Money Week
Monday 1st June saw the beginning of an exciting money week at Clavering. Everybody got involved in all kinds of activities. Key Stage 1 learned all about coins, counting money, shopping, prices and played a range of games, even taking part in a money treasure hunt. Key Stage 2 classes extended their experience to other currencies and exchange rates. They explored needs and wants, what we use money for and whether it makes us happy. Some children created pocket money policies considering whether children should be given pocket money, how much, whether to spend or save and if it should be earned – these make interesting reading! Others also investigated bank accounts, interest rates and the range of ways to pay for things: cheques, credit and debit cards or even simply with a mobile phones.
Year 6 embarked upon an enterprise challenge. They divided into groups with a target to raise £500 in just one week.
Georgia, Sophie, Amelia and Teija ran a very successful succession of ‘PJ Sports Days’ for children in Reception through to Year 3. Everybody dressed up and enjoyed a number of races including the use of balloons (quickly replaced by bean bags after they blew away!) and sacks. Children were rewarded with rosettes and everybody enjoyed an ice lolly at the end.
Thomas, Jack, George and Harry organised wellie wanging out on the field which was great fun. Levi (Y5), Sebastian (Y2) and James (Y4) were the winners of their groups.
Maddie, George, Jessica, Daisy and Ziggy set up a ‘funky foto booth’ for Years 4-6 in the library. Children had great fun dressing up in accessories including hats, glasses, feathers, tutus and tiaras with their friends and each received a photograph in a funky frame which the group had also made themselves.
Elliot, Max, Harry, Joseph and Lawrence ran cup cake decorating workshops for Key Stage 1 – some delicious creations were made which disappeared very quickly. The group also baked a Victoria sponge and giant cookie which they raffled and were won by Mrs Abusham and Summer.
The end of the week saw an ice cream sale at play time. A variety of toppings, sauces and sprinkles ensured that everybody enjoyed a sticky treat in the sunshine.
The children raised close to £600 which they are using to help fund their end of year show and play leader celebrations as well as sending a large donation to help in Nepal.
Well done everyone and thank you for all your support.