Reception Class Newsletter Summer Term – second half of term
Reception Class Newsletter Summer Term 2
Dear Parents / Carers,
We trust you had a relaxing and enjoyable half-term. Huge congratulations to the class on their brilliant assembly and we hope you are enjoying watching the beans grow.
A gentle and polite reminder, social media groups are not the appropriate forum for raising any concerns about your child or the class. It is important that the school is made aware directly, so that support can be placed where needed. Many thanks.
We have another exciting and busy half-term ahead of us finishing the EYFS curriculum and preparing the children for their transition into Year 1. Our topic is Minibeasts so we look forward to learning lots about the importance of insects, conservation, life cycles and lots more. We know may families have had them at home but we hope to be joined by five caterpillar friends! If you have any books or expertise related to Minibeasts please do let us know!
Reminders and ways to help at home:
Water bottles: please bring in fresh water each day in a named water bottle.
Sun hat and sun cream: please keep an eye on the weather as sometimes children will still need a rain coat, NAMED sun hat and sun cream administered before they come to school.
Snack: all children should be bringing in fruit or vegetable for their snack at morning play.
NAMING: we are still finding many personal items without names in! These are going straight to Lost Property now. Please check all uniform, water bottles and pots in case names have rubbed off. ALSO, if your child wears an item previously belonging to an older child please change the name to the new name.
PE Kit: all children should have a pair of navy shorts or skort for summer PE lessons now.
Home Folders: continue to send these every day with the sound book, reading books and poetry journal (new one only please keep old one at home) inside.
Phonics and reading: we are moving onto Phase 4 phonics which we start and will be continued in Year 1. We assessed the class before half-term and many children still need lots of reinforcing of the Phase 3 sounds and some the Phase 2 sounds too. Please continue to practice daily with the sound book. We will continue to hear children read regularly and change books. Please be reassured that we hear children read in many whole class and group sessions too.
New tricky words to read and write: said, have, like, so, do, some, come, little, were, there, one, were, out, what, when
Maths: lots of counting beyond 20 up to 100 in 2s, 5s and 10s and knowing number bonds – pairs of numbers that make 10 (1+9, 2+8 etc).
Dates for your diary:
6.6.24 – Sports Day
7.6.24 – Forest School
17.6.24 – Jam Jars for the Summer Fair to be handed in
21.6.24 – Forest School and Parent Picnic / Fun Run
28.6.24 – Tray Day
5.7.24 – Non-uniform day (bring in bottles/chocolate for summer fair)
11.7.24 – Reports out
12.7.24 – Summer Fair
15.7.24 – Parent’s Evening (to discuss school report)
16.7.24 – Class Swap – children visit new teacher/s and classroom
18.7.24 – Road Safety talk for children and Parents
23.7.24 – End of term.
Please DO speak to us via the school office with any queries and concerns.
Best wishes, Alison Course and Wendy Berrett