Class 3 Newsletter Summer Term 2021
Year 3 – Summer Newsletter 2021
Dear parents/carers,
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a restful Easter break and are ready for the up coming learning.
To begin with, we will be looking at some grammar and spelling skills before moving onto recounts and instructions. In class, the children will regularly take part in whole class reading to further support fluency, reading words on sight, comprehension etc. Ensuring your child reads for at least 15 minutes a day will help their reading skills to develop along with discussions around the text read. It is just as important to read to your child regularly along with listening to audio books. Due to the need of quarantining books, we will aim to change books on a Monday and Friday. Depending on your child’s stage, they may be sent home with a selection of books to read during the week/weekend. Please make sure your child has their reading book in school everyday for quiet reading times.
To begin the term, we will be focusing on fractions by exploring whole, tenths and equivalents and the children will take part in a daily arithmetic activity. To assist with children’s mathematical development encourage them to handle real money, understand the value of coins & notes, add and subtract money and give change. Practise reading analogue and digital time in a 12hr and 24hr format. Continue to practise the times tables and use Times Table Rock Stars and Hit the Button.
History and Geography
Through the humanities we will be practising our historical exploring skills and securing our knowledge of the world in geography.
Science starts with a focus on the human body and nutrition and later moving on to plants.
We will be continuing with ‘how to stay safe online’ which will an ongoing theme throughout the school year. Children will be using the school laptops to further develop word processing skills.
Art and DT
In art we will be studying the artist Quentin Blake and exploring self-portraits. Through DT we will be looking at designing, making, and evaluating a healthy, tasty treat!
In RE we be looking at the religion of Hinduism and look at family worship.
Our PSHE learning will continue to support children’s mental health. We will also be exploring physical wellbeing, growing & changing, and keeping safe.
In Music we will be developing the skills of listening and appraising, musical activities and perform and review.
The children will have PE on a Tuesday and Thursdays with a focus on bat, ball & catching skills. Each child will need trainers suitable for use on the field as well as the playground and when necessary, warm outer layers to be worn over their PE shorts and T-shirts. Children must come to school dressed in their PE kits for the day.
Our French topics this term will revisit previous topics and moving onto ‘mon corps’.
Along with listening to your child read, the children will be set spellings to learn each week ready for a test on Fridays; please assist them with look, cover, write, check activities to consolidate their learning or an alternative method that suit your child’s way of learning. The children will have one to two pieces of homework to complete each week these will support their learning in the classroom from a variety of subjects. Spellings and homework will be posted via Teams.
Kind Regards,
Miss Morton