Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 19
As the final letter of the term, I would once again like to thank all members of the school community for their support and hard work, which has culminated in another great year for Clavering Primary School. The year 6 are to be congratulated on their SATs results (details below). After reading all the reports, it would appear that all the children have progressed well across the school and have enjoyed their learning
We wish year 6 well as they leave to attend their secondary schools in September. We are looking forward to watching their play, which is to be part of their Leavers’ Assembly next week. We wish them all every success for the future.
We would also, once again, like to say farewell to Mrs Langan who will be leaving us at the end of term after 12 years.
Your child’s annual school report was distributed recently. This is in addition to the new Interim Report that was circulated earlier in the year. I hope found them useful and an informative summary of your child’s progress during the current academic year, as well as information as to how they are performing against the national expectations.
2017 KS2 SATs Results
Congratulations to Year 6 for their SATs results. We are pleased with the results. We have exceeded national and Essex expectations for another year.
This year is the second year of the new assessment system, which is a measure that is completely different from previous years and is not comparable. Progress measures are to be released in due course, by the government and we are yet to hear what the higher achievement threshold is. Outlined below are the test results taken during SATs week and the Teacher Assessment grade for the whole year.
In summary (1 child equates to approximately 5.5%. ) –
Reading: Test 89% (national 71%).
Grammar Punctuation and Spelling: GPS test 89% (national 77%). There isn’t a test for writing.
Mathematics: Test 89% (75% national).
We are particularly pleased with our potential Greater Depth scores. Greater Depth is a much higher level than the National Expected. If the Threshold is the same as last year, we attained: Reading 56%, Writing 11%, GPS 67% and Mathematics 39%.
Yrs 1 and 2 Henry Moore Trip
Years 1 and 2 had a wonderful – scorching hot – day at Henry Moore Foundation in Perry Green. They enjoyed a tour of the grounds and studios, identifying themes and techniques in Henry Moore’s work. The children were amazed at the scale and number of sculptures and enjoyed playing among the larger pieces. They have since made their own mini maquettes inspired by the visit – perhaps we’ve inspired some budding young sculptors.
Year 6 children attend a Maths Challenge Day at County High
On Wednesday 4th July, Harrison, Amelia, Isaac and Charlie went to the maths competition and came 4th out of 6 other schools. They met at reception and met Esme, their year 10 buddy, who helped them throughout the day. They did lots of challenges such as a shuttle challenge which was hard but fun. They also met the head teacher of County High who congratulated everyone at the end on their maths skills and behaviour.
Harrison, Amelia, Isaac, Charlie
Transition and farewells
Induction days
Year 6 pupils who will be joining Joyce Frankland Academy and Saffron Walden County High School enjoyed induction days recently. Pre-school and Reception class have been visiting the school and staying for lunchtimes as part of the transition process. Class swaps for the other children will take place next week.
Parent Forum
Our Parent Forum met yesterday to review the year, thank our representatives and view the progress of our Outside Area.
I would like to thank our representatives for this year (listed below) for their support and time:
- Year R Helen Casson and Nienke Van De Sande
- Year 1 Dan Carter and Katherine Elphick
- Year 2 Sarah Birch and Laura Donlon
- Year 3 Lucy Hill and Emma Waldock
- Year 4 Sonja Phipps
- Year 5 Kym Elliston
- Year 6 Sophie Chalk and Jayne Hartley
If anyone is interested in joining the Parent Forum for next year we could be looking for representatives, for classes Reception, one in Class 5 and one in Class 6. Please contact the office if you are interested.
Friends of Clavering – Thank you
A huge thank you to Rachel Betts and her team for all their hard work this year raising money for the school. It is greatly appreciated as it makes a considerable difference to what we can provide for the pupils. The Friends of Clavering contributed to the majority of the supportive funds needed to enhance the Teaching and Learning within the school. Thank you to all the parents that have supported the events throughout the year. We are extremely fortunate to have such an active and supportive team
Thank you to all the Parents, Staff and Pupils for filling out our annual questionnaires. We are in the process of collating and analysing the findings which, as before, will inform our School Improvement Plan for next year. We will share these with you next term.
Class Structure from September 2017
Please see our class structure below for September.
We would like to welcome Miss Hagger, Mrs Barker, Mrs Wyatt, Mrs Lawless, Mrs Woodman to our team. Miss Hagger will be teaching in Class One, Mrs Barker and Mrs Wyatt Learning Support Assistants in Reception Class, Mrs Lawless a Learning Support Assistant in Class One and Mrs Woodman Learning Support Assistants in Classes 2 and 3 as indicated below –
Classes for September 2017
Year group | Class teacher | Learning Support Assistant |
Reception | Mrs Course | Mrs Berrett
Mrs Barker and Mrs Wyatt |
Class One (Year One) | Miss Hagger | Mrs Martin and Mrs Lawless |
Class Two (Year Two) | Mrs Rudkin and Miss Sabin (Mrs Hall maternity cover) | Mrs Woodman
Mrs Thomas and Mrs Abrahams |
Class Three (Year Three) | Mrs Hall | Mrs Woodman and Mrs Perry
Mrs Abrahams, Mr Snelling, Mrs Abusham and Mrs Martin |
Class Four (Year Four) | Ms Crosby | Mrs Sullivan and Mrs Abusham |
Class Five (Year Five) | Miss Turner | Mrs Carline |
Class Six (Year Six) | Mrs Lipscomb | Mrs Martin |
The children will be spending time with their new teacher on Wednesday 19th July as part of ‘Class Swap’.
Expansion of Clavering Primary School
As a follow up to the letter that was distributed at the beginning of May. We are writing to inform you that Clavering Primary School has been in discussion with Essex County Council over the past few months, looking at the potential to expand the school in response to an increasing demand for primary places. The governing body sees this as a positive opportunity for the school and has accepted that expansion needs to take place.
The reason for the expansion is to meet the extra demand for school places in the area. Projected pupil numbers, supplied by the Local Authority show a sharp rise over the next few years and as such, these children need to be accommodated within their local schools.
Clavering will expand from a capacity of 175 to a capacity of 210 places over a period of 7 years. The school will admit 5 extra pupils in Foundation Stage every year and will grow organically until the school reaches its full capacity of 210 pupils.
The first formal intake of 30 children (1 form entry) being from September 2018.
The County Council has indicated that capital funding would be available to support the expansion of the school so that it can provide extra classroom space where needed to accommodate the extra pupils. The building project would be delivered by Essex County Council.
If you have any queries then please contact me via the School Office
Sun Protection
Please can you ensure that on sunny days your child brings a hat to wear at breaktimes and lunchtimes. Wide-brimmed or legionnaires hats, which have a cloth attached on the back to give additional protection to the neck, are perfectly acceptable. Sunglasses are not allowed and sun lotion (long lasting waterproof sunscreen with a high protection factor and high UVA protection) should be applied just before the children come to school. This should last until after school and overcomes the need for pupils to bring in lotion.
Notice for Parents of Children in Year 3 from September 2017
Free School Meals
Automatic entitlement to a free school meal finishes at the end of Year 2 and only children from low income families are eligible from Year
If your household income is less than £16,190 per year, or you receive Income Support or an equivalent benefit, you will need to make an application in August if you want your child to receive a free school meal from September.
Applications can be made from 1 August 2017 online at www.essex.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals or by calling 0345 603 2200.
Lost Property
A large amount of lost property is collecting. If your child has lost any clothing please could you have a look through the collection to see if any of it belongs to you. It will be displayed in the main entrance during the last week of term. After this time it will need to be re-cycled.
School starts at 8.50 a.m.
We have noticed several children that are consistently arriving late for school – ‘late’ is defined by not being within the school gates by 8.50 a.m.
Please make every effort to be at school on time and if you know that your journey will be disrupted by road works, do allow time for this. Thank you
Clubs and Swimming for the Autumn term – All clubs start week beginning 11th September
MONDAY | Bedazzle | 3.15 – 4.15
(starts 11th September 2017l) |
All year groups |
Tennis | 3.15 – 4.15 | All year groups | |
Boys Football | 3.15 – 4.15 Years 4 – 6
(start Monday 11th September) |
TUESDAY | Gymnastics | 3.15 – 4.15 Years 5 & 6
(to start after October half term) |
Girls and Boys Football Club | 3.15 – 4.15 Year 1 | ||
Choir Art Club |
3.15 – 4.15
TBC September TBC |
Years 3 & 4
Years 3 – 6
THURSDAY | Girls Football | 3.15 – 4.15 | Years 4 – 6
FRIDAY | Girls Boys Football
Hockey |
3.15 – 4.15
3.15 – 4.15 At Newport Start date TBC |
Years 2 & 3
Year 5 & 6
Swimming will be for Years 2 and 3 and will start on Monday 11th September. A letter will follow early in September.
Music Lessons
Music lessons will start the week beginning 11th September. Music letters will be sent out early in September.
10th July Induction Day for children transferring to JFAN and SWCHS
11th July Parent Consultations 3.30 – 5.30pm
12th July Parent Consultations 5 – 7pm
12th July Sports Day 10 – 12
13th July Year 5 outdoor pursuits day
17th July Play Leader Celebration Day out
19th July ‘Class Swap’ (11 – 12)
20th July Leavers’ Assembly 1.45pm
20th July Church Service am TBC
21st July Break up for the summer 3.15 p
Week ending June 30th
Reception Chloe – making excellent progress in her reading and number work
Year One Skye – fabulous poetry reading
Year Two Sophia – increased focus on her writing and remembering all her punctuation
Year Three Kitty – high scores all term in mental maths quiz
Year Four Phoebe – a beautifully detailed insect drawing
Year Five Patrick – good effort and understanding learning French verbs
Year Six Charlie – a great start to play rehearsals: for learning his words and singing confidently
Week ending July 7th
Reception Amelie – adding up coin totals brilliantly
Year One Skye – improved stamina when running
Year Two Ted – asking interesting questions on the school trip
Year Three Agatha – her excellent Beowolf poem she wrote for homework
Year Four Hamish – being polite and very helpful
Year Five Harry – great kindness and encouragement when working with Year 1 in P.E
Year Six All of Year 6: fantastic SATs results
For children who have achieved their personal best:
Matilde – outstanding progress in reading and writing
George – excellent progress with reading
Year One:
William – excellent attitude towards his work and good progress in writing
Olivia – excellent attitude towards her work and good progress in writing
Year Two:
Max – for excellent effort and improvement to handwriting
Rose – for contributions to class discussion: for always seeing things from a different perspective
Year Three:
Lucy – for all her extra effort in Maths and learning her tables
Niamh – her excellent Maths and beautiful handwriting
Year Four:
Finley – for excellent handwriting and presentation in his English work
Phoebe – for beautiful presentation and accuracy, drawing scaled-up minibeasts
Year Five:
Will C – excellent work in Maths
Grace – great attitude, effort and perseverance in her learning, especially Maths
Year Six:
Sam – consistent effort and enthusiasm in his approach to all learning resulting in excellent
achievement in Year 6
Amelia – consistent effort and progress in all her learning in Year 6
Aaron – for helping the Midday Assistants and Playleaders
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Spring Term Winners: Class Four
Week ending –
28th April – Class 3
5th May – Reception
12th May – Class 6
19th May – Class 4
26th May – Class 3
9th June – Class 5
16th June – Class Reception
14th July – Class 2
21st July – To be announced
- Please do not park at the school to pick up after school clubs
- Please be mindful of residents’ driveways when parking on Stortford Road
- Healthy and Safety notice regarding the wearing of earrings during PE
We have been informed by Essex that The Primary Code states that all jewellery is to be removed for PE lessons and taping over earrings is not allowed. This means that if pupils cannot take their earrings out they will have to sit out of PE until a time that they can be removed. Schools have to comply with this guidance.
If your child is about to have their ears pierced it is advisable for it to take place over the summer so that the earrings can be removed for PE ready for the start of the Autumn term.
- Please ensure that all children always have their PE kit in school.
- Volunteers – if you are interested in volunteering or helping in the school please liaise with your child’s class teacher
- Footwear
In the interest of safety, as well as appearance, pupils should wear suitable footwear for school. Shoes should fasten securely and be plain black and low heeled with enclosed toes. Boots, sandals, sling backs and trainers are not appropriate for school. Trainers can be worn for PE.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment.
Have a good weekend.
Rosalind Allsop