Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 14
Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 14 15.4.16
I hope you all had an enjoyable and restful Easter.
We would like to welcome Esther Ryan, a trainee teacher from Homerton, who will be working with Class Four this term.
The Reception children are now in the main playground for all playtimes, which they are all very excited about.
Congratulations to Matt Snelling and his partner Amy who became engaged over the Easter holidays.
Reception Class
Please, if anyone is having a toy clear out, we would be hugely grateful for unwanted toy cars still in a useable and good condition.
School Council Spring Fair
On Monday 21st March we held our annual Spring Fair. Each class organised and ran two stalls. £417 was raised to continue our sponsorship, through Action Aid, of 10 year old Juliana who lives in Ghana. We will be buying equipment for our new outdoor area with the rest of the money. Thank you for your support. Well done to everyone involved!
Easter Service
Rev. Davis kindly visited our school for our end of term Easter Service. It was a lovely service with many children taking part. Thank you to year 6 for their readings and Year 5 for their thoughtfully written prayers. Thanks also to the senior recorder group and Mrs Ford for playing and to all the children for their wonderful and uplifting singing.
Friends of Clavering Easter Egg Hunt
On the last morning of term, Friends of Clavering sponsored an Easter Egg Hunt in the playground for all the children. The eggs were hidden all over the grounds (and in the hedges!) and the children had fun hunting them down in the sunshine.
Parent Consultations and Tray Day
Thank you to all the parents who attended Parent Consultations and Tray Day. We hope you enjoyed looking at the children’s work and that you found the meetings informative.
Outside area developments
We are pleased to announce that our Outside Area is very near to completion and we are, at present, organising for an Opening Ceremony to take place.
New School Summer Menu
A new lunch menu started this week and was circulated before the Easter break. Please visit our website for menu details.
MONDAY | Bedazzle | 3.15 – 4.15 | All year groups |
Tennis | 3.15 – 4.15 | All year groups | |
Boys Football | 3.15 – 4.15 | Years 4 – 6 | |
WEDNESDAY | Girls Football | 3.15 – 4.15 | Years 4 – 6 |
FitnessNature | 3.15 – 4.153.15 – 4.15 | Years 2, 3 & 4Years 2,3,4,5,6 | |
THURSDAY | Tag Rugby | 3.15 – 4.15 | Years 3 – 6 |
Recorders (Beginners) | Lunch time | Years 2 – 6 | |
Recorders (Intermediate) | Lunch time | Years 2 – 6 | |
FRIDAY | Girls & Boys Football | 3.15 – 4.15 | Years 2 & 3 |
Key Stage 1 Dance Festival
On Wednesday 22nd March, Class R, 1 & 2 went to Rickling Green to take place in the KS1 dance festival. There were 6 schools taking part and we performed brilliantly. Class Reception danced their weekly workout, Class 1 performed a perfect pirate dance and Class 2 danced as lots of underwater creatures to support their learning about life-cycles.
It was a fabulous event. Well done everyone.
Friends of Clavering ‘Lucky Lotto”
Thank you to everyone who has joined the Lucky Lotto so far! Still time to sign up for the rest of the year! The lucky winners of the March draw are the Hill family (£20) and the Betts family (£10 and £5!) – good luck for April’s draw!
School starts at 8.50 a.m.
We have noticed several children that are consistently arriving late for school – ‘late’ is defined by not being within the school gates by 8.50 a.m.
Please make every effort to be at school on time and if you know that your journey will be disrupted by road works, do allow time for this. Thank you.
In the interest of safety, as well as appearance, pupils should wear suitable footwear for school. Shoes should fasten securely and be plain black and low heeled with enclosed toes. Boots, sandals, sling backs and trainers are not appropriate for school. Trainers can be worn for PE.
An opportunity to raise funds for Clavering Primary School when shopping online:
To raise funds for Clavering Primary School before shopping online –
- please click on www.easyfundraising.org.uk
- then click on Friends of Clavering Primary School.Every purchase through many websites (including Amazon and John Lewis) raises a percentage for the school.
Week ending March 11th
Reception Rory Heald – for being a brilliant measurer
Year One Ted Betts – for great understanding of how many 10s in a given number
Year Two Ted Davidson – for concentrating well on his work
Year Three Grace Wardle – for demonstrating a great interest in Science
Year Four Daisy Coy – for care and attention to detail when working on a DT project and her ability to help others
Year Five Megan Logan – for the improvement in her reading and contribution in Shared Reading
Year Six Luke Townsend – for being an excellent ambassador for the school, both within the school and at
sporting events
Week ending March 18th
Reception Joseph Lawless – for his brilliant ball skills in PE
Year One Elizabeth Balaam – for a fabulous attitude towards her topic work on pirates
Year Two Cameron Bower – for working really hard and for being a kind and helpful member of year 2
Year Three Jude Mack – for his enthusiasm towards maths work
Year Four Orla Russell – for making adventurous word choices when writing and structuring her work well
Year Five Saffron Frewin – for trying hard with her maths and having a go at the challenge
Year Six Hollie Buckley – for beautiful and creative art work
Week ending March 24th
Reception Daisy O’Hara – for brilliant writing about her alien all by herself
Year One Max Kellett – for his excellent understanding of Place Value
Year Two Rebecca Langton – for working ‘really’ hard on her ‘fakebot’ mat and lovely neat work
Year Three Rose Denyer – for always listening carefully and for always being motivated and ready to learn
Year Four Thomas Dyster – for working hard to improve his mental maths, including learning his Times Tables
Year Five Ellie Wilkinson – for improving her checking skills and doing very well in her maths assessment
Year Six Levi Draper – for working very hard to meet his writing targets
For children who have achieved their personal best:
Olivia Abrahams – for fantastic measuring and increased confidence
Alex – brilliant progress in reading especially responding to the text
Year One:
Henry Wyatt – for an excellent attitude towards improving his learning
India Casson – for an excellent attitude towards improving her learning
Year Two:
Harry Hood – for improving presentation in all his work
Abigail – for excellent ‘Big Writing’ using adjectives, verbs and adverbs
Year Three:
Hamish Anderson – for improved listening
Felix Phipps – for an increased pace of learning
Year Four:
Georgie Collett – for using the internet well to research the diets of different animals and classify them as Carnivores, Herbivores or Omnivores
Grace Livesey – for using the internet well to research the diets of different animals and classify them as Carnivores, Herbivores or Omnivores
Year Five:
Charlie La Roche – for his sensible attitude towards his learning
Amelia Hartley – for her thoughtful English work
Year Six:
Megan Carter – for excellent progress and achievement in English
Hannah Moloney – for a conscientious approach to all her work with excellent all round progress and attainment
11.4.16 Harrison and Sam (Class 5) – for organising a game to play with Year One
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Spring term winners: Years 5 and 6
Week beginning
25.1.16 Year 6
1.2.16 Year 2
8.2.16 Year 5
22.2.16 Year 2
29.2.16 Year 3
7.3.16 Year 4
14.3.16 Year 5
21.3.16 Year 6
18th May Family Rounders 9.30 – 11.30 Year 6
25th May Family Kwik Cricket Boys am Girls pm
8th June USSP Rounders 9.30 – 3.30
15th June USSP Kwik Cricket Boys am, Girls pm
22nd June KS2 Athletics 10.00 – 1pm
29th June KS1 Athletics 9.30 – 11.30
8th July Year 2 Talent Camp 2 children from Year 2
- Please remember do NOT park at the shop for school events (eg class assemblies, school plays, Tray Day and Sports Day) only for drop off and pick up. The Fox and Hounds are more than happy to accommodate parking at all times. Parking at the shop prevents customers from accessing the shop.
- Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers
- We are collecting the Active Kids vouchers from Sainsbury’s. If you shop in Sainsbury’s, we would be very grateful if your children could bring any vouchers into school.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment.
Have a good weekend
Rosalind Allsop