Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 15
Parent Governor Elections
We would like to welcome our two new Parent Governors to our team: Mary Loram and Elaine Moloney. They attended their first meeting last night and we are looking forward to working with them both.
Parent Forum
Our Parent Forum met last week to discuss the possibility of a walking bus which some parents are going to trial with their own children. Concerns have been raised as to how fast the cars are going along Stortford Road since the restrictions. Please remind your children to cross the road very carefully.
Parents were updated as to where we are with our outside area wish lists following our Vision Day. A list has been put together with appropriate suggestions from a variety of stakeholders with a plan of the outside area. Sonja Phipps is kindly putting costs next to the prioritised items on the list and drawing a final plan for the area. This will then be shared with the governing body, when sources of funding will be explored.
We are hoping to run a second hand uniform sale before and after our Sports Day on July 3rd. More details to follow.
Class teacher interviews
Last week interviews took place for the part time class teacher position. We are pleased to announce that Gail Broadbent will be joining our team from September.
SATs week
Well done to Year 6 who have been working very hard on their SATs all week. They are pleased the sun has now come out to celebrate their completion!
Art Prize Winners
Again this term, the entries for our school Art Prize were outstanding. The best in each of the four classes have been chosen for display in the school entrance hall. Congratulations go to all four runners up and to our winners:-
Timothy Kacar (Reception)
Oscar Kellett (Year 1)
Lizzie Bohannon (Year 4)
Phoebe Love (Year 6)
Walden Triathlon Club
Seven children from Clavering Primary School took part in the WaldenJNR vs. Cambridge Tri triathlon race on Saturday 3rd May at Friend’s School, Saffron Walden. The race was hard and challenging but enjoyable at the same time. Everyone tried their hardest and have done themselves proud.
There were some amazing results from 3 age groups. In the youngest age group Tristart (year 3) we had three competitors. Millie Denyer who came first, Freddie Wardle who came second. Unfortunately, Max Sanderson didn’t come in the top three but came home after trying his best with a good result.
The next category was Tristar 1. Alice Donker finished her race with a strong run and her end result was good. Also in this age group was Elliot Wood who finished first after a great cycle and run.
In the third age group (Tristar 2) we had two competitors. Amelia Donker, did a speedy swim and transition and Daisy Collett ran extremely fast with a sprint finish making her a pleasing fifteenth out of thirty one.
Former pupils Helena Dyce came 1st in her group and Lottie Dyce and Ella Hall both did well competing in the Youth group.
For the first time in five years Walden JNR won the practice race against Cambridge Tri due to everyone trying their best.
By Elliot Wood and Daisy Collett
Friends of Clavering dates –
5th June – Movie night 3.15pm in school hall. Children may go straight to the film from the end of the school day. More information to follow.
9th June – Fun Run (within school time)
11th July – Fete at 3.15pm
A few children are starting to wear trainers during the day instead of school shoes. Please encourage them to save these as an option to change into at lunchtime but not to wear as part of their school uniform. Children should come to school in shoes. Thank you
Week ending May 2nd
Reception: Kitty Crabb – working really hard to improve her concentration
Year One: Summer Hilton-Keech – for super writing
Year Two: Harry Clark – for his excellent work in R.E about a special place
Year Three: Isaac Bamford – for fabulous art work and focus in class
Year Four: Tabitha Joseph – for caring and encouraging manner towards her reading partners
Year Five: Elliott Wood – for thinking about which method was most efficient to answer questions on
Year Six: William Kocher – for good effort and concentration in class all week.
Week ending May 9th
Reception: Tilly Westoby – for fabulous writing about the pond, all on her own
Year One: Jude Mack – for his enthusiasm to succeed when adding numbers
Year Two: Annie Donker – for her hard work and enthusiasm for her water project
Year Three: Amelia Ferreira-Hartley – for super independent work to tackle maths challenges
Year Four: Edan Anderson-Patmore – for his interest in all things historical
Year Five: Daisy Collett – for persisting with her maths and finding percentages and not giving up!
Year Six: Olivia Taylor – for working co-operatively and collaboratively to produce excellent partner work in Science and Geography
22nd April Summer Term starts
24th April Class photographs
24th April SATs and Residential meeting for year 6 parents
2nd May Non uniform day for Ludgate – Spring Term House Cup winners
5th May Bank Holiday
12th – 16th May Year 6 SATs week
14th May Friends of Clavering Bag2School
19th May Assessment week for Classes 3, 4 and 5
26th – 30th May Half Term
5th June Friends of Clavering ‘Film Night’ from 3.15 pm
9th June Fun Run
16th June Year 6 visit Crucial Crew
20th June Induction Morning for new Reception parents
20th June Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Class 4 parents
25th June Years 3 and 4 visit Duxford
25th – 27th June Year 5 Residential to St. Marks
22nd – 25th June Year 6 Residential to Kingswood
27th June Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Reception parents
3rd July Sports Day (reserve date 11th July)
4th July Induction Day at Saffron Walden County High School for Year 6
7th July Inset Day – school closed/Tour de France
8th July Induction Day at Newport Free Grammar School and Saffron Walden County
High School for Year 6
9th July Years 5 and 6 visit the Houses of Parliament
10th July Tray Day/Open Afternoon 3.15 – 4.30 pm.
11th July School Fete
15th July Class Swap (11 – 12)
16th July Playleader Celebration at St. Marks
17th July Church Service am.
17th July Leavers’ Assembly pm.
18th July End of term 3.15pm
- For health and safety reasons and so that outside after school clubs can function properly, can children be supervised once they have been handed over to their parents especially when there are after school events. A number of children were left unattended on the playground and field during Tray Day and the Easter Fayre.
- Dinner Money for the summer term is £121.80 or £48.30 for the half term, £10.50 per week, £2.10 per day. Dinner money should be sent in on a Monday morning for the week in an envelope confirming your child/children’s names, class and amount enclosed. Please note if a lunch is ordered but not taken, it must be cancelled before 11.00 am to avoid charge.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment.
Have a good weekend
Rosalind Allsop