Headteacher Newsletter Issue 12
We would like to welcome the Gravatt family to Reception and Year 4.
KS1 Theatre Production
Year 5 Road Safety
Last week Y5 took part in the first of two Road Safety sessions with Essex Highways. We did some hazard perception and discussed the road safety rules. We then role played these out in the playground. Later in the term we will be practising what we have learnt with some group pedestrian training on the road outside of school.
STEM with Wings
This week Y5 have been lucky enough to take part in a nationwide STEM with wings webinar where over 800 school across the country were able to learn more about the planet, Mars, from an actual NASA engineer. He spoke to us about the different Mars Rovers he had helped to create and land on Mars and much more. We saw videos and pictures of what Mars surface looks like and then ended the session with a Q&A session where the children could ask any questions they had to the NASA engineer. It was Marsmerising!
We have just received some pertinent online safety information that we wanted to share with you –
“Social media access
Several organisations provide guidance about the minimum age requirements that apply to apps such as TikTok, YouTube and WhatsApp, and information for parents/carers on how to apply privacy and safety settings, if their children are using social media, to help them stay safe online. These include:
We have been made aware of a WhatsApp group called ‘Add Everyone You Know’ or ‘Add every 1 u know’. Children have been invited to join and to add all their contacts with the aim of attracting over 1000 members. Group posts have included the use of inappropriate language and requests to upload nude photos. You may wish to notify parents/carers and include links to the organisations referred to above or other organisations which provide advice about appropriate app usage.”
Application for leave of absence for term time holidays
Guidance from the Local Authority:
“Leave of absence may only be granted by a person authorised in that behalf by the proprietor of the school. As from 1st September 2013, the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 amended Regulation 7 to prohibit the proprietor of a maintained school from granting leave of absence to a pupil, except where an advance application has been made by the parent with whom the pupil normally resides, and the proprietor considers that there are exceptional circumstances relating to the application.
Taking your child out of school during term time could be detrimental to your child’s educational progress. There is no entitlement to parents to take their child out of school during term time, however, you may apply to the school for leave of absence if you believe there are exceptional circumstances.
If the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken, the case will be referred to the Education Welfare Service who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school.”
Please note occasional days for birthdays and treats cannot be authorised and cheaper prices cannot be considered to be a valid reason. No leave of absence will be granted during our assessment weeks or the first week of the Autumn term. Medical appointments, if at all possible, should be made outside school hours. Siblings of children attending medical appointments should remain in school.
Free School Meals Funding
You can register for Free Schools Meals Funding if you meet the criteria below.
If you have a child in Key Stage One and are receiving the free meal, which is part of the universal offer, you could be missing out on this additional funding for the school, which will support your child with their learning, if you meet the criteria below. You have to apply for this funding. If you think you meet the criteria below, then please follow the guidance below and contact the school office.
Mobile Phones
This is a gentle reminder not to use mobile phones whilst on the school site.
This is part of our safe-guarding policy for all our children.
3.5.24 Non uniform day – Saville – most house points
6.5.24 Bank Holiday
7.5.24 SATs and Residential meeting for Year 6 parents
8.5.24 Year 2-3 tees cricket 1-3pm at JFAN (dependent on numbers of teams)
13.5.24 SATs week KS2
17.5.24 Sharing Assembly – Year 1 parents invited
21.5.24 Piano Concert for parents pm
22.5.24 Years 6 Dynamos cricket at SWCC boys 9.15-1pm, girls 1-3pm
23.5.24 Years 3 / 4 rapid fire cricket 1-2.30pm at JFAN
24.5.24 Sharing Assembly – Year R parents invited
27.5.24 Half Term
3.6.24 INSET Day – school closed to pupils
w/b 3rd and 10th June Year 4 Multiplication Check
6.6.24 Sports Day
10.6.24 KS1 Phonics Check
13.6.24 Year 6 Crucial Crew
14.6.24 Sharing Assembly – Year 5 parents invited
16th – 19th June Year 6 Residential
18.6.24 Reception Induction morning
21.6.24 Friends of Clavering Fun Run
24.6.24 Year 6 Transition Week
27.6.24 SWCHS Bridge Day
28.6.24 SWCHS Taster Day
28.6.24 Tray Day
1.7.24 INSET Day – school closed to pupils
2.7.24 Year 1 trip TBC
3.7.24 Year 5 Harlow Outdoors
10.7.24 Year 2 Aerozone
12.7.24 Friends of Clavering Summer Fayre
15.7.24 Parent Evening
16.7.24 Class Swap
17.7.24 Parent Evening
22.7.24 Year 3 trip TBC
22.7.24 Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly
23.7.24 Last day of term
Reception Matthew – his brilliant alien description
Year One Daisy – for being a super helpful and kind class member
Year Two Tilly – for great effort in all her learning and settling in well to class 2
Year Three Bodhi – for improved effort and engagement in all areas
Year Four Kitty – for always trying her best in every curriculum area and for being a super kind member of year 4
Year Five Danny – for exceptional team work on our trip to Daws Hall
Year Six Ernie – for improved focus in all lessons and being kind and caring to others
Reception George – for his fantastic doubling and for working independently
Year One Chantelle – for her excellent progress in reading
Year Two Henry – for great effort contributing ideas in lessons
Year Three Jasmine – for consistently working hard and trying her best in every subject especially Maths
Year Four Amelia ????- for settling well into year 4 and for being a helpful member of class
Year Five Joseph – for great focus and effort in all subject areas
Year Six Ava – for consistent hard work and progress in Maths
Reception Alex – for his brilliant understanding of the tricky tens digits
Year One Freddie – for his thoughtful contributions in reading and RE sessions
Year Two Flora – for a great start to the summer term and improved focus
Year Three Torben – for great effort to improve the presentation of his work
Year Four Amelia G – for settling so well into Year 4
Year Five Milly – for fantastic use of metaphors in her poetry and excellent effort in all lessons
Year Six Anna – for settling into class 6 and working very hard in all lessons
R Jasper for excellent number writing.
1 Felix for his independent work when writing a character description.
2 Henry for a fantastic effort with his handwriting.
3 Reggie for a huge improvement with all his handwriting.
4 Phoebe R for making a big effort to improve her handwriting.
5 Amelia for fantastic metaphoric language in her poetry.
6 Cindy for a fantastic piece of writing about ‘Alma’
If you have any questions at any time, please feel free to make an appointment.
Wishing you all an enjoyable Bank Holiday weekend
Rosalind Allsop