Class Six Newsletter – Summer Term
Class 6 Newsletter – Summer Term
Welcome back!
This last term at Primary School will, I hope, be a very special, busy and memorable one. The diary is already full with all kinds of activities and events which I will try to outline for you in this newsletter.
English: we begin with revision in preparation for SATs and will be revisiting the full range of fiction and non fiction writing, including non chronological reports and classic fiction; we will review and practice all the key features of the different text types, look at spelling patterns and strategies, build on our use of different types of sentence and structures for good effect and perfect our handwriting. We will also focus very specifically on aspects of spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Continued reading of quality texts is to be encouraged (at home as well as at school), with discussion to draw out understanding using inference and deduction.
Our work in English after the SATs will look at poetry, film narrative and graphic novels. Drama, music and play scripts will be a focus as we prepare for our end of term production to be performed in our Leavers’ Assembly.
Maths: revision of all areas of Maths will be the focus to begin the term in preparation for SATs, we are also working hard this term to develop thinking skills and approaches to problem solving, working logically and systematically and using and applying Maths
Science: Electricity and Light
Topic: Our work in History will focus on World War II in Europe and the Battle of Britain. We will then move on to a more in depth study of our own locality for Geography which will include work centred around Clavering village and our class walk.
Art: We will focus on still life and observational drawing looking at pattern, perspective, line, tone and shade using a variety of medium. We will include studies of the work of William Morris, Van Gogh and Constable. In DT we will be working with wood and making moving toys with cam mechanisms.
Computing: we will be continuing to improve our skills making full use of the tools in the Word Processing package to create documents suited to audience and topic content. We will also focus on developing our skills and understanding of the internet and world wide web. We will also continue to ensure that we are safe in our use of the internet and social media.
French: ‘mes passe temps’ and ‘la France et les pays francophones’. We shall also be visited by a languages teacher from JFAN who will be teaching some lessons to the class later in the term.
P.S.H.E.: We will be looking and differences and discrimination, healthy lifestyles and growing and changing as well as a focus on economic awareness and enterprise towards the end of the term. We will also be attending a number of workshops at Crucial Crew in June
P.E.: Athletics, Cricket and Rounders. Please ensure that full P.E. kit (shorts, tee shirt, socks and trainers) are in school at all times as our P.E. days may vary slightly this term
R.E.: we will be continuing with our studies of Judaism
Music: the children will be building on their learning last year to play brass instruments with Mr Maylham
Key Dates For Your Diary
30th April 3:20pm – SATs information meeting followed by Kingswood information meeting
13th – 16th May – SATs
17th May – forest school morning with buddies (further Y6 Forest School dates to follow)
22nd May – kwik cricket tournament at Saffron Walden Cricket Club
24th May– break up for half term
4th June – children return to school
5th June – rounders tournament at JFAN (tbc)
16th -19th June – Kingswood Residential Visit
27th June – Crucial Crew (St Marks)
8th July – induction days for children transferring to JFAN and SWCHS
10th July – sports morning
15th July – extended Y6 tray day with afternoon tea 2:45pm-4:00pm
16th July – parents evening 3:30-6:00
18th July -Y6 Leavers’ Assembly 1:45pm
18th July – parents evening 5:00-7:30
22nd July – proposed Play Leader Celebration Day out (to be confirmed)
23rd July – break up for Summer holidays
As always if you do have any questions or concerns at any time please do come and talk to me after school.
Lynn Lipscomb