Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 18
Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 18 17.6.16
Welcome to Imogen Allen and family. Imogen joined Class 3 after half term.
Years Reception, 1 and 2 visit Hedingham Castle
Class R, 1 and 2 had an exciting trip learning about castle life in the past at Castle Hedingham. All the children took part in a re-enactment day where they learned about life in Medieval times from Lady Phillipa, a cook, musicians and dancers, a monk, an archer, a herbalist and a knight trainer! They were all impressed by the distance the arrows travelled from Sam the Archer. The children were fantastic all day long, listening, taking part and answering questions. We were all pleasantly surprised by the cool temperature inside the Caste Keep, which shaded us from the beautiful sunshine. However, we decided that life now in 2016 is much happier and healthier!
Years 3 and 4 Audley End House
On Tuesday 14th June, classes 3 and 4 visited Audley End. During the morning, the children each made environmentally friendly plant pots from newspaper which they filled with compost and planted with seeds. Gemma, the Audley End gardener, gave each class a guided tour of the kitchen garden and greenhouses, describing how the gardens in the past, would have provided all the fruit, vegetables and flowers for the house. Very old varieties of plants are still grown and all methods of cultivation are organic.
As part of the English Heritage festival to celebrate 300 years since the birth of Capability Brown, a member of staff explained to the children, how the parklands and gardens of Audley End had been re designed by this famous landscape gardener to look, ‘natural’. Dodging the rain showers, the children then sketched aspects of the landscape, carried out a scavenger hunt in the parterre garden and completed the interesting day with a walk through some rooms in Audley End House.
The Queen’s Birthday Celebrations
The children had a fun packed afternoon celebrating the Queen’s birthday. After a themed school lunch the whole school attended a street party on the lower playground with party food and music. We would like to thank the Friends of Clavering who supported the event in the afternoon and the catering staff for providing a super themed lunch.
Year 6 Enterprise Challenge
Year 6 would like to thank everyone who has supported them with their Enterprise Challenges over the last two weeks.
They have been working hard in groups to raise money for their chosen charity, Cancer Research, and towards a celebration Play Leader day out at the end of term.
Movie mornings were much enjoyed by all children in the school with popcorn and drinks. Congratulations to William Carter in Reception Class and Harry Clark in Year 4 who won the DVDs in a raffle at the end of the showings.
The sun almost came out on Monday for the ice cream parlour and everyone enjoyed all kinds of toppings on their ice creams (and on their hands, faces…) at play time.
Teachers were treated to lunch on Wednesday with a delicious menu of lasagne and sticky toffee pudding.
At the time of writing a group are busy preparing for a treasure hunt for Years 2, 3 and 4.
The final group are planning to host afternoon tea for mums (and dads) of Year 6 children later this term – details to follow.
Year 6 Rounders Tournament
On Wednesday 8th June, Year 6 went to a rounders tournament at JFAN. We were divided into two mixed teams, team 1 and team 2. We were very lucky it was such a sunny day, however, we didn’t bring enough water! We started off the day with some short, but still challenging, games to determine our abilities. Then, in the afternoon, we were sorted into sets. Group 1 was put into set 4 and group 2 were put into set 2. The afternoon was exciting but also difficult. Overall group 1 came 4th in set 4 and group 2 came 2nd in set 2. We loved our hot day in the sun, a lovely picnic, and would love to go back again.
By Sophie Hartley, Alex Taylor & Hannah Sowter
Sun Protection
At last the sunny weather has arrived! Please can you ensure that on sunny days your child brings a hat to wear at breaktimes and lunchtimes. Wide-brimmed or legionnaires hats, which have a cloth attached on the back to give additional protection to the neck, are perfectly acceptable. Sunglasses are not allowed and sun lotion (long lasting waterproof sunscreen with a high protection factor and high UVA protection) should be applied just before the children come to school. This should last until after school and overcomes the need for pupils to bring in lotion.
School starts at 8.50 a.m.
We have noticed several children that are consistently arriving late for school – ‘late’ is defined by not being within the school gates by 8.50 a.m.
Please make every effort to be at school on time and if you know that your journey will be disrupted by road works, do allow time for this. Thank you.
In the interest of safety, as well as appearance, pupils should wear suitable footwear for school. Shoes should fasten securely and be plain black and low heeled with enclosed toes. Boots, sandals, sling backs and trainers are not appropriate for school. Trainers can be worn for PE.
An opportunity to raise funds for Clavering Primary School when shopping online:
To raise funds for Clavering Primary School before shopping online –
- please click on www.easyfundraising.org.uk
- then click on Friends of Clavering Primary School.
- Every purchase through many websites (including Amazon and John Lewis) raises a percentage for the school.
Week ending May 27th
Reception James Elphick – fabulous writing
Year One Joshua Philpott – super writing
Year Two Louis Russell – for working hard
Year Three Jude Mack – great discussion and comprehension skills during group reading this week
Year Four Grace Livesey – being an excellent reading partner in shared reading
Year Five Emily Berglund – her brilliant ‘pencil’ poem in the style of Emily Dickenson
Year Six Thomas Livesey – for super ‘bird spotter’ writing
Week ending June 10th
Reception Conor Matthews – for making extra effort all week. Listening, tidying, working hard.
Year One Rosie McNaughton – for making fantastic historical knowledge about castle life
Year Two Thomas Harris – super tallying and great graph drawing
Year Three Millie Smith – being very helpful and working hard
Year Four Isabella Budden – for writing an interesting and detailed postcard in French
Year Five Harrison Bower – for the fantastic bunting he made for homework
Year Six Hannah Moloney – for being kind and supportive to younger children
Reception Class – for helping the Midday Assistants and Playleaders
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Week beginning:
18.4.16 Year 2
25.4.16 Year R
2.5.16 Year 6
9.5.16 Year 4
16.5.16 Year 5
23.5.16 Year 3
6.6.16 Year 1
13.6.16 Year 4
19th – 22nd June Year 6 residential to Kingswood
23rd June Crucial Crew for Year 6
23rd June Reception Induction Morning
24th June Sharing assembly – an invitation for Class 4 parents
20th – 24th June Hobby Week
25th June Clavering Village Fete
29th June – 1st July Year 5 residential to St. Marks
1st July Sharing assembly – an invitation for Reception Class parents
8th July Induction morning for Year 6 pupils at SWCHS and JFAN
9th July Friends of Clavering Cricket Match Clavering vs Chrishall
11th July Induction morning for Year 6 pupils at SWCHS
13th July Extended Tray Day 3.15 – 4.30pm
13th and 14th July Archaeological Dig
13th July Class Swap (11 – 12)
15th July School Fete Summer Garden Party
18th July Play Leader Celebration Day out (to be confirmed)
19th July Sports Day
21st July Leavers’ Assembly 1.45pm
21st July Church Service
22nd July Break up for the summer 3.15 pm
18th May Family Rounders 9.30 – 11.30 Year 6
25th May Family Kwik Cricket Boys am Girls pm
8th June USSP Rounders 9.30 – 3.30
15th June USSP Kwik Cricket Boys am, Girls pm
22nd June KS2 Athletics 10.00 – 1pm
29th June KS1 Athletics 9.30 – 11.30
8th July Year 2 Talent Camp 2 children from Year 2
- Please remember do NOT park at the shop for school events (eg class assemblies, school plays, Tray Day and Sports Day) only for drop off and pick up. The Fox and Hounds are more than happy to accommodate parking at all times. Parking at the shop prevents customers from accessing the shop. Please also be mindful of where you park along Stortford Road outside the imposed restrictions. We have had cars parked opposite the school drive which has made crossing the road and access for the school buses very difficult
- Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers
- We are collecting the Active Kids vouchers from Sainsbury’s. If you shop in Sainsbury’s, we would be very grateful if your children could bring any vouchers into school.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment.
Have a good half term.
Rosalind Allsop