Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 5
Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 5 18.11.16
Years 5 and 6 visit the British Museum
On 3rd November we went to the British Museum. When we got there we went into one of the rooms where there were the Elgin Marbles! We looked around the room to see which marble we wanted to sketch. If we managed to finish the marble we were sketching then we could move onto another design.
After lunch Class 5 and Class 6 went to a talk. The woman talked about Greek Mythology and how to recognise a Greek God or Goddess in Greek poetry.
Once the talk had finished we went to look round the museum to see if we could spot any famous greek people. As soon as we had looked around the rooms we went downstairs to sketch the replica of the Parthenon. After we had finished sketching, we went to get our things and then travelled back to school! We learnt a lot and had a fantastic day!
By Isabella and Petra
Years 3 and 4 visit Colchester Castle
Classes 3 and 4, as part of their topic on the Romans, visited Colchester Castle on 3rd November. Each class had a workshop where they built a Celtic roundhouse and a Roman villa. We also had a story tour of the vaults where we found out lots of interesting facts about the Romans in Colchester and the revolt led by Boudicca. We spent some time in the Roman rooms sketching artefacts and trying on Celtic clothes and Roman soldier’s armour, which was very heavy! All the children and adults enjoyed the day and learnt a lot about the Romans in Britain.
School Council visit the Christian Centre for Remembrance Day
On Friday November 11th the School Council, accompanied by Mrs Martin, Mrs Abusham, Mrs Casson and Mrs Kellet represented the school at the village Remembrance Day service at the Christian Centre. At school, 1 minute silence was held in every class at 11 o’clock.
Cross Country Finals
On Wednesday 16th November years 3,4,5 and 6 went to cross country. We were running against at least another 5 schools. Everybody was helping each other. Some people got medals. We all had fun!!
By Matilda Course
Congratulations to Matilda Course, Georgie Collett and Millie Denyer and the girls Year 5 & 6 team who have all made it through to the finals.
School Admissions – Primary and Secondary – Apply Now!!
To apply quickly and easily for primary and secondary school places go online to www.essex.gov.uk/admissions
For secondary applications – (children in year 6) apply between 5 September 2016 to 31 October 2016
For primary applications – (child born between 1 September 2012 and 31 August 2013) apply between 14 November 2016 to 15 January 2017
23rd November E-Safety Awareness Training at Joyce Frankland for all parents, 7-9pm
25th November Flu Immunisation
25th November Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Year 4 parents
30th November Year 5 Science Trip
2nd December Christmas Fayre – Friends of Clavering
7th December Tray Day 3.15 – 4pm
8th December Reception visit Audley End Railway
14th December KS1 Dress Rehearsal – 10.00 am
KS2 Dress Rehearsal – 2.00 pm
15th December Reception Nativity – 10.00 am
KS1 performance – 2.00 pm
KS2 performance – 7.00 pm
19th December Christmas Shopping Morning – Friends of Clavering
20th December Christmas Lunch
20th December Church Service
20th December Christmas Entertainment, Friends of Clavering
21st December Cross Country event am.
21st December End of term
5th January Spring Term begins
Week ending November 4th
Reception Kayleigh Philpott – brilliant phoneme spotting
Year One Chloe Pemberton – a super drawing of Guy Fawkes
Year Two Alice Elphick – super sentence writing this week
Year Three Agatha Donker – for challenging herself in Maths
Year Four Grace Wardle – for trying hard and completing her work in the time given
Year Five Molly Pemberton – great effort and sporting ethos at the cross country event
Year Six Harrison Bower – for representing Clavering and Year 6 well with intelligent questions and
contributions as well as good manners on our visit to The British Museum
Week ending November 11th
No assembly because of school photographs
Rory Heald – for noticing a MDA clearing away play equipment after the bell and offering to do it for her.
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Week ending –
30.9.16 Class 5
3.10.16 Class 6
10.10.16 Class 6
17.10.16 Class 3
4.11.16 Class 3
11.11.16 Class 4
18.11.16 Class 4
Swimming for this term is for Years 2 and 3 on Mondays. Please make sure your payments are up to date, the cost is £5.00 per week, £65.00 per term. Please make cheques payable to Clavering Primary School.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment
Have a good weekend
Rosalind Allsop