Headteacher Newsletter Issue 4
Dear Parents
Halloween & Firework Safety Assembly
We were very fortunate to have a visit from the Fire Service last week. They visited Class 1 where they talked about people who keep us safe (focusing on firemen) and the sort of work that they do. The children also got to see the protective clothing that firemen wear when putting out fires. They then shared everything they had learnt so far about the Great Fire of London and discussed how firefighting is different now.
After their visit to class 1 they led a whole school assembly around safety during Halloween and Fireworks. The children learnt the importance of standing well back from fireworks, protecting their hands when using a sparkler and keep pets indoors amongst lots of useful advice. The assembly helped to support the whole school with their PSHE learning around safety and they recorded this session in different ways such as information posters.
After their visit to Class 1 they led a whole school assembly around safety during Halloween and Fireworks. The children learnt the importance of standing well back from fireworks, protecting their hands when using a sparkler and keep pets indoors amongst lots of useful advice. The assembly helped to support the whole school with their PSHE learning around safety and they recorded this session in different ways such as information posters.
Years 6 Football Tournament at Herbert’s Farm Saffron Walden
The boys team played six other Saffron Walden schools in the middle-sized school group. Clavering boys won 3 games and lost 3 games, overall coming third in the group. The Year 6 girls played five matches and drew 2 games and won 3, coming second overall. All the games were very close and the teams demonstrated good communication skills, positive team spirit and sportsmanship. It was a fun tournament for both teams and they all enjoyed the experience of playing so many games. Thank you to the parents who helped to transport the players to and from Herbert’s Farm.
Well done Year 6 – you were great and a credit to the school!
Year 3 Pond Dipping
There was great enthusiasm from class 3 at the pond last Friday. We discussed what sort of species might use freshwater habitats and then had a go at dipping for them. We got a good view of the following species in our inspection tray, which the children then identified from charts: Horsehair worm, Freshwater louse, Flat worm, Ramshorn snail, Pond snail, Water mint and Duck weed. There were lots of great questions and some great answers too. We will hopefully come back in the spring/summer to look for signs of amphibians.
Reception Forest School
Reception enjoyed their very first visit to the forest. They were very sensible listening to all the important rules. While we walked there, there were many treasures to collect – wonderful acorns and conkers. In the forest we sat in the new log circle. We have moved to a different part of the wood to let the land recover. The children voted on their forest school name – Spinning Spiders. Then we collected beautiful coloured leaves for our forest school books. There was lots of exploration, music making, bug hunting and bridge building. Thank you to Mrs Berrett, Mrs Thomas and Charlotte Pellew for their help.
Cross Country
On Thursday 19th October, children from Classes 3,4,5, and 6 went to Chrishall School for this year’s cross country race against other local Saffron Walden schools. Years 5 and 6 ran 3 laps of the field while Years 3 and 4 ran 2 laps. All the children did really well and managed to complete their race. Clavering overall had fantastic results and lots of the children are now going to compete in the next round:
- Year 3 Boys – Harry
- Year 3 Girls – 2ndClavering: Eve, Evie, Tilly, Phoenix, Lottie and Hattie
- Year 4 Boys – 2ndClavering: Ollie, Toben, Frankie, Sebastian, Joseph and Danny
- Year 4 Girls – 2ndClavering: Polly, Jemima, Poppy, Ruby, Ella and Maya
- Year 5 Boys -William
- Year 5 Girls – 3rdClavering: Ellie, Ava, Clara and Luna
- Year 6 Boys -Joint 2ndClavering: Will, Fin, George B, Sid, George S and Liam
- Year 6 Girls- 1stClavering: Hadley, Lily, Louisa, Amelia, Robin and Lacey
Luckily, it was a lovely sunny morning and everyone really enjoyed the event. Thank you to the parents who came and helped too. Well done to all the competitors and an extra well done to Hadley and Polly who both won their races and Evie who came third!
Playleader Graduation
This week Year 6 have graduated as Playleaders in a special assembly where we were given a certificate and our own Playleader hat. This half term we have been training to be good Playleaders. We have created games suitable for children to play at lunchtime and practiced our games with Class 1. Next half term we will be taking turns at lunchtime to organise and play these games with the younger children.
Donation from Nisa
We would like to say a big thank you to all at Nisa Clavering, for their very generous donation of £1800 to purchase new laptops, it will help enormously with the children’s computing syllabus and access to IT learning.
We will officially be thanking Sam and his team at the shops relaunch on Saturday 22nd October where a cheque will be presented to our IT/Computing lead.
School Admissions – Primary and Secondary – Apply Now!!
To apply quickly and easily for primary and secondary school places go online to https://www.essex.gov.uk/admissions-to-essex-schools-for-the-next-school-year
Secondary school places for September 2023
From 12 September 2022 you can apply online for your child’s school place https://www.essex.gov.uk/apply-for-a-secondary-school-place
You must submit an application by the national closing date of 31 October 2022. Applications received after this date will be considered late and you may reduce your chance of being offered a place at your preferred school.
Primary and junior school places for September 2023
From 7 November 2022 you can apply online for your child’s school place https://www.essex.gov.uk/apply-for-a-primary-school-place
You must submit an application by the national closing date of 15 January 2023. Applications received after this date are considered late and will reduce your chance of being offered a place at your preferred schools.
Free School Meals Funding
You can register for Free Schools Meals Funding if you meet the criteria below.
If you have a child in Key Stage One and are receiving the free meal, which is part of the universal offer, you could be missing out on this additional funding for the school, which will support your child with their learning, if you meet the criteria below. You have to apply for this funding. If you think you meet the criteria below then please follow the guidance below and contact the school office.
Mobile Phones
This is a gentle reminder not to use mobile phones whilst on the school site.
This is part of our safe-guarding policy for all of our children.
4.10.22 Sports Ambassador Training
5.10.22 KS2 Quad Kids
6.10.22 AGM at Fox 7pm
12.10.22 Yrs5 – 6 Football Herberts Farm
13.10.22 PCSO visit
18.10.22 School Improvement Evening
19.10.22 Cross Country KS2
20.10.22 Open Morning for new parents
21.10.22 INSET day – school closed to pupils
w/b 31.10.22 Friendship Week
w/b 31.10.22 Friends of Clavering Pumpkin Competition
2.11.22 Parent evening
3.11.22 Parent evening
w/b 7.11.22 Bikeability and 24th and 25th November
9.11.22 Bag2School
9.11.22 Yrs 3/4 Multi skills
10.11.22 Friends of Clavering Disco
11.11.22 Year 3 Parent Sharing Assembly
18.11.22 Children in Need
24.11.22 Skootfit Rec, yrs1 and 2
30.11.22 Sports Hall Athletics yrs 3/4 pm
2.12.22 Flu Immunisation
3.12.22 Spirit of Christmas Concert – School Choir event
8.12.22 The Snowman – KS1 at Saffron Hall
12.12.22 Tray Day
14.12.22 KS2 dress rehearsal am, KS1 dress rehearsal, KS2 evening performance
yrs 5 and 6 Parents
15.12.22 Reception Nativity am, KS1 performance pm, KS2 evening performance yrs
3 and 4 Parents
19.12.22 Friends of Clavering Christmas Shopping Morning
20.12.22 Church Service
20.12.22 Christmas lunch
20.12.22 End of term
5.1.23 New Spring term begins
Week ending 7th October
Reception Juliet – for her fantastic independent writing
Year One Henry – for always working hard and trying his best, especially with his independent writing
Year Two Jacob – for fantastic Maths and willingness to answer questions
Year Three Evie – for great confident and a positive attitude at Quad kids this week
Year Four Joseph – for making positive choices and showing enjoyment in his learning
Year Five Clara – for her thorough analysis of the impacts of tourism
Year Six Aaron – for his excellent homework and writing clear instructions on how to play his game
Week ending 14th October
Reception Naomi –for brilliant listening and for always trying her best especially in writing
Year One Ollie – for great improvement to focus and super effort with his writing
Year Two Consuello – for consistent hard work and a positive attitude
Year Three Minty – for an improved effort in all subject areas
Year Four Sebastian – for being a kind and loyal friend to others
Year Five Eli – for his enthusiastic attitude towards learning and great class contributions
Year Six Isaac – for his great effort and good sportsmanship in football
For children who have achieved their personal best:
Juliet – outstanding phonics and handwriting
Alex S – using his phonics to spell his words
Year One
Alfie F -great progress and effort in his writing and letter formation.
Oscar – great progress building his confidence and independence in maths.
Year Two
Caleb – always working hard in lessons and making great progress in writing
Astrid – for fantastic writing in English and creating pieces of art inspired by different artists
Year Three
Elise – great progress in Maths.
Eve – for a great improvement in her attitude to reading.
Year Four
Poppy – for challenging herself in her learning especially in her writing and for being an incredibly supportive classmate who always gives her time to others.
Elliott – for being a kind and thoughtful member of our class who shows excellent understanding of his learning and for being a reflective learner.
Year Five
Luke – for his thoughtful contributions to class discussions.
Ellie – for being a kind and caring member of the class and school community
Year Six
Amelia – for her excellent focus and effort in Maths
Josh L – for always taking great care over the presentation of his written work and trying to do his best.
R Cameron for great writing of tricky words
1 Luna for great effort with handwriting and using full stops.
2 Jaxon for always putting 100% effort into his work
3 Hattie for great effort with all her writing.
4 Elliot for improving his handwriting and excellent maths presentation.
5 Luke for his thoughtful writing in English and scientific explanation.
6 Amelia for consistent effort and achievement in all her writing
Cartoon Attitude Learning Awards
We have our super-hero learning behaviours, which the children created in their house groups during a Friendship Week. This term the children worked hard on engagement, championed by “Engagemonk”. Two children from each class were nominated for a special award and will enjoy a hot chocolate treat with Miss Allsop.
Reception: Peter and Felix
Class 1: Marnie and Jakob
Class 2: Reggie and Cecily
Class 3: Hattie and Alfie
Class 4: Carrie and Jemima
Class 5: Matilda and Isaac
Class 6: George B and Hadley
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment.
Have a good half term break.
Rosalind Allsop