett and Max West – for organising a game for the Reception children at lunchtime
22nd April Summer Term starts
24th April Class photographs
24th April SATs and Residential meeting for year 6 parents
2nd May Non uniform day for Ludgate – Spring Term House Cup winners
5th May Bank Holiday
12th – 16th May Year 6 SATs week
14th May Friends of Clavering Bag2School
19th May Assessment week for Classes 3, 4 and 5
26th – 30th May Half Term
5th June Friends of Clavering ‘Film Night’ from 3.15 pm
9th June Fun Run
16th June Year 6 visit Crucial Crew
20th June Induction Morning for new Reception parents
20th June Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Class 4 parents
25th June Years 3 and 4 visit Duxford
25th – 27th June Year 5 Residential to St. Marks
22nd – 25th June Year 6 Residential to Kingswood
27th June Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Reception parents
3rd July Sports Day (reserve date 11th July)
7th July Inset Day – school closed/Tour de France
8th July Induction Day at Newport Free Grammar School and Saffron Walden County High
9th July Years 5 and 6 visit the Houses of Parliament
10th July Tray Day/Open Afternoon 3.15 – 4.30 pm.
11th July School Fete
15th July Class Swap (11 – 12)
16th July Playleader Celebration at St. Marks
17th July Church Service am.
17th July Leavers’ Assembly pm.
18th July End of term 3.15pm
Dinner Money for the summer term is £121.80 or £48.30 for the half term, £10.50 per week, £2.10 per day. Dinner money should be sent in on a Monday morning for the week in an envelope confirming your child/children’s names, class and amount enclosed. Please note if a lunch is ordered but not taken, it must be cancelled before 11.00 am to avoid charge.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment.
Have a good weekend
Rosalind Allsop