Class 6 Newsletter – Spring Term
Class 6 Spring Term Newsletter
Happy New Year!
Welcome back. I hope you have had a good Christmas break. Mrs Martin and I would like to thank you for all the very generous Christmas gifts we received at the end of last term
Please find below a brief outline of what we will be covering this term.
English: we will be looking at a variety of narrative structures and techniques including graphic novels, short stories and the use of flashback as well as film narrative and extended stories, non fiction work will include instruction and explanation texts, information texts, writing to persuade and report writing, we will be reading different styles of poetry to recognise, understand and discuss a range of features and their effects
Spelling, grammar, punctuation, handwriting, guided reading, reading comprehension, vocabulary expansion and improving self editing skills are ongoing.
Maths: improving mental calculations, using knowledge of place value, using knowledge of the order of operations (BODMAS), to multiply and divide any number, including decimals, by 10, 100 or 1000 and understand the effect, multiplication and division involving decimals, algebra, patterns and sequences, handling data and interpreting information, contextual problem solving, relationships and calculations, standard written methods for all 4 calculations including for decimals and fractions, recognise the equivalence between the decimal and fractions, problems involving fractions and percentages, use of ratio and proportion to solve simple problems.
Some English and Maths booster groups will be run by Mrs Broadbent, Mrs Martin and myself in class over the course of this term enabling some focussed smaller group teaching in preparation for new SATs in May.
Science: Evolution and Inheritance, Living things and their Habitats
Topic (History and Geography): Stone Age to Iron Age Britain
Art Design and Technology: Popart and Graffitti. This will include studies of various artists including Wahol, Lichtenstein and Banksy. We will be designing and making 3D bronze age jewellery in DT.
French: quelle heure est-il? ma journée et les saisons!
Computing: we will be continuing to develop our programming skills and then will be moving on to studies relating to the world wide web and the internet
P.E: we will be starting the New Year with sports hall athletics and tag rugby in preparation for forthcoming tournaments. Children will need full PE kits available in school, including a change of socks and track suits are advisable in the colder weather. A plastic bag kept inside the PE bag for muddy trainers is helpful.
Music: Mr Mayhlam will be teaching music and will be focussing on brass instruments again this term
RE: the siege of Masada and the Holocaust
Kingswood: thank you to all who have made regular payments towards the cost of the trip. This has been much appreciated as we do have to make staged payments to the Centre which would otherwise be a huge strain on school budget. I will be holding a meeting about the trip nearer the time in the Summer Term.
Key Dates for Your Diary
22nd January – e safety sessions in school for children, evening meeting for parents (very worthwhile attending, details to follow)
7th February – Year 6 class assembly 2:45pm
2nd -6th March –professional week (further information to follow)
4th March – parents’ evening (3:30pm-6:00pm)
5th March – parents’ evening (5:00pm-7:30pm)
13th March – Science Day
13th March – cross country event -Uttlesford finals (details to follow)
31st March – Tray Day
As always if you do have any questions or concerns at any time please do come and talk to me after school.
Lynn Lipscomb