Headteacher Newsletter: Welcome
September 5th 2014
Dear Parents
Welcome back to the Autumn term and I hope you all had an enjoyable summer.
Normally on a Friday each family will receive a ‘Friday Folder’. This is your family postbag and contains any communication for the week. You use this to return any letters or money for the Monday morning. This system proved to be very effective last academic year providing that all folders are returned to school on the Monday! The first ‘Friday Folder’ will be next week.
As you will see we still have building work taking place at the school. Our roof is being repaired and we have new boilers. This was started at the beginning of the summer holidays and should be completed in a fortnight. In the interim please make sure children, and in particular younger siblings, stay away from the scaffolding around the school whilst they are waiting at the end of the day.
We have updated our Parent Pack for the new academic year. New parents will be given a hard copy. There will be an electronic copy available on our website – www.clavering.essex.sch.uk . If you are not able to access this then please contact the school office.
We would like to welcome Sofia Hulme (year 2), Emer O’Keefe (year 4) and Niamh O’Keefe (year 1) who joined us this term. We would also like to welcome our new Reception children who are having a phased entry similar to last year.
We also welcome Mrs Broadbent who will be teaching Class 3 with Mrs Rudkin and Mrs Bunting who will be a new Midday Assistant for Reception class for 3 days a week.
On the reverse of this letter are a few reminders and information for you regarding the start of term. Next week the first fortnightly newsletter will be published.
Yours sincerely
Rosalind Allsop
(Please see our Parent Pack for further details)
Paid in advance please, on a Monday for the week, VIA THE CLASSROOM. £2.10 per day, £10.50 per week, £75.60 for the first half term £73.50 for the second half term or £149.10 for the term, (preferably with a cheque for tracking purposes). Credits will be carried forwarded automatically. Mrs Carmel Carline manages the dinner money accounts and she works on Tuesday all day and Wednesday 3.30 – 4.30 pm. She can be contacted via the school office on those days.
Any monies coming into school should arrive in the Family Friday Folder only please. Do not pay at the office as we do have to insist on an audit trail. Statements will be sent out at regular intervals.
Children are encouraged to drink water at all times. They can bring a container in and this can be filled during the day from the drinking water in school. No juice or flavoured waters please.
Music lessons will commence week beginning 8th September. Children will be notified by the music teacher when their lesson will be as we are still waiting for the tutors to contact us with their timetables. Guitar lessons start on Monday 8th September.
Clubs will start the week beginning 8th September unless otherwise stated and a full programme is outlined below.
Choir | Years 3 – 6 | Tuesday 3.15 – 4pm (Hall) Starting 16th September |
Recorders | Beginners | Tuesday lunchtime in Reception class |
Recorders | Intermediate | Friday lunchtime in class 3 |
Football | Years 5 and 6 – Boys and Girls | Tuesdays 3.15 – 4.15pmStarting week 8th September |
Library | All year groups | Friday 3.15 pm – 4 pm |
Bug Club | All year groups | Lunchtime in the library |
Sports fitness club | Years 3 & 4 – first half termYears 1 & 2 – second half term | Wednesday 3.15 – 4.15pm10th September |
Bedazzle Drama Club | All year groups | Monday 3.15-4.15 starting 8th September |
Hockey | Year 5 and 6 | Fridays 3.30 pm – 4.45 pm. Start Date TBC |
Golf | Years 1 – 6 | TBC |
Please remember to park sensibly, using the Fox and Hounds car park or the village shop as a park and walk option. There is no room for parental parking in the school. Please do not park on the yellow zigzag lines as this makes crossing the road extremely dangerous for the children and causes congestion and disruption for the residents.
The parking restrictions along Stortford Road are now in place. Therefore you will not be able to park along this road at specific times that are during ‘drop off’ and ‘pick times’ of the school day. The exact times are: 8.30 am – 10.00 am and 2.30 pm – 4 pm
The Parent Forum is in the process of planning to re-start the Walking Bus from the shop and pub. We are hoping to activate this during next term.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Tom and Jo and MuruVisana from the Fox and Hounds and the local shop for their support and car park space.
We have a new uniform supplier following feedback from parents concerning the previous provider.
How to order:
Our new supplier is called Saffron Apparel and samples are available in the office if you would like to view the items before ordering. Ordering can either be over the phone, via email, fax or by post with an order form (the office have forms). The company is in the process of setting up a school ordering website for Clavering, which should be operational by the summer holidays. Alternatively you can visit the shop in Wendens Ambo.
Address: Saffron Apparel Ltd, Ward Unit 2, Bearwalden Business Park, Royston Road, Wendens Ambo, Saffron Walden. CB11 4JX
Telephone: 01799 542142
Fax: 01799 543661
Embroidered jumpers and cardigans can also be ordered from Tesco Uniform Service.
Jumpers – £6.50 – Cardigans – £7.00
To order log on to www.tesco.com/ues and follow instructions.
All uniform should be clearly marked with your child’s name, please ensure that your child returns home in the clothes that they came in, preventing our huge pile of lost property! Hair should be tiedback at all times, this will help to prevent the ‘head lice’ infestations. Some boys are keen to grow their hair long but the same rule will apply regardless of gender. School shoes should also be worn, trainers can be changed into for playtimes only. No makeup or jewellery please!
Teachers are on duty from 8.40 when the gate will open. NO CHILDREN will be supervised prior to this time and should not be on the premises. A member of staff will be present at the gate to take any messages for staff members.
Please report to the school office at all times when visiting or dropping off messages/belongings. This will assist us in ensuring that we know who is in school at all times!
Please make sure that you write to the classteacher if there is any change to the collection arrangements for your child. In emergencies messages can be left at the office. The school gate is opened at 3.15 each evening. Also please encourage your children to use the path and stay close to an adult to prevent accidents from the cars/buses that are using the drive.
The office is open between these hours, Mon – Thurs, 8.30 – 12.45 1.15 – 4.30 Fri, 8.30 – 12.45, 1.15 – 4.00 an answer machine is available for messages or alternatively can be emailed to , The school website is available at: www.clavering.essex.sch.uk . It has copies of all newsletters and other general information . There is also a link from the Clavering Village Website.
Attendance Awards
Attendance awards will be presented to the children with 100% attendance at the end of each term.
The school office should be notified on the first day of each absence before registration at 9.00am and this should be followed up in writing on the day of return.
If a child is late please report to the school office.
Please see below updated guidance from the Local Authority:
Leave of absence may only be granted by a person authorised in that behalf by the proprietor of the school. As from 1st September 2013, the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 amended Regulation 7 to prohibit the proprietor of a maintained school from granting leave of absence to a pupil, except where an advance application has been made by the parent with whom the pupil normally resides, and the proprietor considers that there are exceptional circumstances relating to the application.
Taking your child out of school during term time could be detrimental to your child’s educational progress. A pupil who takes 10 days absence will only attain 94.7% attendance in the year. 10 days absence also means the pupil will miss 50 hours of education.
There is no entitlement to parents to take their child out of school during term time, however, you may apply to the school for leave of absence if you believe there are exceptional circumstances.
If the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken, the case will be referred to the Education Welfare Service who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school.
Please note occasional days for birthdays and treats cannot be authorized and cheaper prices cannot be considered to be a valid reason. No leave of absence will be granted during our assessment weeks or the first week of the Autumn term. Medical appointments, if at all possible should be made outside school hours.
The school issues a fortnightly newsletter which should be found in your Friday Folder. This contains the dates for termly activities as well as important information. For all those who have requested it this is sent via Parent mail.
We are sorry that we are not able to give out addresses or phone numbers of families in the school but we can give out class lists on request, for parties etc.
For children whose parents have separated/divorced/or who live apart, assuming that they still have parental responsibility, all correspondence from the school will be sent to these parents as long as we have up to date contact details.
CLASS NEWSLETTERS will be circulated next week and ALL parents are invited to attend our MEET THE TEACHER EVENING which will be held on 18thSeptember. Times will be confirmed nearer the time.
HOMEWORK Children have homework journals which outlines the homework that has been set each week. We will be reviewing our homework policy this term.
SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS, Ms Yolanda Crosby is our Special Educational Needs /Inclusion Co-ordinator. She works on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday morning. Should you have any concerns about your child’s learning difficulties you should approach your child’s class teacher in the first instance who will then arrange for you to meet Ms Crosby.
SWIMMING, Years 2 and 3 will have a term of swimming instruction. If your child is fit to attend school then they are fit to go swimming, unless a medical note is provided. Swimming will commence next week on Monday September 9th September. Swimming costs £4.00 per session. This can be paid termly – £52.00. Please make cheques payable to Clavering School.
Home to School Transport
The policy of the County Council is to provide free transport for children up to the age of 8 (Years R to 3) who live two miles or more and children over 8 years old who live 3 miles or more from, and attend, their designated or closest school. In all other circumstances it remains the responsibility of parents to ensure that their child attends school and to discharge the responsibility to transport or arrange transport as necessary. Home to school transport is also provided to a child’s designated or closer denominational school providing they reside the required distance from the school and are baptised into the faith of the school.
There is also a low income policy primary schools providing extended rights to free school transport:
Under the statutory low income policy for primary schools, a child must still be attending their designated or closer school but the minimum distance requirement for transport remains at 2 miles once a child reaches age 8 (year 4) instead of increasing to 3 miles.
- Low Income families are defined as those being entitled to free school meals or in receipt of maximum Working Tax Credits (no reduction for level of income) with an annual household income below £16,190.
SAFEGUARDING The Governing Body is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people in line with government legislation. All staff and volunteers share in this commitment raising concerns when necessary.
Term time and important dates
Autumn Term
Wednesday 3rd September – Friday 19th December 2014 (Half term 27th October – 31st October)
Spring Term
Monday 5th January – Friday 27th March 2015 (Half term 16th -20th February)
Summer Term
Tuesday 13th April – Wednesday 22nd July 2015 (Half term 25th – 29th May)
Bank Holidays –Monday 4th May 2015
Inset days – Wednesday 3rd September 2014, Friday 24th October 2014, Monday 13th April 2015, Wednesday 22nd July (7th July 2014 Tour de France).
Assessment weeks – Week beginning May 11th for Year 6 SATs. Year 1 and 2 Phonics week beginning 15th June. KS1 SATs during May and June. Assessments in the other Key Stage Two year groups will take place throughout May and June.
Head teacher – Ms Rosalind Allsop
Deputy Head teacher – Mrs Ford
Senior Teachers, Mrs Poole (Early years) and Mrs Hall
Year 6 teacher Mrs Lipscomb
Year 5 teacher Mrs Hall
Year 4 teacher Mrs Ford
Year 3 teacher Mrs Rudkin and Mrs Broadbent
Year 2 teacher Mrs Course
Year 1 teacher Mrs Langan
Year reception Mrs Poole
SENCO/Inclusion Leader Ms Crosby
Learning Support Assistants: Mrs Carline, Mrs Perry, Mrs Abusham, Mrs Martin, Mrs Sullivan, Mrs Thomas, Mrs Honour (Nursery Nurse), and Mrs Berrett.
Office: Mrs Snelling, Mrs Nicholson Mrs Prentice and Mrs Carline (dinner money)
Kitchen Staff: Mrs Gilder, Mrs Docking, Mrs Gilbertson and Mrs Coy
Midday Staff: Mrs Gilbertson, Mrs Carline, Mrs Perry, Mrs Abusham, Mrs Martin, Mrs Sullivan, Mrs Thomas, Mrs Bunting, Mrs Draper ,Mrs Prentice, Mrs Berrett.
Caretaking: Mr Nicholson (Mr Docking – relief)