Class 6 Newsletter Spring Term
Happy New Year!
English: Through our English lessons we will have a significant author study and create writing inspired by the author, write autobiographies, recounts, reports & information, discussion and persuasion. We are starting off our VIPERS (whole class reading) with the text ‘Skellig’ by David Almond which will also inform our writing. Spelling, grammar, punctuation, handwriting, editing and other literacy skills are weaved throughout all our curriculum. The children are continuing to strengthen their dictionary and thesaurus all.
Maths: We will continue to improve mental calculations along with focusing on coordinates, shape, time, fractions, decimals & percentages, area, perimeter, volume, converting units, ratio, and algebra. It is essential children are fluent in their multiplication and can recall multiplication division facts up to the twelve’s times table.
Science: The circulatory system – Identify and name basic parts and organs of the human circulatory system, and explain functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood. Recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs, and lifestyle on the way our body’s function.
Topic (History/Geography): To start the term off we will be looking at the stone age through to the iron age. Children will be looking at when it was a better period to live in and the changes that happened in Britain during these times. In geography we will look at food and farming on a global scale.
Languages: Mes passe-temps & ma journee – Understand and communicate ideas, facts and feelings in speech and writing using developing knowledge of vocabulary and understanding of grammatical structures.
Computing: We will focus on digital literacy through internet safety and information technology will focus on media.
Art and DT: In Art we will learn about great artists focusing on the work of David Hockney and Claude Monet. In DT we will be focusing on food relating to seasonality and celebration.
Religious Education: Our two focuses this term in RE are Philosophy – What does it mean to be human? Is being happy the greatest purpose in life? Theology – Creation or Science? Conflicting or Complimentary? Christian? Humanist?
P.E: Mr Snelling will be leading both of our PE sessions this term. PE will take place on a Thursday and a Friday. However, it is essential PE kits are in school from Monday ready for the week and children will come home in kits on a Friday (uniform in their bags) so it can be washed. Please remember deodorant needs to be stick/roll on – please no aerosols and all uniform and PE kits are clearly named, including footwear.
PSHE: Our PSHE topics this term are challenging gender stereotypes, digital wellbeing and making most of money. We will also be having a visit from a local magistrate to explain their role in the community and how children’s & adults actions can impact their futures. The children will continue their play leading and working with Reception. We will also begin to build in more learning time with Reception.
Music: We will listen and appraise music from different times and cultures and compose short pieces. On Tuesdays the children will have Wider Opportunity music lessons learning about brass instruments.
Homework: The children will be set Maths, English or Topic homework each week which should be completed in their Teams Account (unless otherwise stated) by the following Wednesday. On occasion the children may be set a project to complete over a set period which will run alongside regular homework. Spellings will be issued weekly via Teams and tests take place every Friday. Children need to be reading regularly and please do discuss their book and reading choices and continue to listen to them reading aloud when possible; this enables them to read at a pace to allow spellings and grammatical structures to be absorbed more readily. Additional homework may be set on occasions to support specific areas of learning as required.
Children are actively encouraged to bring in a snack for break time each day. It is often a long time between breakfast and lunch and a snack is important to keep us all going. We ask that these are healthy, in line with our Healthy Schools ethos (fruit or vegetables in their natural forms). Children must have a water bottle in school every day.
Events for your Diary
21st January – Magistrate visiting Class 6
7th February – NSPCC Number Day
25th February – Safer Internet Day
24th March – Tray Day
2nd & 3rd April – Parents Evenings
The team working alongside me this term to support the class is: Mrs Martin, Mrs Ellison, Mr Snelling and Mrs Lipscomb.
If you do have any quick questions, please do come a speak to me at the beginning or the end of the day, if a longer discussion is required, please phone/email the office to arrange an appointment.
Miss Morton