Headteacher Newsletter Issue 10
Congratulations Clavering Primary School!
I received a letter this week from the Department for Education (DFE), congratulating us on our recent results. We are all thrilled with this achievement and would like to thank all of our parents/carers for your ongoing support.
Year 2 – Multi Skills
On Wednesday 31st January Class 2 went to JFAN for an afternoon of multi-skills PE. The event was organised by Lisa Dunlop and some of her Year 7 students. There were 7 stations with different skills to practise, such as throwing, jumping and balancing. Six local schools took part. It was a fun though exhausting afternoon. All the children enjoyed the event and were very well behaved.
E-safety – Fortnite
Please can we remind you about the e-safety messages around the game Fortnite. A number of our pupils seem to be accessing it.
Fortnite is an online game and is not suitable for children under 12 years old based on the content. A number of primary age children are accessing it. It has a PEGI rating of 12.
Please note this PEGI rating only takes into account the content in the game and not the contact element, where players may be exposed to swearing and offensive language from strangers in voice or on-screen text chat.
Sharing Assemblies – an invitation!
We would like to invite our parents to attend one of your child’s Sharing Assemblies. The assemblies take place in the hall on a Friday afternoon and start at 2.45pm. Listed below are dates when your child’s class will be taking part in a Sharing Assembly. Please join us on this date:
Spring Term:
Class 2 22nd March 2019
Class 3 29th March 2019
Summer Term:
Class Reception date to be arranged
Class 1 date to be arranged
Class 5 date to be arranged
Lost Property
Please can we ensure that all items are named. There is a lot of unclaimed and unnamed items in lost property. This will be put on display in the entrance hall during the last week of this half term.
Bad weather
In the event of severe weather conditions and possible school closure a notice will be placed on the school website.
Parents will be notified via our school website or the Essex County Council on the ‘Emergency School Closures’ page: https://www.essex.gov.uk/education-schools/schools/dates/pages/emergency-school-closures.aspx. We will always endeavour to provide details about school closure as soon as possible.
Please note that when the school is open in bad weather a path will be cleared to enable you to gain access to the school but care does still need to be taken.
The parents who agreed to assist the school with communicating school closure to other parents have now received their contact lists. It is important that this communication to other parents is made by telephone to ensure the message is received. Please do not rely on text messages, emails or social media.
14th February FOC Valentine Disco
15th February INSET Day – School Closed to Pupils
18th – 22nd February Half Term
2nd March FOC Quiz Night
5th March Parent Consultations 3.30pm – 6pm
6th March Parent Consultations 5 – 7.30pm
22nd March Sharing Assembly – invitation to Year 2 parents 2.45pm
29th March Sharing Assembly – invitation to Year 3 parents 2.45pm
1st April School Council Spring Fayre
3rd April Friends of Clavering Easter Fayre
4th April Tray Day
5th April FOC Easter Egg Hunt
5th April End of term
23rd April Summer Term starts
Week ending January 25th
Reception Rory – absolutely fabulous phonics
Year One Ernie – fantastic re-enacting of Goldilocks
Year Two George – his positive attitude towards his learning
Year Three Harry – great effort in Maths when counting in 8’s
Year Four Henry – listening so carefully and working hard in all activities
Year Five Tom – great focus in Maths
Year Six Ben – excellent thinking and questioning in Science
Week ending February 1st
Reception Toben – his fantastic space writing
Year One Ava – trying the Maths challenge work all week
Year Two Emma – being a helpful and encouraging Learning Partner
Year Three Joseph – great effort learning the 8 times table
Year Four Myles – his enthusiasm and hard work during the Anglo Saxon topic
Year Five Ollie – demonstrating great focus in his learning this week
Year Six Keira – her consistently mature and engaging writing style
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Week beginning –
14.1.19 Reception
21.1.19 Year 3
28.1.19 Year 6
Year One, especially William, Camden, Harry, Tommy, Elliot, Darcey, Ava, Luna, Rio – helping the Midday Assistants and Playleaders as well as being kind friends.
- SWIMMING, Year 3 will have a term of swimming instruction in the Spring term. If your child is fit to attend school then they are fit to go swimming, unless a medical note is provided. Swimming will commence Monday 7th January for 12 weeks. Voluntary contributions, which cover the cost of the swimming teaching and transport, can be paid termly – £73.00 Please make cheques payable to Clavering Primary School.
- DINNER MONEY is £2.20 per day. If you wish to pay up until half term, the amount will be £68.20 or £134.20 for the whole spring term.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment
Have a good weekend
Rosalind Allsop