Headteacher Newsletter Issue 4
Magistrate Visit
Elaine Terri was welcomed to class 6 on Thursday afternoon to talk to them about her role as a magistrate. Elaine talked to the children about what it means to be a magistrate (which they were all surprised to hear is a voluntary role), and about the differences between the Magistrate’s Court and the Crown Court. They discussed the age of criminal responsibility and how people might find themselves in situations where they offend. She organised a task for them to consider different crimes and appropriate consequences (prison sentences fines, suspended sentences, community service), as well as helping them to become more aware of how offenders can be offered rehabilitation or be helped to change their lives and not to reoffend.
The children gained a great deal from this visit, asked lots of questions and made very sensible and thoughtful observations. This is the sixth year that Elaine has visited our school to talk to Year 6 and we very much appreciate her giving her time once again this year.
Parent Governor Election
We are pleased to announce that Ross McNaughton has been elected onto the Governing Body and we look forward to working with him after half term.
Friendship Week
We all enjoyed a fun filled friendship week last week with the children working together off curriculum in their house groups. We were particularly impressed with the way the children responded to the different tasks and activities and how they worked so well together with our older children encouraging and supporting the very youngest. They explored the values of friendships, worked on ideas to reinforce current friendships and to make new ones as well as contributing with ideas to take forward to our Vision Day next Friday when all staff and governors will be getting together. In addition to all this they also enjoyed many games, challenges and much fun together with the parachute.
Our new house captains were also voted in:
Harry captain, Hermione vice captain
Matilda captain, Jamie vice captain
Katie captain, Luca vice captain
Ben captain, Isabelle vice captain
Agatha captain and Mia D vice captain
Cross Country
All of the children from Year 2 to Year 6 ran in the Partnership cross country event at JFAN last Wednesday. The children ran between 500m and 1800m according to their age group. All the children ran extremely well and should be very proud of their efforts. The two schools with the fastest six runners from years 3-6 qualify to go on to the next round in March and it is fantastic that we have both a girls’ team and a boys’ team qualify in each year group. Also to be particularly commended are the medal winners:
Year 2: Tommy silver
Year 3: Toby gold and Anna bronze
Year 4: James gold, Chloe P silver and Chloe S bronze
Year 5: Ted and Amber both gold
Year 6: Matilda gold Tom silver and Hermione bronze
Football Match
Last Thursday Clavering played Birchanger in a very close game. We won 3-1 and Aiden, Olly O and Ted R scored our 3 goals. Everybody played really well and Birchanger are a very good team. We are on a winning streak and we want to keep it like that. Last year we were also on a winning streak until we met them. So we’re really happy to win.
Freddie and Harry, Y6
PE Clothing – a reminder
In compliance with health and safety regulations, earrings (including studs) must not be worn for any sport. Please make sure that children who wear earrings know how to remove them and have somewhere safe and clean to keep them during PE lessons. Thank you.
School Admissions – Primary and Secondary – Apply Now!!
To apply quickly and easily for primary and secondary school places go online to http://www.essex.gov.uk/Education-Schools/Schools/Admissions/Pages/Apply-Online.aspx
For secondary applications – (children in year 6) apply from 12 September 2019
For primary applications – (child born between 1 September 2015 and 31 August 2016) You can apply for a primary (Reception) place from Monday 11th November 2019.
Applications can be made online via www.essex.gov.uk/admissions
23rd October Parent Evening 5 – 7.30pm
24th October Parent Evening 3.30 – 6pm
25th October INSET day
28th October – 1st November HALF TERM
7th November School Photos
7th November Friends of Clavering Halloween Disco
22nd November Open morning for new parents
2nd December Flu Vaccine
3rd December Reception Class visit Santa at Audley End
6th December Friends of Clavering Christmas Fair
11th December Christmas Performance dress rehearsals and evening performance for year 5 and 6 parents
12th December Christmas Performances – Reception, KS1 and KS2 (years 3 and 4 parents)
16th December Tray Day 3.15 – 4.15pm
16th December Friends of Clavering Christmas Shopping Morning
17th December Church Service
18th December Christmas Lunch and Friends of Clavering Entertainment
Week ending October 4th
Year One Rosie – trying hard with adding in Maths
Year Two Elliot – for brilliant independent writing this week
Year Three Joshua B – for great attention and contributions in Maths
Year Four James – for an excellent conclusion in Science
Year Five Max – for being a great role model
Year Six Frederick – for a super start to his Beetle story
Week ending October 11th
Year One Greta – for putting in great effort in all areas this week
Year Two George S – for linking DT with Maths through our fruit kebab making
Year Three Matilda S – great understanding of different types of skeleton
Year Four Olivia M – for her beautiful William Morris design and wallpaper sample
Year Five Jamie – for great work on classifying 2D shapes
Year Six Rebecca – for super work in Geography about Biomes
For children who have achieved their personal best:
Henry – for great enthusiasm especially in phonics
Minty – for brilliant counting
Year One:
Alexa – for a great improvement in her reading
George – for trying so hard to improve his writing
Year Two:
Ellie – for improved handwriting
Teddy – for fantastic innovated story writing
Year Three:
Finlay – for good understanding and hard work in Maths
Hadley – for hard work and challenging herself in Maths
Year Four:
Rory – for trying to do his best in every lesson
Olivia – for going the extra mile in her work at school and for homework activities
Year Five:
Grace – excellent listening and focus to achieve her best
Olly – for pushing himself to try harder challenges
Year Six:
Agatha – for excellent effort and conscientious approach to all her work
Jamie – for excellent effort and conscientious approach to all her work
We have our super hero learning behaviours, which the children created in their house groups during friendship week last year. This half term the children worked hard on co-operation, championed by “Co-Octopus”. Two children from each class were nominated for a special award and will enjoy a hot chocolate treat with Miss Allsop –
Reception: Zander and Elise
Class 1: Carrie and Tristan
Class 2: Cooper and Max
Class 3: Toby and Anna
Class 4: Chloe P and Ethan
Class 5: Charlie and Elissa
Class 6: Rebecca and Matilda
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Week beginning –
23.9.19 Class 6
30.9.19 Class 1
14.10.19 Class 2
Max (5) for being an excellent friend and role model to the younger children.
SWIMMING, Year 3 will have a term of swimming instruction in the autumn and Year 2 in the spring. Swimming will commence Monday September 9th for 13 weeks. Swimming costs £6.75 per session. This can be paid termly – £79.00 Please make cheques payable to Clavering Primary School.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment
Have a great half term
Rosalind Allsop