Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 5
Film Night
The children enjoyed watching Paddington last week after school as part of the Friends of Clavering Film Night. We would like to thank Rachel Betts and the parent volunteers for organising and supporting the event.
Cross Country
On Wednesday 15th November two teams of six boys and six girls from each class in KS2 went to Carver Barracks for the next round of the cross-country competition. Everybody ran brilliantly but there was stiff competition from a number of other schools. Big congratulations go to the Year 3 boys’ team, Amber S, Aiden, Ted (Year 3), Grace (Year 5) and William C (Year 6) who got through to the next stage, which will take place in April. Well done Clavering!
Rose Year 5
On Thursday Year 6 took part in the first ever archery tournament against our family of schools. We entered 6 teams into the event, which took place at Debden Primary School. We all had lots of fun and two of our teams won medals. Mazie, Charlotte, Amelie, Molly, Georgie, Patrick, Tom and Isabella will be going to the next round. Thank you to all parents who helped with transport making it possible for us to compete.
In the interest of safety, as well as appearance, pupils should wear suitable footwear for school. Shoes should fasten securely and be plain black and low heeled with enclosed toes. Boots, sandals, sling backs and trainers are not appropriate for school. Trainers can be worn for PE.
School Admissions – Primary and Secondary – Apply Now!!
To apply quickly and easily for primary and secondary school places go online to http://www.essex.gov.uk/Education-Schools/Schools/Admissions/Pages/Apply-Online.aspx
For secondary applications – (children in year 6) apply between 12 September 2017 to 31 October 2017
Secondary Admissions booklet:
For primary applications – (child born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014) apply between 13 November 2017 to 15 January 2018
Primary Admissions booklet:
1st December Friends of Clavering Christmas Fair
13th December KS2 Dress Rehearsal am, KS1 Dress Rehearsal pm.
14th December Reception Nativity 10am, KS1 performance 2pm, KS2 performance 7pm
18th December Friends of Clavering Christmas Shopping Morning
19th December Christmas Lunch
20th December Church Service
20th December End of term
2nd January Non pupil day – INSET
3rd January Non pupil day – INSET
4th January Spring Term begins
Week ending November 3rd
Reception Toby – brilliant letter formation on his firework description
Year One Ethan – great behaviour in class
Year Two Chloe S – great focus and super writing about ‘Bog Baby’
Year Three Claudia – settling into Class 3 so well
Year Four Abigail – participating fully and with confidence in class discussions
Year Five Jake – being a fabulous new addition to Class 5
Year Six Isabella – super star spellings
Year One – Especially Louisa, Anna, Emmie, Sydney, Matilda S, George, Emma, Robin, Kayleigh, Patrick and Ethan – for helping the MDAs and Playleaders
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Week beginning:
11.9.17 Class 6
2.10.17 Class R
30.10.17 Class 6
13.11.17 Class 1
Swimming for this term is for year 2 Mondays. Please make sure your payments are up to date, the cost is £79.00 per term. Please make cheques payable to Clavering Primary School. Year 3 will now be swimming next term. A separate letter has been issued to these parents explaining the change.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment. Have a good weekend.
Rosalind Allsop