Class 6 Summer Term Newsletter
Class 6 Newsletter – Summer Term 2022
Welcome back!
This last term at Primary School will, I hope, be a very special, busy and memorable one. We have an exciting timetable of events in this last term including our residential trip to Manor Adventure on the 11th – 13th July and a workshop with Crucial Crew. Also, we will be developing our entrepreneurial skills with our own Dragon Den’s project later this term.
English: we will be studying a range of fiction and non- fiction writing, including non- chronological reports, poetry, film narrative and graphic novels and classic fiction; we will review and practice all the key features of the different text types, look at spelling patterns and strategies, build on our use of different types of sentence and structures for good effect and perfect our handwriting. Drama, music and play scripts will be a focus at the end of term as we prepare for our production to be performed in our Leavers’ Assembly. We will also reinforce aspects of spelling, grammar and punctuation through GPS early morning activities.
Continued reading of quality texts is to be encouraged (at home as well as at school), with discussion to draw out understanding using inference and deduction.
Maths: we will reinforce of all areas of the Maths curriculum to develop thinking skills and approaches to problem solving, working logically and systematically, and using and applying Maths
Science: Electricity and Light.
Topic: Geography – Brazil The aim of this unit is to introduce the pupils to the diverse and unique culture of Brazil. Throughout the unit the pupils will be encouraged to compare the geography of Brazil to that of the UK. Pupils will begin by studying the human and physical features of Brazil before placing Brazil in the wider context of the world and South America. They will investigate the many differences between urban and rural Brazil and case study the lives of people living within Rio de Janeiro.
Our work in History will focus on World War II in Europe and the Battle of Britain.
Art: In Art we will be comparing the work of Pop artists their style and techniques and comparing them to Graffiti artists.
DT we will be working with wood and bird boxes (postponed from Spring term).
Computing: Information Technology – Media we will be creating a short television advert linked to our topic and English work. Followed by a unit of Computer Science – Coding where we are AI developers learning about artificial intelligence and machine learning. We will also continue to ensure that we are safe in our use of the internet and social media.
French: ‘mes passe temps’ and ‘la France et les pays francophones.
P.S.H.E.: We will be looking and differences and discrimination, healthy lifestyles and growing and changing as well as a focus on economic awareness and enterprise towards the end of the term. We will also be attending a virtual workshop with Crucial Crew.
Forest School: We will start Forest School Thursday in the afternoon. We will walk to the forest and children will need to be collected at 3pm. We will go on Thursday 12th May, 19th May, 16th June and 23rd June. Also, there will be a special Forest School with their Reception Buddies in July (date TBC).
P.E.: Athletics, Cricket, Tennis and Rounders. Please ensure that full P.E. kit (shorts, T- shirt, socks and trainers) are at school. PE will be on Monday/Friday alternate weeks and Wednesday.
R.E.: we will be continuing with our studies of Judaism.
Music: Mrs Ford will be teaching music this term on Thursdays. The children will be listening to music from around the world and creating their own pieces of music together. If your child has a recorder please bring it in on Thursdays. Thank you.
SATs Week – Please ensure your child has had a good night’s sleep and breakfast.
Monday 9th May – Spelling and GPS.
Tuesday 10th May – Reading Comprehension.
Wednesday 11th May – Maths Arithmetic Paper 1 and Reasoning Paper 2
Thursday 12th May – Maths Reasoning Paper 3
Future Events –
Crucial Crew Workshop – Monday 23rd May
Class Walk date TBC
Picnic with our Buddies in Reception on Jubilee Fields – date TBC
Cinema/ bowling trip – date TBC
Meeting about residential trip – Thursday 9th June 3.30pm
Residential trip to Manor Adventure, Norfolk Lakes Monday 11th July – Wednesday 13th July
Leavers Assembly – end of year production – Wednesday 20th July
Now the days are getting warmer we hope to be planting our allotment soon. Any donations of seedlings or seeds would be gratefully received. Thank you.
As always if you do have any questions or concerns at any time, please do phone or email the office and I will return your call or email as soon as possible.
Kind regards
Annabelle Hall