Year 6 Enterprise Challenge
Year 6 would like to thank everyone who has supported them with their Enterprise Challenges over the last two weeks.
They have been working hard in groups to raise money for their chosen charity, Cancer Research, and towards a celebration Play Leader day out at the end of term.
Movie mornings were much enjoyed by all children in the school with popcorn and drinks. Congratulations to William Carter in Reception Class and Harry Clark in Year 4 who won the DVDs in a raffle at the end of the showings.
The sun almost came out on Monday for the ice cream parlour and everyone enjoyed all kinds of toppings on their ice creams (and on their hands, faces…) at play time.
Teachers were treated to lunch on Wednesday with a delicious menu of lasagne and sticky toffee pudding.
At the time of writing a group are busy preparing for a treasure hunt for Years 2, 3 and 4.
The final group are planning to host afternoon tea for mums (and dads) of Year 6 children later this term – details to follow.