Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 5
Clavering Poppy Display
As you are aware we have been inspired by the poppy display at the Tower of London and produced our own ceramic poppies to display in the Friendship Garden on Remembrance Day. The children spent a minute’s silence on Remembrance Day contemplating the significance of the poppy and thinking about the many people who have lost their lives fighting in wars over the past century.
The children took the two minute’s silence very seriously. The poppy project has given them the chance to think more deeply about the impact of war and their research into family and community members lost in World War 1 gave the day particular meaning for the children.
The ceramic poppies are now available for families to purchase, with donations given to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. The school would also like to recognise the assistance of the art department at Saffron Walden County High School who fired the poppies in their kilns. We would also like to thank Mrs Rudkin for organising this event.
The School Council joined the local community at the local shop on Remembrance Day.
Folk Music at Clavering Primary School
It is always wonderful to welcome musicians to school and the recent afternoon of Scottish folk singing was no exception. Mr and Mrs Weatherston, Mrs Broadbent’s parents, who are part of a folk group, led an afternoon of collective singing. Favourite songs included, “You cannae push your Grannie off a bus” and “Sam the Skull” which told the tale of a Glaswegian alley cat.
KS2 Cross Country Event
Well done to the 48 children who qualified and participated in the Cross Country event held on Wednesday. The children were competing against other schools in North Uttlesford and were a credit to the school.
A special mention needs to be made to William Crabb and Thomas Dyster in Class 3 for coming 1st and 3rd for Year 3 boys. They will go through to the Essex finals at Southend in March.
A big thank you to all the parents who offered to help at the event.
Yr5 and Yr6 trip to The British Museum
On Monday 10th November Years 5 and 6 visited the British Museum as part of their topic on the Ancient Greeks. At the museum the children sketched examples of Greek statues, pots and parts of the Parthenon. They also had a workshop all about Greek myths and how to identify a hero from the clothes he was wearing or the items he carried. Afterwards we all agreed that we had learnt a lot of new information about the Ancient Greeks and that we had enjoyed the trip very much (despite the London traffic!) All the children were very well behaved and members of the public commented on their good behaviour and the work they were doing. Well done!
Year 4 Bikeability
This week, Year 4 have taken part in the Safer Cycling training scheme, Bikeability. This training, undertaken in an off-road environment, helps the children cycle in a safe and controlled way and prepares them for the next stage of training in year 6.
Led by Mrs Julie Palmer and Mrs Lisa Wright, the children demonstrated sufficient skills to all pass the Level One training. Congratulations to year 4 and a huge thank you to Julie and Lisa for enabling this to happen.
Children in Need
As part of Children in Need on Friday 14th November, all the pupils dressed up as super heroes. Everyone looked very colourful and a lot of effort was put into the costumes. Thank you for your generous support we raised £350!
Parent Forum
Parent Forum met for the second time this term on Wednesday. The School Improvement Plan areas that parents could possibly support with were discussed and ideas shared. The possibility of a Walking Bus was discussed. Plans and ideas are being explored for there to be another Professional Week sometime next term.
Snow Patrol
It’s getting to that time of year again – if you would like to volunteer your services to help Mr Docking to clear the school grounds in the event of snow, please let the office know so that we can compile a list of names. We are very grateful for any offers of help, so that school can, where possible, remain open.
Week ending November 7th
Reception Olly O’Hara – being a brilliant listener and a hard worker
Year One Thomas Harris – his expert knowledge about Bonfire Night
Year Two Sofia Hulme – her brilliantly sewn hand puppet and for helping others.
Year Three Daisy Coy – for working clearly and systematically to master taking away using a number line
Year Four Emer O’Keefe – her expressive response to listening to ‘Mars’ from the Planets Suite
Year Five Thomas Livesey – his interest and enthusiasm in our topic on the Ancient Greeks
Year Six Elliott Wood – for demonstrating excellent understanding of our Science through his narrative writing of ‘a journey through my body’.
Week ending November 14th
Reception Joshua Philpott – learning all his sounds. Brilliant work!
Year One Freddie Hill – for fantastic listening and always doing his best.
Year Two Rachel Owen – for brilliant African mask sketches
Year Three Patrick Neagu – for recording the unit of measurement and writing sentence answers in our word problem in maths
Year Four Charlie La Roche – for using adjectives well to describe fruit in French
Year Five Sophie Hartley – for fantastic French adding the correct ending to adjectives
Year Six Jessica Barker – for consistent effort and enthusiasm which is reflected
in the excellent progress and achievement made this term.
20.11.14 Cameron Bower – for being extremely helpful, yet again, in the playground. Cameron was given 6 post it notes!!
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Week beginning –
8.9.14: Year 6
15.9.14: Year 2
22.9.14: Year 5
29.9.14: Year 3
13.10.14: Year 1
20.10.14: Year 2
3.11.14 Reception
10.11.14 Year 4
November 21st Sharing assembly – invitation for class 2 parents to attend
November 25th and 26th Parent consultations
November 28th Non-uniform day- for bottles and chocolates for the Fayre
December 2nd Flu Immunisation
December 3rd Book Bus
December 4th Tray Day 3.15 – 4.00pm
December 5th Christmas Fayre
December 6th Spirit of Christmas for school choir – pm
December 10th KS2 dress rehearsal am
December 10th KS1 dress rehearsal pm
December 11th KS1 performance pm
December 11th KS2 performance eve
December 11th Reception Nativity play am
December 15th Christmas Shopping Morning
December 17th Christmas lunch
December 19th Term ends for Christmas – 3.15 pm
January 5th Spring term starts
Swimming for this term is for year 2 and 3 on Mondays. Please make sure your payments are up to date, the cost is £4.00 per week, £52.00 per term. Please make cheques payable to Clavering Primary School.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment.
Have a good weekend
Rosalind Allsop