Headteacher Newsletter Issue 16
Years 3 and 4 visit Duxford
On Tuesday 14th May, Year 3 and 4 went to Duxford Imperial War Museum. We went to a hangar called Airspace and saw planes and helicopters, we went inside a concord which was really small. We enjoyed the interactive activities in this part, including using Morse code. We also went to hangar 4 which had lots of WWII planes and trucks, one had a huge balloon on its back to tangle planes in. Some of the planes had ejector seats too. We also tried on uniforms in hangar 7 which was full of American planes. We all had a very good day.
Chloe P Class 3
Year 1 and 2 Striking Skills Sporting event at JFAN
Classes 1 and 2 went to JFAN for an afternoon of sports coaching to improve their striking and fielding skills. Luckily it was a beautiful sunny afternoon as the event took place on the sports field. There was a variety of different activities led by Year 8 pupils. Four schools took part and the children from each school were mixed up into teams. They tried each activity in turn and enjoyed the opportunity of working with children from other schools. All the children found the afternoon fun and worthwhile. Well done all those who took part and behaved so well.
Cricket coach for years 5, 4 and 3
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are currently enjoying weekly cricket coaching from Beth Dodd, a professional cricket player from Essex. All of the children are enjoying these sessions which are funded by the Uttlesford Schools’ Partnership.
Year 6 Cricket
Year 6 went to Saffron Walden Cricket Club on Wednesday to compete in the Newport family kwik cricket tournament. The boys’ event took place in the morning and the team confidently beat Newport, Debden and Wimbish to face Great Chesterford in the final. This was a close match, which the boys won by just one wicket.
The girls played in the afternoon and repeated the boys’ success in their pool, winning all of their matches, again meeting Great Chesterford in the final, which they also won.
All of the children played extremely well, supporting one another and showing great sportsmanship. Their excellent behaviour on and off the pitch was even commented upon by members of staff from another school.
We are very proud of the way they represented Clavering as well as how well they played. Well done and we look forward to going forward to the Uttlesford finals on 12th June.
Eco Week
The children have thoroughly enjoyed an Eco Week this week, learning how to look after our environment. The week was launched through an assembly led by two year 6 children.
Many class activities had this theme this week and, in addition to this, we have had several visitors across all the year groups talking to the children about various Eco themes. Themes such as – Plasticology, bee keeping, the marine science centre, ‘Human Roots Community’, Eco projects undertaken in South Africa, climate change, ‘The Magic of Nature’ through Relax Kids, habitat gardens, the impact of the textile industry on the environment, growing your own vegetables, growing crops and farming, wildlife recording in Essex.
The Plasticology team, run by the Essex Wildlife Trust, spoke to the whole school in an assembly and worked with a class of children. They also spent time with the School Eco Team discussing future plans and projects.
As you can see, we have had a very informative week.
Thank you so much to all our speakers, and to Mrs Broad and Mrs Skinner for collecting all our visitors.
E-safety – Fortnite
Please can we remind you about the e-safety messages around the game Fortnite. A number of our pupils seem to be accessing it.
Fortnite is an online game and is not suitable for children under 12 years old based on the content. A number of primary age children are accessing it. It has a PEGI rating of 12.
Please note this PEGI rating only takes into account the content in the game and not the contact element, where players may be exposed to swearing and offensive language from strangers in voice or on-screen text chat.
Online Payments
All children received a letter and joining instructions at the end of last term for online dinner payments. If you require a further copy, which will have a replacement code, please request from Mrs Carline. There is also a link on the dinner money section of the school website with instructions for payment.
Sharing Assemblies – an invitation!
We would like to invite our parents to attend one of your child’s Sharing Assemblies. The assemblies take place in the hall on a Friday afternoon and start at 2.45pm. Listed below are dates when your child’s class will be taking part in a Sharing Assembly. Please join us on this date:
Summer Term:
Class Reception 21st June
Class 1 5th July
Class 5 12th July
School starts at 8.50 a.m. We have noticed several children that are consistently arriving late for school – ‘late’ is defined by not being within the school gates by 8.50 a.m. Please make every effort to be at school on time and if you know that your journey will be disrupted by road works, do allow time for this.
Please note that lateness is recorded on a per pupil basis.
Thank you.
20th – 24th May Eco Week
27th – 31st May Break up for half term
3rd June INSET Day
4th June Return to school after half term
7th June Induction morning for new Reception Parents
10th June Phonics Assessment Week
16th – 19th June Year 6 residential to Kingswood
21st June Sharing Assembly – invitation for Year Reception parents to attend 2.45pm
26th June Road Safety for years Reception and 5
27th June Crucial Crew for Year 6
28th June Years 1 and 2 Kentwell Hall
5th July Sharing Assembly – invitation for Year 1 parents to attend 2.45pm
5th July Secondary School Induction – SWCHS
8th July Secondary School Induction – SWCHS and JFAN
8th July Year 5 visit Harlow Outdoors Centre
10th July Sports Day
12th July Sharing Assembly – invitation for Year 5 parents to attend 2.45pm
15th July Tray Day 3.15 – 4.15pm
15th July Class Swap
16th July Parent Consultations 3.30 – 6pm
18th July Parent Consultations 5 – 7.30pm
18th July Leavers’ Assembly 1.45pm
19th July FOC Summer Fair
22nd July Play Leader Celebration Day out
23rd July Church Service am
23rd July Break up for the summer 3.15 pm
24th July INSET Day
Week ending May 10th
Reception Jake – for reading really well to his group
Year One Teddy – for great work on fractions in Maths this week
Year Two Ethan – for being thoughtful and a good friend
Year Three Alex – for great understanding and memory of French vocabulary
Year Four Ted R – for great enthusiasm researching during Science and Topic work
Year Five Jamie – for excellent class discussion and contributions
Year Six Millie – for excellent contributions in both English and French
Week ending May 17th
Reception Mollie – for brilliant independent doubling
Year One Rio – for fantastic effort when telling the time in Maths this week
Year Two Finlay – for his descriptive Quest story
Year Three Beau – for great effort with narrative writing
Year Four Amber – for an excellent Duxford recount and being very kind and supportive to another member of the class
Year Five Isabelle – for demonstrating great enthusiasm in her writing
Year Six Lily – for being fabulous in the forest with her buddy
For children who have achieved their personal best:
Polly – for great progress in writing
Danny – for excellent progress in writing
Year One:
Tommy – for creative writing
Luke – a great improvement in his reading
Year Two:
Ashton – for the great improvement in his Reading
Amelie – for her focus and achievement in Maths
Year Three:
Jack – fantastic improvement in reading and great effort with writing
Daisy – great effort and improvement in English, especially reading
Year Four:
Elissa – persevering with presentation and making good progress
Harrison – enthusiasm during our World War Two work
Year Five:
Toby – huge improvement in writing quality – handwriting, grammar and content
Tom – focussed learning and concentrated effort across the curriculum
Year Six:
Grace – a very positive approach to all her learning. Excellent progress and achievement, especially in Maths
Ben – a very positive approach to all his learning. Excellent progress and achievement.
Cartoon Attitude Learning Awards
This half term we have been working on our new award creativity through the hero “Indi-Panda!” Two children from each class have been nominated for a special award and will enjoy a hot chocolate treat with Miss Allsop.
Reception: Jemima and Hadley
Class 1: Samuel and William
Class 2: Anna and George
Class 3: Olivia A and Lincoln
Class 4: Abigail and Elizabeth
Class 5: Jamie and Agatha
Class 6: Phoebe and Hannah
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Week beginning:
6.5.19 Year Reception
20.5.19 Year Three
Charlie, Ted B and Myles – for organising a chess club
Teddy D – for representing the school so well at the cricket tournament this week. Great sportsmanship commented upon by staff from another school.
Alexa – for outstanding progress in story writing
- DINNER MONEY is £2.20 per day. If you wish to pay up until May half term, the amount will be £50.60 or £129.80 for the whole summer term.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment
Have a good weekend
Rosalind Allsop