Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 9
Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 9 29.1.17
Swimming Gala
On Wednesday 18th January a team of 31 children in Key Stage 2 took part in the annual Swimming Gala at the Lord Butler Leisure Centre in Saffron Walden. The children were excited and a little nervous as they arrived at the pool, but quickly overcame their nerves when the races began. The children swam different strokes ranging from front crawl to butterfly in individual races and then all competed in relay races. All the children swam incredibly well and were a credit to the school.
Year 4 swimmers Seraphina, Keira, Albany, Grace, Finley, Oscar, Ben and Teddy
Year 5 swimmers, Petra, Georgie, Isabella, Grace, Edward, Tom, William and Sam
Year 6 swimmers, Emily, Amelia, Molly, Millie, Sam, Freddie and Harrison
And a special mention needs to be given to the Year 3 swimmers, Matilda, Martha, Kitty, Olly, Freddie, Jack and Daniel who, despite being their first swimming gala, swam with speed and confidence.
Well done.
Talent Camp Trials
Emily, Freddie and Millie in Year 6 attended trials to go forward to an athletics talent camp earlier this week. They all enjoyed the experience and are looking forward to hearing if they have been selected to go through.
Sports Hall Athletics
Representatives from Year 5 and 6 took park in an indoor athletics tournament at JFAN on Wednesday. The children performed extremely well with a very comfortable overall win, beating teams from four other local primary schools. They now go forward to compete in the next round against other group winners. Well done and good luck!
Parent Forum
The Parent Forum met on Wednesday, of this week, to discuss the themed week for this year involving members of the community. Previous years we have had highly successful Professional, Global and Hobbies Weeks. This year it will be an International Week 2nd May – 5th May.
As before, we are looking for volunteers to visit a class and talk to the children to develop their Speaking and Listening skills and also extend their knowledge about the world around them. Parent Forum representatives will be in touch in the near future requesting volunteers.
At the meeting we also shared the latest developments to our outside space and the work on our school pond.
Thank you to all the representatives for their support and for attending the meeting.
Friends of Clavering Fundraiser and Tesco
Dear Parents,
Happy New Year to you all! And a special thank you to all those who have kindly offered to give an hour of their time over the next three weekends at the Saffron Walden branch of Tesco’s.
Just a reminder that we are kicking off with £1 bacon butties and a second-hand book stall this Saturday from 8am ’til 2pm. So if you are in town, please come along and support us and tell your family and friends.
We still need volunteers to man the stalls or shake buckets, so it isn’t too late to sign up to help. One hour long slots available to cover the following times:
Sat 14th: 10am-1pm
Sat 21st: 9am-2pm
Sat 28th: 10am-2pm
If you have offered help and haven’t heard anything, please let Sonja Phipps or the office know. One kind person forgot to put their name on the form.
Please bring any second-hand books you would like to donate to the office.
Tesco have pledged to buy the school an outdoor table tennis table. Any money we raise over and above this target will be donated to Friends of Clavering, so let’s make this a success. This is especially important, since our monkey bars are now needing to be replaced due to wear and tear. It’ll be fantastic to give our children something new in the playground!
Thank you for all your support on behalf of the Friends of Clavering team.
Sonja Phipps
Bad weather
In the event of severe weather conditions and possible school closure a notice will be placed on the school website.
This year BBC Essex and Heart FM will not be announcing or publicising via websites. Parents will be notified via our new school website or the Essex County Council on the ‘Emergency School Closures’ page: http://www.essex.gov.uk/education-schools/schools/dates/pages/emergency-school-closures.aspx
Please note that when the school is open in bad weather a path will be cleared to enable you to gain access to the school but care does still need to be taken.
Snow Patrol
It’s getting to that time of year again – if you would like to volunteer your services to help Mr Docking to clear the school grounds in the event of snow, please let the office know so that we can compile a list of names. We are very grateful for any offers of help, so that school can, where possible, remain open.
5th January Spring Term starts
13th January Non-uniform day – House Cup Winners: Ludgate
9th February Friends of Clavering Disco
13th – 17th February Half Term
22nd February NSPCC Workshops
28th February Parent Consultations 3.30 – 5.30 pm
2nd March Parent Consultations 5 – 7pm
4th March Quiz Night
10th March Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Class 2 parents 2.45 pm start
17th March Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Class 1 parents 2.45 pm start
22nd March Tray Day 3.15 – 4pm
27th March School Council Spring Fayre
30th March Church
30th March Friends of Clavering Easter Fayre
31st March Friends of Clavering Easter Egg Hunt
31st March End of term
17th April Bank Holiday
18th April INSET
19th April Summer Term starts
23rd April Friends of Clavering Ramble
Wednesday 18th January Swimming Gala 32 KS2 children am
Monday 23rd January Talent Camp Trials Year 6
Wednesday 25th January Sports Hall Athletics Year 6 pm
Wednesday 1st February Tag Rugby Upper KS2
Wednesday 22nd February Hockey Tournament
Wednesday 1st March KS2 Dance and Gym Show
Wednesday 8th March High 5 Years 5 and 6 pm
Wednesday 22nd March KS1 Dance KS1 am
Week ending January 13th
Reception Matilde – for her amazing shape hunting, even finding a semi-circle outside
Year One Tommy – for super writing about his feelings
Year Two Henry – for giving good thought and discussion in our points of view lesson
Year Three Tilly – for the excellent presentation of her work
Year Four Seraphina – for always being kind and thoughtful
Year Five Maddie – for starting the year with great effort and achievement
Year Six James – for good thinking in Maths exploring number problems
Week ending January 20th
Reception Aurelia – for learning the rules and fitting in quickly at Forest School
Year One William – for enthusiastic writing in Science
Year Two Harry – for being a polite and well-mannered member of the class
Year Three Abigail – for good team work in Science
Year Four Felix – for finding his own mistakes in Maths and correcting them – a tricky task.
Year Five Gianluca – for good contribution to class discussions
Year Six Charlie – for excellent French speaking and writing.
William (Class 5) – for helping the Midday Assistants, without being asked, collect coats and play equipment
Rory (Class 1) – for helping the Midday Assistants, on numerous occasions, tidy away the play equipment
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Autumn Term Winners: Classes 3 and 5
Week ending –
13.1.17 Reception
20.1.17 Class Four
Dinner money for this half term is £56.70 or £119.70 for the whole of the spring term (to Easter). The cost of a meal is £2.10 a day, £10.50 for a week. Dinner money should be sent in to school on a Monday in your child’s Friday Folder and should be in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and amount enclosed written on the front. Cheques should be made payable to Clavering Primary School.
Please note that Years Reception, One and Two do not have to pay for their meals as they are part of the National Universal Free School Meal offer.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment.
Have a good weekend.
Rosalind Allsop