Headteacher Newsletter Issue 17
We would like to welcome a few families that have recently joined our school. Grace has joined year 4, Luca year 3 and Brian year 2.
Induction Morning for new Reception children
On Friday 7thJune we welcomed the parents of our new Reception children due to start in September. They were introduced to members of staff and other key people in the school. It was lovely to see some familiar faces and to meet our new families.
Thank you to everyone who spoke and supported this event, including the Friends of Clavering for providing the refreshments.
Many transition activities have now begun both formally and informally. Secondary school staff have been visiting year 6, Pre-school children have been spending time in the Reception classroom and the younger year groups are exploring the environment of their new September year group.
Maisie, Reading Dog Introductions
Maisie started her ‘introductions’ this week meeting pupils in Years 5 and 6. The other groups will be meeting her next week.
The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience and so did Maisie! We are all looking forward to working with her soon.
Reception Class visit Shepreth
Reception class had a fabulous trip to Shepreth Wildlife Park. Nobody complained about the weather – even the animals. We saw lots of super animals and talked to the zookeepers at feeding time. We had an informative session learning about and handling some large minibeasts – snails, sticks insects and cockroaches. It was Frankie’s birthday so he got to dress up as an insect and we learned about the features of an insects – its exoskeleton, six legs, thorax, antennae and abdomen. We even had a special play in the soft play area is it was so rainy. The children were a credit to the school and their families. Thank you to Mrs Draper and our parent helpers for their great support – Sarah, Alice, Grace and Sarah.
Year 6 Rounders tournament
Year 6 entered two teams into the Uttlesford Schools rounders tournament at JFAN last week.
There were 30 teams taking part and each team played 8 matches over the course of the day enjoying many successes. Our first team came in 5thplace overall and the second 26th. Well done to all of the children who once again represented the school well, played their best and worked as a great team always supporting each other.
ECO Team actions
Before half term we took part in a school Eco-Week during which each class had different speakers visiting to talk about a variety of things that affect our environment, from beekeeping and vegetable growing to plastic pollution and climate change. Everyone enjoyed eco-week and classes were asked to feedback ideas to their Eco-Monitors as to how we can all make our school more ‘green’.
Over the coming weeks we will be beginning to take action on these ideas, which include a school wide ban on signle use plastics, food waste bins for fruit peel in the playground and closer monitoring of activities in classrooms,eg lights left on, paper recycling.
We would like to thank the Parent Forum for arranging the speakers for the week and hope that you will be supportive in our efforts to improve our environment.
Fantastic free e-comics from Essex Libraries!
You can now get free comics and graphic novels with your library card! Download and read through a browser, or on the RBdigital mobile apps.
With over 180 titles from the publishers Marvel, Disney, IDW and Dark Horse, the collection includes many popular brands that appeal to all ages, such as Star Wars, Frozen, Spiderman, Toy Story and superheroes galore!
Check out as many as you want and read them anytime, anywhere – free comics are just a click away!
Online Payments
All children received a letter and joining instructions at the end of last term for online dinner payments. If you require a further copy, which will have a replacement code, please request from Mrs Carline. There is also a link on the dinner money section of the school website with instructions for payment.
E-safety – Fortnite
Please can we remind you about the e-safety messages around the game Fortnite. A number of our pupils seem to be accessing it.
Fortniteis an online game and is not suitable for children under 12 years old based on the content. A number of primary age children are accessing it. It has a PEGI rating of 12.
Please note this PEGI rating only takes into account the content in the game and not the contact element, where players may be exposed to swearing and offensive language from strangers in voice or on-screen text chat.
School starts at 8.50 a.m. We have noticed several children that are consistently arriving late for school – ‘late’ is defined by not being within the school gates by 8.50 a.m. Please make every effort to be at school on time and if you know that your journey will be disrupted by road works, do allow time for this.
Please note that lateness is recorded on a per pupil basis.
Thank you.
10thJune Phonics Assessment Week
16th– 19thJune Year 6 residential to Kingswood
21stJune Sharing Assembly – invitation for Year Reception parents to attend 2.45pm
26thJune Road Safety for years Reception and 5
27thJune Crucial Crew for Year 6
28thJune Years 1 and 2 Kentwell Hall
5thJuly Sharing Assembly – invitation for Year 1 parents to attend 2.45pm
5thJuly Secondary School Induction – SWCHS
8thJuly Secondary School Induction – SWCHS and JFAN
8thJuly Year 5 visit Harlow Outdoors Centre
10thJuly Sports Day 10 – 12
12thJuly Sharing Assembly – invitation for Year 5 parents to attend 2.45pm
Non-uniform day in return for bottles and chocolates for the School Fete
15thJuly Tray Day 3.15 – 4.15pm
15thJuly Class Swap
16thJuly Parent Consultations 3.30 – 6pm
18thJuly Parent Consultations 5 – 7.30pm
18thJuly Leavers’ Assembly 1.45pm
19thJuly FOC Summer Fair
22ndJuly Play Leader Celebration Day out
23rdJuly Church Service am
23rdJuly Break up for the summer 3.15 pm
24thJuly INSET Day
Week ending May 24th
Reception Rory – being very engaged in looking after the environment
Year One Isabella – writing a lovely fairy tale in English
Year Two Kayleigh – her improved attitude towards her work
Year Three Chloe P – for good understanding and enthusiasm in history
Year Four Aiden – working so hard on his presentation and handwriting
Year Five Olivia – for her organisational skills
Year Six Hamish – for excellent sportsmanship and coaching skills at cricket
Felix – for excellent sportsmanship and coaching skills at cricket
Week ending June 7th
Reception Maya – for fabulous story writing of Jack and the Beanstalk
Year One Morgan – for engaging and working hard with his super hero work in English
Year Two Taylor – for his positive attitude towards his learning
Year Three Conor – for great understanding and effort in Maths
Year Four Grace – for settling in so well and making friends in Class 4
Year Five Niamh – for good focus in her learning, especially Maths
Year Six Teddy – for outstanding fielding at the rounders tournament
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Week beginning:
6.5.19 Year Reception
20.5.19 Year Three
10.6.19 Year Three
Reception Class, especially Evelyn, Poppy, Polly, Alexa and Greta, for helping the Midday Assistants and Playleaders
- DINNER MONEY is £2.20 per day, £11.00 per week or £79.20 to the end of the summer term.
- When driving to school, please do not turn around on Stortford Road by using the school drive
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment
Have a good weekend
Rosalind Allsop