Headteacher Newsletter Issue 5
Remembrance Day
The children took part in a two minute silence this week, on Wednesday 11th November at 11.00 am. Each class discussed the meaning of this event and poppies were distributed.
Unfortunately the School Council and the village were not able to come together this year to mark the occasion.
Anti-bullying Week
16th-20th November is Anti-Bullying week. Every class will be taking part in focused activities about Anti-Bullying throughout the week. We are joining in with the Anti-Bullying Alliance on Monday 16th November to help raise awareness and we are asking everyone to come to school wearing ODD SOCKS! (no donation)
Pumpkin Winners
Well done to all the children that entered the Friends of Clavering Pumpkin Competition. The winners from each class are:–
Reception: Delilah and Connor
Class One: Beebee and Kitty
Class Two: Alexa and Greta
Class Three: Rowan and Rosie W
Class Four: Finlay and Amelia
Class Five: Holly and Chloe P
Class Six: Harry and Abigail
Children in Need
The children have had a fantastic day dressed in their onesies and pyjamas helping to raise money for the brilliant cause of Children in Need. Children have taken part in fun activities throughout the day. We look forward to sharing the total raised in the next newsletter.
Friends of Clavering
The Friends of Clavering committee met this week to discuss further fundraising events for this term and how the committee can support the school.
We are really grateful for the hard work that is being put into organising these events.
A big thank you to Mr Murray and Mr Pepper.
Mr Murray and Mr Pepper are part of a company called Hygieno. They are experts in infection control and prevention, and specialise in anti-viral fogging.
We usually pay for our cleaning company to provide this extra service during this climate, but Mr Murray and Mr Pepper have organised this for us free of charge to keep us all as safe as possible.
The material they use has a longer protective life span and is used in places such as The Houses of Parliament, London Underground, Public Health England’s offices, the Met Police.
Open Morning
Normally at this time of year, we would be opening our doors to prospective parents considering our school for Reception 2021. As this is not possible, we have created a virtual tour of our school, which I wanted to share with you. A big thank to our year 6 pupils for leading the film, pupils and staff around the school, and especially Jonny Snelling who created the film, supported by Ms Crosby. We hope you enjoy it!
COVID updates
Thank you once again to you all for your support with helping us keep the school open and safe. As you are all aware the full guidance for schools has been updated as we are now in a National Lockdown until the 2nd December.
It is very important that we keep our protective measures as rigorous as they can be, especially whilst the infection rates are high so that we can ensure that the school stays safe, open for as long as possible and staff remain healthy to teach.
Please can we therefore remind you:
- For any visitors to our site to wear a mask, including parents and teenagers dropping off and picking up. This is not mandatory but has been stressed as good practice by the Local Authority.
- To avoid talking to staff, but email or call the office instead.
- To refrain from meeting with other parents at drop off and pick up and ensure that the 2m distancing rule is followed at all times, including at the bottom of the drive where staff are working and members of the school community are walking past.
- To keep to your drop off and pick up times to avoid congestion at key times
- To get a COVID test if you have any of the three symptoms (below). It is vital that we all do this:
COVID Testing
Please inform us by a phone call if your child receives a positive test result during the school week. If you get the result at a weekend, please email the email address. We will be checking this inbox on a Saturday and Sunday. It is important to remember that if anyone in your household displays symptoms and/or gets a test, the whole family should self-isolate until a test result is received and the next piece of advice is given.
COVID symptoms and ACTION – a reminder
To confirm, children are to stay off school if they are unwell with any virus, unless mild. If they or a household member develops or has symptoms of a high temperature, persistent cough or loss of taste/smell then they must have a COVID test. Whilst waiting for the test results, household members must isolate. The class bubble does not have to at this stage but siblings in school do. Please keep the school informed if any of your household has any of the three symptoms and of any test results. It is vital we all work together on this to keep everyone safe.
Proactive Information for Parents – What Happens in the Event of a Positive Case within an Education Setting
The Local Authority has received some feedback from schools that some parents aren’t sure what would happen in the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19 in an education setting and so they have provided some useful links: what happens if a child or someone they live with develops symptoms and one on what happens if there’s a case in the child’s bubble.
School Admissions – Primary – Apply Now!!
To apply quickly and easily for primary school places go online to https://www.essex.gov.uk/admissions-to-essex-schools-for-the-next-school-year
Primary and junior school places for September 2021
From 9 November 2020 you can apply online for your child’s school place https://www.essex.gov.uk/apply-for-a-primary-school-place
You must submit an application by the national closing date of 15 January 2021. Applications received after this date are considered late and will reduce your chance of being offered a place at your preferred schools.
Free School Meals Funding
You can register for Free Schools Meals Funding if you meet the criteria below.
If you have a child in Key Stage One and are receiving the free meal, which is part of the universal offer, you could be missing out on this additional funding for the school, which will support your child with their learning, if you meet the criteria below. You have to apply for this funding. If you think you meet the criteria below then please follow the guidance below and contact the school office.
Lost Property
Can parents please make sure jumpers and coats are named as we cannot keep lost property during this climate.
Mobile Phones
This is a gentle reminder not to use mobile phones whilst on the school site. This is part of our safe guarding policy for all of our children.
13th November Children in Need – Pyjama Day!!
16th November Anti-Bullying week – Odd Sock Day!!
December TBC Parent Consultations
18th December End of term
4th January INSET day – school closed to pupils
5th January Spring term begins
Week ending November 6th
Reception Frankie – for his amazing phonics spotting and his kindness to others
Year One Esmee – for showing more confidence, sharing ideas to the whole class and working hard
Year Two Sebastian – for fantastic poetry work this week
Year Three Max – for his positive attitude to all learning and brilliant effort with his column addition
Year Four Louisa – for her hard work and great understanding of column addition
Year Five Tommy – for his wonderful descriptive writing
Year Six Max – for excellent focus especially in Maths
Have a good weekend and thank you for your support.
Rosalind Allsop