Reception Class Newsletter Spring Term 2025
Dear parents / carers,
Happy New Year to you. We trust you all had a lovely Christmas. Again, let me say an enormous ‘thank you’ for all the kind presents and cards that we received at the end of term. You were so very generous, thank you very much. Thank you also for coming to see your talented and wonderful children in our nativity – what a special morning!
We have another exciting term ahead of us in early years. We will continue to use Tapestry – our online learning journal – to make individual, group and whole class observations. Many of you are looking at the photos, videos and notes so that you can see how much learning is going on! Please do let us know if you are having any technical issues. Thank you for those parents who are responding with comments. It is great feedback for us.
We are starting this term with a topic all about Transport. We will use this as an opportunity to talk about the past and present and to think about the wider world. We will be reading and exploring a number of fabulous texts – The Train Ride by June Crebbin and the Naughty Bus are examples. I would like to share the Naughty Bus book and toy bus with you – sending home these to create own mischievous adventures and a diary too! The Naughty Bus is by Jan and Jerry Oke and is a brilliant book of things the bus gets up to!!! We also learn about Amelia Earhart and have an exciting trip to Stansted Aerozone to look forward to!
We also have an exciting trip to Stanstead Airport Aerozone on Wednesday 29th January.
Vehicles – if any parents or grandparents at home have any photos of vehicles from their childhood e.g. cars, bikes or scooters, it would be wonderful to share these with the class to aid in their understanding of how things have changed since the past! Or you could always post them onto Tapestry!
After half-term, our topic will be Space. We will be sharing and learning facts about the solar system with a view to writing a non-fiction class book. We will also read a number of fiction texts set in space. We plan to make models of space craft / vehicles so please do not recycle any useful boxes, tubes and foil as we would love to use them at school! Would you mind collecting these bits at home as storing them at school will be tricky!
Personal, social and emotional development. | – learn new vocabulary
– describe events in some detail – articulate their ideas and thoughts in well-formed sentences – engage in story times and in NF books – listen carefully to rhymes and sounds – retell story with some repetition of known phrases and some of their own words. |
Communication and language | – Manage their own needs (personal hygiene)
– think about the perspectives of others. – show resilience and perseverance in the face of a challenge. |
Physical Development | – Progress towards a more fluent style of moving, with developing control and grace.
– develop overall body strength, coordination, balance and agility. – develop their core muscle strength to achieve a good posture on the floor and at the table. – develop their small motor skills to use a range of tools confidently and safely- pencils, paintbrushes, scissors, cutlery. – develop the foundations of a handwriting style. |
Literacy | – demonstrate understanding of what has been read to them retelling stories in own words.
– blend sounds into words. -read some common exception words (tricky words) – read simple phrases and sentences – form lower case AND CAPITAL letters properly. – spell words by identifying the sounds and then writing the sound with letters. – write short sentences with phonics to spell and a capital letter and a full-stop. |
Mathematics | -link the number symbol (numeral) with its cardinal number value
-count beyond ten -compare numbers -explore composition of numbers 6-10. -understand the one more/one less nature of consecutive numbers -select, rotate and manipulate shapes to develop spatial reasoning -compare length, weight, capacity |
Understanding the World | – comment on images of familiar situations in the past
-compare and contrast characters from stories including figures from the past (Amelia Earhart) -explore the natural world around them -recognise some environments which are different from the one in which they live. |
Expressive Arts and Design | – explore and engage in music making and dance, performing solo and in groups
-create collaboratively, sharing ideas, resources and skills – develop story lines in their pretend play |
Phonics – we are continuing to follow the Unlocking Letters and Sounds programme Phases 3 and 4. We will learn the final single letter phonemes (j, v,w,x,y,z) and move onto digraphs – where two letters make up one sound e.g. sh/th/ch/ee/oo etc. We will send these home in their sound books so please make sure they bring this to school in the home folder every day. Please refer to the sheet given out at parents evening which includes all of the phonemes, digraphs and trigraphs. We will be learning to read and write new tricky words. It would be worth having these up at home my, we, me, he, be, she, are, was, they, you, her, all. Please also add put to this list as it appears often in reading books. Regular practice of Phase 2 learned in the Autumn term and the new sounds will be very helpful.
Reading – most children now have a reading book. DO please hear your child read / discuss the book with them as often as possible – daily if possible and record in their reading record book so that they can continue to make progress – it is noticeable which children read regularly at home. The sound book is vital to help children retain learned sounds so please do use it regularly to help your child. We hear the children read often through our phonics lessons. Children will also be continuing their Guided Reading in small groups so please make sure their home folder with both books are in school every day.
Library – we will continue to visit the library on Wednesdays so that the children can return their book and borrow a new one. They only need to bring the book in on Wednesdays so they don’t have to carry it in their school bag all week.
Forest school – we will continue to visit the wood on alternate Friday mornings. Please make sure children are dressed suitably in plenty of warm layers and wear a hat, scarf and waterproof gloves if possible.
The dates for forest school are as follows:
Friday 17th January, Friday 31st January, Friday 14th February, Friday 7th March, Friday 21st March, Friday 4th April (to be confirmed).
We rely on having two parent volunteer per session (with all the necessary checks). Please let us know if you can help on any of these days.
Please can we also encourage parents to lift share to avoid so many cars travelling to Deers. Please let us know if we can help with left sharing.
Snack money – thank you for your contributions towards morning snack. The Government funded fruit is provided in the afternoons. Snack money can be paid via Scopay.
Named items – please make sure ALL items are clearly labelled – water bottles, clothes, bags and P.E. bags especially could be named on the outside to differentiate them from others! Our P.E. days continue to be Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sometimes we change the day due to hall time tabling.
Proud Clouds – thank you for all the lovely proud clouds you have sent in informing us of their out of school achievements. The children love sharing them with the rest of the class. Do please continue to send them in. The children could make them and cut them out and even write them for you!
Ways to help at home – read to your child regularly and hear them read – they don’t need to read the whole book but you could ask questions and get them to point to sounds or words. Count with your child and ask them to recognise numbers and shapes while you are out and about. If they want to write, give them a purpose – write a shopping list using their sounds. You could display the tricky words listed earlier to help with recognition. Use their sound book to practice all the old and new sounds they have learned. Encourage your child/ren to be as independent as possible in their activities – coming into school, getting dressed, using cutlery, putting on their own hat etc.
We look forward to catching up with you all soon. Please do not hesitate to get in touch via the school office if you have any questions or queries.
Mrs Course and Mrs Berrett.
Useful Dates:
Forest School – Friday 17th January, Friday 31st January, Friday 14th February, Friday 7th March, Friday 21st March, Friday 4th April (to be confirmed).
29-1-25 Class trip to Stansted Aerozone
w/c 10-2-25 Professional Week
w/c 3-3-25 Book Week
24-3-25 Tray Day
2-4 and 3-4 Parent Consultations
4-4-25 end of term