Class 1 Newsletter Autumn Term
Welcome back to school, we hope that you all had a great summer!
The children are settling in well into their new class and getting used to their new school routines. During the first half term, the children will be settling back into school and their learning. We will begin with a play-based approach and gradually introduce more structured forms of learning as the term progresses.
In English, the focus will be on developing confident independent reading, correct letter formation and simple sentence structure. This will be done through targeted phonics lessons and learning linked to the stories such as The Gingerbread Man and The Three Little Pigs. Pupils will focus on the predictive phrasing, repeating patterns and familiar settings within the texts. The class will also study the structure and purpose of lists, labels, and signs from using the story ‘Billy’s Bucket’ and the story ‘Not a Stick’.
Towards the end of the Autumn term, we will be learning to write letters and enjoying activities from ‘The Jolly Postman’ book.
Initially pupils will repeat and review many of the letter sounds (phonemes) already taught in Reception. These include phase 3 phonemes which are /j/, /v/, /w/, /x/, /y/, /z/, /zz/, /qu/, /oo/, /ar/, /or/, /ur/, /ow/, /oi/, /ear/, /ch/, /sh/, /th/, /ng/, /ai/, /ee/, /igh/, /oa/, /air/, /ure/, /er/ and phase 4 cluster sounds such as /str/. Phonemes are single sounds and are made up of single or multiple letters. For example, the /f/ phoneme is a single lettered sound and /ee/ sound is a two lettered sound (diagraph).
Later in the Autumn term, pupils will be introduced to a new set of sounds known as phase 5 phonemes. For example, /oy/ for b – oy (boy) and split diagraphs such as /e-e/ for Pete.
The key objective is to secure the current phonetical knowledge and then to increase it by introducing new sounds so that pupils develop into fluent, independent readers.
‘Place Value (to 10),’ is our first topic in Maths. During the topic, the children will be sorting, counting and representing objects, recognising numbers as words, counting on and backwards within 10, identifying 1 more and 1 less and comparing and ordering numbers. ‘Addition and subtraction’ is our second Maths topic. During the topic, the children will be learning about part-whole models, writing number sentences, learning and practising their number bonds to 10 and solving additions and subtractions to 10 in different ways. In our final topic, ‘Shape,’ the children will be recognising, naming and sorting 2-D and 3-D shapes and looking a pattern with 2-D and 3-D shapes.
Our first science topic is all about everyday materials. Class 1 will explore and investigate different types of materials and objects that are made from these materials. They will also investigate the varying properties of materials understanding why using one material over another is better. We shall be conducting lots of experiments linked to material properties and using these to help us in our DT this term.
Our History topic this term is The Great Fire of London. We will explore how the fire started, what happened during the fire and what impact it had on the City of London.
Children will be learning about significant people that helped and why they were important during this time.
During the first half term, our RE topic will be focusing on the question: What do my senses tell me about the world of religion and belief? The topic will focus on Christian and Hindu practices. During the second half term, our RE topic will be focusing on the question: How does a celebration bring a community together? The topic will focus on Christian and Muslin celebrations.
Computing and Art:
In Computing and Art topic ‘We are Digital Artists,’ we will be learning about a range of artists, craft markers and designers and describing the differences and similarities between the difference practice and disciplines. We will be making our own version of artwork and making links between our pieces of Art work.
In DT we will be exploring different structures including ways and materials used to make them, leading to us building new houses for the Three Little Pigs. Children will be learning to firstly plan and design how they want to create their model and finally evaluating their models, thinking about improvements they would make next time.
‘Hey You!’ is our first Music topic, where we will be learning about differences between pulse, rhyme and pitch. ‘Rhythm In The Way We Walk and Banana Rap’ is our second topic, where we will be learning action songs that link to the foundations of Music.
In PSHE we will be focusing on families and friendships, safe relationships and respecting ourselves and others. This will include families and people who care for me, recapping the NSPCC –PANTS message learnt in Reception. Learning about the NSPCC –Speak out, stay safe scheme, and what is meant by consent. There will be lots of circle time discussions.
PE will be taught on a Wednesday and a non-Forest School Friday (we will let you know when Forest School is starting), On Wednesdays, the children will learn and enhance their ball skills. On Fridays, the children will focus on fundamental skills such as movement and balance. PE kits will be sent home on a Friday. Please ensure your child’s PE kit comes back in on Monday and is in school all week as there are sometimes changes to or extra PE sessions.
Within school, pupils will be reading with an adult every week. This is in addition to the regular reading opportunities within phonics and English lessons specifically. Please encourage a love of reading by providing as many opportunities as possible for your child to read to you, ideally this should be daily.
Please use their reading diaries to record their reading at home and provide a comment where relevant as this helps us to support them further during school time.
When your child has read their reading book at home, their book will be changed.
In addition to reading a new book, repeated reading is also very beneficial as this promotes reading fluency (reading with speed and expression) and good comprehension skills.
Please ensure your child’s reading book and record is in school every day, so that staff can record and comment on their reading during individual and group reading at school.
Weekly homework will consist of either a short Maths activity or a short Phonics activity based on the sounds/learning we have been working on in the week. Homework is set to provide further practice and to consolidate learning from the week.
Your child will be given a homework book in which to complete the activity. This will be set on a Friday and need to be returned by the following Wednesday.
Homework will be given at the end of the Autumn term to give the children a chance to settle into year 1.
If you have any queries or specific queries, please contact the school office and we will get back to you at the earliest opportunity.
Thank you for your continued support.
Best wishes,
Miss Battrick and Mrs Yildiz, The Year 1 Team