Class Four Newsletter – Autumn Term
Class Four Newsletter – Autumn Term
Dear Parents
Welcome back! I hope you all had a good summer break. I am very much looking forward to teaching Class 4 and are sure that it will be a great year for all of us.
Here is an overview of the plan for the coming term.
English – We will begin by looking at fables; retelling stories focusing on How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell, Biography looking at Leonardo da Vinci for Kids, His Life and Ideas by J Herbert, role play (listening and performing), character analysis and poetry. Handwriting and spelling will continue to be a focus. Spellings will be given to the children on Friday, they will complete spelling activities during the week and then have a test at the end of the week. Children will continue to participate in guided reading sessions and will have their own reading book. Please listen to your child read as often as possible – thank you.
Maths – We will begin by focusing on place value and mental maths activities to further develop quick recall of number facts, including times tables. Please encourage your child to practise their tables as often as possible at home. We will be using different methods of addition and subtraction including counting up and using number bonds to subtract two-digit numbers from 100 and adding two 3-digit numbers using compact written addition. We will be studying different 3-D shapes and identify their properties. We will be using multiplication facts to find division facts for 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 times tables and grid multiplication. WE will calculate time intervals, crossing the hour, using both analogue and digital clocks and collect and represent data in pictograms where one picture represents four units.
Science – We will be learning about Electricity (circuits and switches) this half term and then Solids and Liquids, classify materials into solids, liquids and gases, investigate the presence of gases, investigate the behaviour of particles in the different states and use a thermometer to observe temperature changes of water, investigate evaporation and condensation and learn about the water cycle and explain the process using scientific language.
Topic – The Victorians (History/Geography) – Class 4 will be learning about how Victorians lived, their homes, work and schools, the life of Queen Victoria, Victorian inventions and the legacy of the Victorian era.
Computing – we will be using computers to support other subjects and continue to focus on the importance of E-safety. We will be editing text, further developing word processing skills and extracting information from websites. We will be creating PowerPoints about Victorian inventions.
PSHE – We will be looking at relationships, feelings and making positive contributions.
Music –play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression.
RE – Class 4 will be finding out about journeys and the Old Testament stories about Abraham.
PE – There will be two PE lesson each week; this term will be Cross Country, Invasion Games and Gym. Sometimes there may be opportunities for extra PE lessons, so please ensure that children have their full kits in school every day. PE will be on Friday with Mr Dyce this half term and Mrs Hall next half term and Thursday PE will be with Mr Snelling.
Art/DT – The children will be drawing from still life observations and learning about the life and work of William Morris. In DT they will be designing and making models of a Victorian house.
French –We will be learning how to order food in a cafe, revising animal names and describing people.
Homework/Spellings will be given each week on Friday. Please return to school for marking by Wednesday.
I hope that this newsletter has given you a general overview for the coming term. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your support.
Mrs Hall