Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 13
I hope you all had an enjoyable and restful Easter.
We would like to welcome Molly Pemberton to Year 3 and Jack Pemberton to Year 1 and the family to the school. We would also like to welcome Miss Catlin, a trainee teacher from Homerton, who will be working with Class two this term.
The Reception children are now in the main playground for all playtimes which they are all very excited about.
Key Stage 1 Dance Festival
On Wednesday the 25th March all the younger children went to Rickling School. We took part in the dance festival. The first dance was Chrishall who danced a dinosaur dance. Later it was our turn. We did a Meerkat dance.
After playtime there were a few more dances. Reception class did a Space Dance and Year 2 did The Twist. Then we went back to Clavering School.
My favourite dance was The Twist because they went up on their feet and twisted.
We got a class star!
By Abigail ( Class 1)
Cross Country
On Thursday 26th March, 8 children from Clavering qualified to take part in the Essex Cross Country Finals at Southend. First to run were Thomas Dyster and William Crabb from Year 3, followed by the Year 6 boys, Elliot, Thomas, Joseph, Max, George and Jack. It was a tough course and the children ran incredibly well.
A big thank you to Mr. Dyce and the parents of the children for their fantastic help.
Easter Church Service
We had our termly Easter Service at Clavering Church. Lots of children contributed to the service. Year 6 read lessons, Year 4 wrote and read out very thoughtful prayers. The Year 2 recorder group played hot cross buns and the Year 5 Recorder Group filled the church with Vivaldi’s “Spring”.
Friends of Clavering Easter Fayre and Easter Egg Hunt
The Friends of Clavering organised an Easter Craft Fayre on Thursday 26th April in the school hall with games, crafts and refreshments. It was well attended and thank you for everyone who kindly donated lovely cakes to sell. The fayre made £295 for the School. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped to set up and run the fayre.
On the last morning of term, Friends of Clavering sponsored an Easter Egg Hunt in the playground for all the children. The eggs were hidden all over the grounds (and in the hedges!) and the children had fun hunting them down in the sunshine.
Home Time Arrangements
Please could we remind you that if anyone other than a parent is picking up your child at the end of the day (this includes relatives) to please notify the office and class teacher via letter, phone call, email or gate book.
We will also assume all children registered for the bus will be taking the bus each evening unless we hear via email, phone or through the gate book that morning that this is not the case.
Oliver’s Lodge have their own register which we follow and if this differs to the information that we have been given we will call the relevant parents.
New School Summer Menu
There will be a new lunch menu starting Monday 27th April. Please see ‘School Menu’ on website.
An opportunity to raise funds for Clavering Primary School when shopping online:
To raise funds for Clavering Primary School before shopping online –
• please click on www.easyfundraising.org.uk
• then click on Friends of Clavering Primary School.
Every purchase through many websites (including Amazon and John Lewis) raises a percentage for the school.
Week ending March 20th
Reception: Max Kellett – for brilliant writing about the moon
Year One: Lucy Carter – for her super ideas for designing a sun collage
Year Two: Hannah Smith – for being kind, supportive and always thinking of others.
Year Three: Caitlin Mackenzie – for taking on our maths challenges with such relish.
Year Four: Saffron Frewin – for having creative ideas in art
Year Five: Jack Day – for always tackling challenges with a smile
Year Six: Elliott Wood – for demonstrating excellent understanding on our field study day
Week ending March 27th
Reception: Aiden Prizeman – for super movements in our Space Dance
Year One: Isabelle Down – for fantastic Easter Art
Year Two: Maya Parker – for her thoughtful approach to her work and enthusiastic ‘Rock ‘n Roll’ dancing
Year Three: Millie Collier – for her beautifully descriptive poetry about the months of the year
Year Four: James Piggott – for good hockey skills, especially in defence
Year Five: David Owen – for reciting his part of ‘The Highwayman’ confidently
Year Six: Thomas Berrett – for fantastic story writing
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Winners: Spring Term – Class 3, 2, 5, 4
15.4.15 Isaac Bamford and Alex Baker for being kind friends
14th April Return to school for summer term
16th April Football Match – boys against Henham and Ugley
17th April Football Match – girls against Newport
22nd April Year 6 Sats and Residential Meeting for Parents 3.20pm
24th April ‘Wales’ Non Uniform day for most House Points last term
11th – 15th May SATs week for Year 6
18th May SATs for years 3, 4 and 5
19th May Classes 3 & 4 to Pelham Grid
20th May Rounders Year 6, 9.30-11.30 JFAN
22nd May Break up for half term
1st June Return to school after half term
1st June Money Week
3rd June Residential meetings for parents year 5 2.45pm
Kwik Cricket, Boys 9.30-1 Girls 1-3 SW Cricket Club
12th June Induction morning for new Reception Parents
11th June Maths evening for Parents
15th June Crucial Crew for Year 6
15th June Magna Carta
15th June Phonics Week Years 1 and 2
16th June Classes 3 & 4 to Kentwell Hall
16th June Classes R, 1 and 2 to Southend Sealife Centre
19th June Class photographs
21st – 24th June Year 6 residential to Kingswood
24th – 26th June Year 5 residential to St. Marks
1st July KS1 Athletics 9.30-11, JFAN Years R, 1, 2
3rd July Extended Tray Day 3.15 – 4.30pm
3rd and 6th July Induction days for Year 6 children transferring to Saffron Walden County High School
6th July Induction day for Year 6 children transferring to Joyce Frankland Academy School
9th July Sports Day
10th July Year 2 Talent Camp 2 children from Year 2
16th July 9.30am Church Service
Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly 1.45pm
17th July ‘Class Swap’ (11 – 12)
21st July Break up for the summer 3.15 pm
Please remember to park sensibly and be mindful of the restrictions. A few cars have been seen parking on the yellow lines. The Community Police are monitoring the situation and can get sent photographs of illegally parked vehicles.
Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers
We are collecting the Active Kids vouchers from Sainsbury’s. If you shop in Sainsbury’s, we would be very grateful if your children could bring any vouchers into school.
Dogs are not allowed on school premises
Please can we remind you that, in order to comply with the Local Authority regulations, dogs are not allowed on the school premises unless they are a guide dog.
Please may we remind you that children are not to wear makeup, nail varnish or jewellery (including earrings) for school.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment.
Have a good weekend
Rosalind Allsop