Vision Day
Vision Day
On Friday 25th October, which was one of our INSET days, the whole school staff and governors came together for a Vision Day.
This is a regular event, where we look at our Core Values and next steps for the school.
The day was a great success and was led by Jonathan Hill, our Vice Chair of Governors.
The children shared their views prior to the event and these were shared during the day. Please see their views below.
As a result of the day, two working parties are being formed to update our current Values using the feedback generated during the day, as well as the children’s below.
The curriculum was also a main focus to support our annual review of this area, as well as the new OFSTED Framework considerations.
We had a productive and enjoyable day which just confirmed what a dedicated and hard working team we are all part of.
Thank you to Jonathan and the school community for making it such a success.
Vision Day – Pupils’ Viewpoint (the red font indicates multiple responses)
Qu 1 What makes our school special?
- Children
- Teachers
- Being kind
- Allotment
- Playground equipment
- Food tech
- Our school is creative and lots of fun
- Supporting each other
- Good lunches/nice food
- Climbing frame
- We raise money for those less fortunate
- MDAs
- Classrooms
- Lessons
- Dens
- Books
- Maisy the dog
- Lots of clubs
- Play leaders/Friends in Five
- PE with Mr Dyce and Mr Snelling
Qu 2 What are your favourite activities?
- Maths
- Art
- PE
- English
- Science
- Computing
- Playtime
- DT
- History
- Football club
- School trips
- Geography
- Forest School
Qu3 What do you like about the school grounds?
- Field
- Equipment
- Climbing frame
- Tyres
- A frame
- Train
- Allotments
- Friendship garden
- Reading circle
- Dens
- Decking
Qu 4 What are your favourite events held over the year?
- Sports Day
- Christmas Plays
- Christmas Fair
- Clavering Bake Off
- Friendship Week
- Spring fair
- Discos
- Cross country
- International week
- Mad Hair Day
Qu 5 Wish list – even better if…..
- Small football goals
- More play equipment
- Reception sleep time
- Better games at playtime
- More flowers
- Bigger library
- More trips
- Hot and cold selection for lunch
- Bigger reception playground
On Friday 25th October we conducted our Vision Day. Run every two to three years, this is a hugely important day where all teachers and governors come together to review and refresh the vision and values for the school.
It’s a chance to identify how we can create an environment that enables us to deliver on our mission – “Learning together to be the best we can”. And many of you will have seen the existing vision and values that are visible around the school and classroom as ‘bee statements’. These are important ways of working across the whole school community (not just pupils) that sets the tone for positive behaviours and attitudes.
We explored three areas:
– A review of our values that creates the learning environment for the whole school community.
– Assessing the curriculum in terms of what is working well, what can be improvement and what are we doing that makes the school unique.
– Finally, we explored cultural capital for success. This focused on how we can prepare our pupils for the next stage of education and beyond.
It is wonderful to have the staff and governors together, and away from the school premises, for this type of discussion
The outputs from our discussions are currently being collated, reviewed and prioritised for action by a vision day working party. More soon in terms of where we will focus our efforts following this review.
Jimmy Hill, Vice Chair and Year 2 Governor