Class 2 Newsletter Summer Term 2021
Dear parents/carers,
Welcome back, I hope everyone had relaxing Easter and the children are ready for all the fantastic learning coming up this term. They have already settled back into school well. Please find below an outline of the curriculum we will be focusing on throughout Summer Term.
This term we will be exploring a variety of texts to support our reading, vocabulary and writing development. To begin with, we will be completing an author study, looking at the work of Anthony Browne. The children are already enjoying the series of books following the character ‘Willy’ the chimp. Through other aspects of the curriculum (science, geography, history etc.) we will be developing our non-narrative skills with report writing. Ensuring your child reads for at least 15 minutes a day will help their reading skills to develop along with discussions around the text read. It is just as important to read to your child regularly along with listening to audio books.
We will be looking at different spelling patterns, initially adding the suffixes ‘ful’, ‘-less’ and ‘-ly’.
We will continue to join our writing, focusing on applying these joins to our writing within lessons.
To begin the term, we will be focusing on fractions, looking at halves, quarters and thirds. We will then move onto measure- length and height, telling the time and looking at money. We are also going to consolidate the children’s previous work on multiplication and division. We will be using a variety of equipment to help children build their practical mathematical skills to support problem solving and calculations. The children will also be developing their mathematical vocabulary to support reasoning tasks. To assist with children’s mathematical development encourage them to handle real money and understand the value of coins and notes along with reading analogue and digital time in a 12hr and 24hr format.
History and Geography
We will begin the term by looking at the United Kingdom. The children will be learning the countries, capital cities and surrounding seas. We will also complete a location study comparing two of the capital cities.
During the second half of the Summer term we will be learning about the monarchy of the country and how this has changed over time.
Throughout the Summer term we will be looking at the area of Science ‘plants.’ Children initially will be learning the structure of pollinating plants. They will move onto learning about what plants need to grow and how farmers grow crops. We will also be making the most of our fantastic allotments by growing our own plants.
Computing will be embedded through lots of areas of the curriculum. For example, producing our English report using word processing. This will help to develop the children’s confidence with technology.
Art and DT
Our focus will be designing and making a chariot that can be pulled by a horse. We will also be completing lots of sketching linked to our Science work.
In RE, we will be considering different ways of living. Our PSHE learning will lead us to think about Physical and Mental Wellbeing focusing in on why sleep is important; medicines and keeping healthy; keeping teeth healthy; managing feelings and asking for help.
Year 2 Music this term is based around friendship songs.
The children will have PE on a Wednesday afternoon (with Mr Dyce) and Friday morning (with myself). Please send your child to school on both these days in their full PE kit, remember to send them in joggers and a jumper depending on the weather. We will be covering cricket and tennis.
Along with listening to your child read, the children will be set spellings to learn each week on a Friday, ready for a test on the following Friday; please assist them with look, cover, write, check activities to consolidate their learning. The children will have one piece of homework to complete each week: either a piece of English, Maths, Science or Topic work to help support their learning in the classroom. Please support your child to ensure that they understand what has been asked of them and that their work is clearly and neatly completed. This will be uploaded on Teams; please could you upload their finished work back onto Teams rather than sending into school.
Reading Books
We will continue to change books (where possible) when the children return them to school, once they are finished. Do still write in their orange Reading Record every time you hear your child read and record any concerns in here.
We have already assessed each child’s reading level. I do assess levels half- termly and your child will be reading to a member of the classes teaching team at least once a week, so each child’s level will be monitored.
At the back of your child’s orange reading record is the Class Two reading challenge. Please remember to complete this.
If you have any concerns or issues you would like to discuss regarding your child, please email the office and I will be in touch.
Kind Regards,
Miss Hagger