Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 8
Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 8 8.1.16
Happy New Year to you all and welcome back to a new term. We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
We have an exciting term ahead. Class letters have been distributed, which outline the curriculum for the term. They are also available via our website.
I am sorry to inform you that Mrs Amanda Honour, our Reception Nursery Nurse, will be leaving us after half term, to pursue a new challenge within the Local Authority. Mrs Honour has been with us for ten years and will be greatly missed. We wish her well in her new role.
Mrs Wendy Berrett will become our new Learning Support Assistant in Reception. Mrs Berrett has worked in the school previously and has a great deal of experience with Early Years. We look forward to welcoming her back on the 18th January.
Cross Country
The third Clavering Christmas Cross Country event was held on Wednesday 16th December. The races started with Reception Class running twice around the field, led by our Sports Ambassadors, Tabitha Joseph and James Fanthorpe from Year 6. The children in years 1 and 2 ran three times around the field, followed by years 3 and 4 who completed four laps. Finally, five laps were ran by years 5 and 6 around what was now a quite muddy track. It really helped being such a mild December day, and the children cheered loudly to encourage all of their friends to complete the course.
The children all ran incredibly well, but special mention needs to be given to:
Reception Boys James Elphick Conor Matthews Alex
Reception Girls Chloe Sundler Poppy McNaughton Daisy O’Hara
Year 1 Boys Ted Betts Aiden Prizeman Max Kellett and Ted Rotheram
Year 1 Girls Alice Elphick Amber Shaw Elizabeth Balaam
Year 2 Boys Oliver Dyster Freddie Hill Ted Davidson
Year 2 Girls Matilda Course Kitty Crabb Tilly Westoby
Year 3 Boys Andrew Mitchell Patrick Sowter Felix Phipps
Year 3 Girls Grace Wardle Seraphina Harris Rose Denyer
Year 4 Boys Thomas Dyster William Crabb Gianluca Ravazzotti
Year 4 Girls Georgie Collett Grace Livesey Isabella Budden
Year 5 Boys Freddie Wardle Isaac Bamford James Luxton
Year 5 Girls Millie Denyer Imogen Kocher Emily Berglund
Year 6 Boys Luke Townsend James Fanthorpe William Downham
Year 6 Girls Hollie Buckley Tabitha Joseph Martha Collett
A huge thank you was given to Mr. Dyce, Ms Dunlop and children from Joyce Frankland Academy for their help in organising the event.
Christmas DVD
Thank you for your donations following the Christmas plays. We raised almost £250 which will go towards the cost of production and licensing. A large part of the monies raised will go to the British Heart Foundation.
An order form for a copy of the Christmas DVD will be in your child’s Friday Folder.
Sharing Assemblies – an invitation!
We would like to invite our parents to attend one of your child’s Sharing Assemblies. The assemblies take place in the hall on a Friday afternoon and start at 2.45pm. Listed below are dates when your child’s class will be taking part in a Sharing Assembly. Please join us on this date:
Autumn Term 2015:
Class 6 13th November
Class 3 20th November
Class 2 27th November
Spring Term 2016:
Class 1 4th March
Class 5 11th March
Summer Term 2016:
Class Reception date to be arranged
Class 4 date to be arranged
In the interest of safety as well as appearance, pupils should wear suitable footwear for school. Shoes should fasten securely and be plain black and low heeled with enclosed toes. Boots, sandals, sling backs and trainers are not appropriate for school. Trainers can be worn for PE.
School Admissions – Primary and Secondary – Apply Now!!
To apply quickly and easily for primary and secondary school places go online to www.essex.gov.uk/admissions
For primary applications – (child born between 1 September 2011 and 31 August 2012) apply between 9 November 2015 to 15 January 2016
An opportunity to raise funds for Clavering Primary School when shopping online:
To raise funds for Clavering Primary School before shopping online –
- please click on easyfundraising.org.uk
- then click on Friends of Clavering Primary School.
Every purchase through many websites (including Amazon and John Lewis) raises a percentage for the school.
Bad weather
In the event of severe weather conditions and possible school closure a notice will be placed on the school website.
This year BBC Essex and Heart FM will not be announcing or publicising via websites. Parents will be notified via our new school website or the Essex County Council on the ‘Emergency School Closures’ page: http://www.essex.gov.uk/Education-Schools/Schools/Dates/Pages/Emergency-School-Closures.aspx
Please note that when the school is open in bad weather a path will be cleared to enable you to gain access to the school but care does still need to be taken.
Snow Patrol
It’s getting to that time of year again – if you would like to volunteer your services to help Mr Docking to clear the school grounds in the event of snow, please let the office know so that we can compile a list of names. We are very grateful for any offers of help, so that school can, where possible, remain open.
School Club Spring Term 2016
MONDAY | Bedazzle | 3.15 – 4.15 | All year groups |
Tennis | 3.15 – 4.15 | All year groups | |
Boys Football | 3.15 – 4.15 | Years 4 – 6 | |
WEDNESDAY | Girls Football | 3.15 – 4.15 | Years 4 – 6 |
Fitness | 3.15 – 4.15 | Years 3 & 4 | |
THURSDAY | Football | 3.15 – 4.15 | Years 2 & 3 |
Recorders (Beginners) | Lunch time | ||
Recorders (Intermediate) | Lunch time | ||
FRIDAY | Boys RugbyHockey | 3.15 – 4.15Match dates to be confirmed | Years 3 – 6Year 6 |
Week ending December 11th
Reception Alex – for being a fantastic double letter detective
Year One Henry Wyatt – for a super use of scientific words to describe plastic
Year Two Olivia Collier – for being a keen and enthusiastic learner
Year Three Freddie Lawton – for great understanding and explanation of events in our class reading texts
Year Four Amelie Windsor – for her singing and dancing during ‘Scrooge’ and her awareness of the needs of others
Year Five Harrison Bower – for his impressive speech for Caliph Al-Mansur
Year Six Abigael Beattie – for fantastic problem solving in maths and debugging in computing
For children who have achieved their personal best:
Reception: Poppy McNaughton – for working really hard and improving her writing
Beau Worrell – for amazing imagination during our work in Mr Crocodile
Year One: Alice Elphick – for excellent use of phonics in reading and spelling
Charlie Birch – for excellent use of phonics in reading and spelling
Year Two: Cameron Bower – for sustaining and delivering a substantial speaking and listening role with confidence, clarity and maturity
Kitty Crabb – for sustaining and delivering a substantial speaking and listening role with confidence, clarity and maturity
Year Three: Grace Wardle – for fabulous effort to complete more work in the time given and beautifully presented too
Patrick Sowter – for working hard to keep writing neat with accurate spelling
Year Four: Catherine Benbow – for using her musical abilities when playing her violin in a string workshop and performing to her class on the piano
Megan Elliston –for her ability to role play the part of a tomb robber in our Ancient Egyptian Day
Year Five: Hannah Chalk – for the extra effort she has put in to learning her multiplication tables as multiplication and division facts
Emer O’Keeffe – for her excellent reading journal
Year Six: Hollie Buckley – for excellent progress and achievement in writing
Beth Parker – for excellent achievement and a conscientious and mature approach to all her learning
Ted Betts, Elizabeth Balaam, Joshua Philpott, Max Melville, Isla Lawton and Lucy Carter in Class One for helping the Midday Assistants and Playleaders at lunchtime.
4th January Spring Term begins
8th January Non uniform day – Saville – Autumn Term House Cup Winners
12th January Class 2 re-scheduled Parent Consultations 3.30 – 5.30pm
13th January Class 2 re-scheduled Parent Consultations 5 – 7pm
12th January Flu Immunisation for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6
29th January Friends of Clavering Burns Night
11th February Friends of Clavering Film Night (no football club that night)
15th – 19th February Half Term
4th March Sharing Assembly – Class 1 parents invited to attend 2.45pm
5th March Friends of Clavering Quiz Night
11th March Sharing Assembly – Class 5 parents invited to attend 2.45pm
15th March Parent Consultations 5 – 7pm
16th March Parent Consultations 3.30 – 5.30pm
21st March Tray Day 3.15 – 4.15pm
21st March School Council Spring Fair for the pupils
24th March Friends of Clavering Easter Egg Hunt
24th March End of Term (Thursday)
11th April INSET Day – school closed to pupils
12th April Summer Term begins
24th April Friends of Clavering The Clavering Ramble
13th January Swimming Gala Years 3,4,5, and 6
18th January Year 6 Talent Camp (selected year 6)
20th January Family Schools Sports Hall Athletics 1
4th February Partnership Schools Sports Hall Athletics 2
10th February Tag Rugby selected Years 5 and 6
24th February Hockey
4th March Tag Rugby Finals (if qualify)
23rd March KS1 Dance Festival Years R, 1 and 2
- Please ensure children bring in coats now that the weather is getting colder. Also please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
- Please remember do NOT park at the shop for school events (eg class assemblies, school plays, Tray Day and Sports Day) only for drop off and pick up. The Fox and Hounds are more than happy to accommodate parking at all times. Parking at the shop prevents customers from accessing the shop.
- Please could all uniform be named as the lost property for this term with unnamed items is growing already! There was a large amount of uniform, unnamed, that had to be recycled at the end of last term.
- Healthy and Safety notice regarding the wearing of earrings during PE
We have been informed by Essex that The Primary Code states that all jewellery is to be removed for PE lessons and taping over earrings is not allowed. This means that if pupils cannot take their earrings out they will have to sit out of PE until a time that they can be removed. Schools have to comply with this guidance.
If your child is about to have their ears pierced it is advisable for it to take place over the summer so that the earrings can be removed for PE ready for the start of the Autumn term.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment.
Have a good weekend
Rosalind Allsop