Class Three Bug Hotel
Class Three have had great fun designing and creating our bug hotel in the school allotment area. The children have proudly called it ‘Bugingham Palace’. We thought about the type of wildlife we wish to attract and created suitable habitats for all. Here are some comments from the children about creating the bug hotel.
“There is a birds nest in the centre, surrounded by leaves to keep them warm over the winter,” Lottie.
“There are sections made of bark, leaves and sticks to keep bugs like caterpillars and spiders safe,” Evie.
“There are cans and cups full of stones, leaves and hollow sticks for woodlice, ladybirds and other small creatures,” Alastair.
“It took us quite a while to make, but it was fun and it looks amazing now it’s done!” Phoebe R
“We worked as groups. Each group made part of the hotel, I put some leaves and stones in a can,” Sophie.