Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 19
As the final letter of the term, I would once again like to thank all members of the school community for their support and hard work, which has culminated in another great year for Clavering Primary School. The year 6 are to be congratulated on their outstanding SAT’s results (details below). After reading all the reports, it would appear that all the children have progressed well across the school and have enjoyed their learning.
We wish year 6 well as they leave to attend their secondary schools in September. We thoroughly enjoyed their Leavers’ Assembly with their production of Peter Pan. We wish them all every success for the future.
We would also like to say farewell to Mrs Pat Poole who will be leaving us on Tuesday after 20 years. She has been a tremendous asset to the school and will be greatly missed.
I will make sure she returns for supply teaching very soon!
Your child’s annual school report was distributed last Monday (13th July). I hope you found it a useful and an informative summary of your child’s progress during the current academic year as well as information as to how they are performing against the national expectations.
You will find a slip included with the report which gives you the opportunity to comment on your child’s achievements. Please complete it and return it to school. We shall take this as an acknowledgement of receipt of the report.
If you would like to discuss any issues arising from the report please contact your child’s class teacher direct. She will be happy to make an appointment with you.
2015 SATs Results
Congratulations to Year 6 for their outstanding SATs results. We are delighted with the results. We have exceeded national expectations considerably for another year.
In summary (1 child equates to approximately 6%. Level 4 is the expected standard for most children when they leave Primary School. Level 5 is considered to be exceeding expectations and Level 6 is deemed as exceptional).
100% achieved level 4 and above in English overall, 72% of which achieved a level 5
100% achieved level 4 and above in Writing. 100% achieved level 4 and above in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. 83% of which achieved level 5+ and 6% level 6
100% achieved level 4 and above in Reading. Over 80% of which achieved a level 5.
100% achieved level 4 and above in Mathematics. 67% achieved level 5+ of which 17% achieved level 6.
Class Structure from September 2015
Please see our class structure below for September.
We would like to welcome Mrs Shoard and Mrs Sabin to our team. They will be teaching in Class Two or Class Three with Mrs Rudkin.
Year group Class teacher Learning Support Assistant
Reception Mrs Course Mrs Honour (Nursery Nurse)
Class One (Year One) Mrs Langan Mrs Thomas and Mrs Martin
Class Two (Year Two) Mrs Shoard Mrs Abusham
Class Three (Year Three) Mrs Rudkin and Mrs Sabin Mrs Carline
Class Four (Year Four) Mrs Ford Mrs Sullivan and Mrs Abusham
Class Five (Year Five) Mrs Hall Mrs Perry
Class Six (Year Six) Mrs Lipscomb Mrs Martin
Mrs Prentice will be a non class based Learning Support Assistant
Staff changes
We appointed Angela Davies as our new kitchen assistant who will be joining our catering team from September. We have also appointed two new Midday Assistants who will also be starting their new roles in September, Ms Sharp and Mrs Wyatt. We are looking forward to them all joining our team.
Transition and farewells
Induction days
Year 6 pupils who will be joining Joyce Frankland Academy and Saffron Walden County High School enjoyed induction days last week. Pre-school and Reception class have been sharing story time and lunchtimes as part of the transition process. Class swaps for the other children took place today when pupils spent part of the morning with their new teachers.
Reception and Year 6 buddy afternoon
Unfortunately the planned picnic and play at the Jubilee Fields had to be cancelled because of the wet weather but Reception Class enjoyed some running games, parachute games and stories with their Year 6 buddies at school. The children were treated to ice-lollies which were very well received! The Year 6 children have been fabulous buddies this year and have really supported their friends in Reception Class through their first year at school. Mrs Poole, Mrs Honour and all the children in Reception Class thank them for their help and wish them well as they move on to secondary school.
Summer Reading Challenge
Information about the Summer Reading Challenge is being sent home in Friday folders. This is a fantastic way to keep reading over the summer holiday and to try some new books and authors. We hope as many children as possible will join in with this activity, certificates will be presented in assembly in September for all those who manage to read at least 6 books.
Library Club
Lots of the children have been enjoying using the school library at lunch time and we are very grateful to Mrs Moloney, Mrs Schofield and Mrs Wilson who have very generously given of their time to help out. Unfortunately Mrs Moloney is unable to continue as she is taking up a new job so we are looking for parent helpers who would be willing to spend half an hour from 12.45-1.15 supporting the children in Library Club. The pupil librarians are very capable and have been fantastic at reading stories and issuing books, many thanks to all of them, especially those in Year 6 who will be moving on! If you think you would like to help out in the library at lunch time, please contact the school office.
End of term Church Service
On Thursday 16th July, the whole school went to Clavering Church for our end of year leaver’s service. The service was taken by Rev. Davis and Rev. Cable. Year 6 shared their special memories of Clavering School while the Reception Class paid tribute to their wonderful Year 6 buddies. Well done to Year 4 for their lovely prayers.
School Council non-uniform day
Dress as a Sports Celebrity went very well with lots of tennis and football stars joining our rugby and swimming stars for a day at Clavering School! Over £100 pounds was raised for the Dame Kelly Trust. Thank you all for your support and a special thank you to Sam Brearey (ex pupil and European, National and World Sailing Champion) for his kind donation of one of his GB shirts for the raffle. Elliot Wood won the shirt!
Year 2 Talent Camp
On the 10th July Friday 2015, Hamish, Teddy, Seraphina, Felix and Rose all went to Dame Bradbury’s school and did four different sports and they were tennis, cricket, dance and judo. It was very fun. After all the activities we performed a dance to Baggy Trousers to the mums and dads. Seraphina’s favourite activity was judo so was Felix’s, Hamish and Rose but Teddy’s favourite was cricket. We all got a tshirt to take home.
By Rose, Seraphina, Teddy, Felix and Hamish
Thank you to all the Parents, Staff and Pupils for filling out our annual questionnaires. We are in the process of collating and analysing the findings which, as before, will inform our School Improvement Plan for next year. We will share these with you next term.
Friends of Clavering – Thank you
A huge thank you to Amanda Crabb, Rachel Betts and their team for all their hard work this year raising money for the school. It is greatly appreciated as it makes a considerable difference to what we can provide for the pupils. We have already purchased more ipads for the pupils so we now have a class set. Thank you to all the parents that have supported the events throughout the year. We are extremely fortunate to have such an active and supportive team.
School Fete
A huge thank you for coming to the Summer Fete last Friday – we were blessed with amazing weather and it was lovely to set up outside and enjoy the space and sunshine! The Bouncy Slide was a huge success and with your help we raised £798.
A big thank you to all the helpers who set up, baked, helped to run our stalls and pack up afterwards…you know who you are and we are really grateful that you keep helping at our events. Thank you to Grant for setting up the Golf game and Matt Snelling for doing Beat the Goalie – despite his injury!
The other good news is the FUN RUN this term raised an amazing £1023! (and we still have to add the gift aid to that amount!)
We still have one event left this term, Denim and Diamonds Barn Dance on Saturday – hope to see you there!
From Friends Of Clavering
Sports Day
Sports Day was a great success last week and Pre school were able to join us too. The team spirit was a joy to see especially the older children supporting and caring for the younger members. The occasion ran very smoothly and the children thoroughly enjoyed the event. Well done to WALES for being the winners this year. Thank you to Mrs Langan for organising the event, all the members of Friends of Clavering that provided refreshments and ran sold second hand uniform stall, and to Mr Docking for assembling the gazebos with staff before school. A special thank you to all the parents that were able to attend.
Triathalon at the Olympic Park, London
On Tuesday 14th of July, Martha Georgie and I travelled to London to take part in the Tata Kids of Steel Triathalon at the Olympic Park. We swam in the Olympic pool, cycled and ran on a field. We saw Tom Daley diving. There were lots of children from ages 6-15. It was a brilliant experience. We were given a special tshirt and a medal.
By Daisy Collett
Football Match
On Thursday 16th July, the Clavering boys football team played a friendly game against Wimbish School. The match was organised by Matt Snelling because he also coaches Wimbish. Our team included three Year 3 boys – Thomas Dyster, Christian Kelly and Sam Prentice and from Year 4 we had James Luxton and Isaac Bamford. It was a very close match but Wimbish took an early lead in the first half. Clavering came fighting back with Ziggy Wicks scoring an equaliser. Near the end of the first half, Wimbish gained the lead to be winning 2-1 at half time. The Clavering squad switched players for the second half. Elliot Wood scored a curling goal into the far side of the net. Unfortunately Wimbish then scored another great goal and with seconds to go, Elliot nearly scored again but the final whistle blew. Everyone played really well and there were great shots from Levi and Max but the final score was 3-2 to Wimbish.
By Elliot and George
Healthy and Safety notice regarding the wearing of earrings during PE
We have been informed by Essex that The Primary Code states that all jewellery is to be removed for PE lessons and taping over earrings is not allowed. This means that if pupils cannot take their earrings out they will have to sit out of PE until a time that they can be removed. Schools have to comply with this guidance.
If your child is about to have their ears pierced it is advisable for it to take place over the summer so that the earrings can be removed for PE ready for the start of the Autumn term.
All clubs start week beginning 14th September
Swimming will be for Years 2 and 3 and will start on Monday 14th September. A letter will follow early in September.
Music Lessons
Music lessons will start the week beginning 14th September. Music letters will be sent out early in September.
Week ending July 3rd
Reception: Elizabeth Balaam – for being a fantastic helper at the farm visit!
Year One: Harry Hood – for excellent behaviour and sportsmanship at the athletics
Year Two: Maya Parker – for her brilliant use of her reflection book to support her learning
Year Three: Ruairi Dillon – for extending himself in his work on sequences in maths
Year Four: Amelia Hartley – excellent skills in computing including ‘debugging’
Year Five: Class 5 – for their excellent behaviour and great drama at St Marks
Year Six: Joseph Berrett – for excellent understanding and use of BODMAS in his maths
Week ending July 10th – School Fete – no assembly
For children who have achieved their personal best:
Amber Shaw – for working really hard to improve her writing
Rosie Cooper – for excellent progress in reading and writing
Year One:
Ruby Akers – for good progress in English
Freddie Hill for good progress in Mathematics
Year Two:
Seraphina Harris – for persevering to join and neaten her handwriting
Finley Anderson-Patmore – for outstanding division work, dividing by 4,6,7 and 10
Year Three:
Isabella Budden – for always giving 100% and for looking for ways to improve her work
Daisy Coy – for careful listening and conscientious approach to all her work
Year Four:
James Piggott – for working hard to write a story with lots of description and thinking about how to make it even better
Megan Logan – for working hard to write a story with description and for joining her handwriting beautifully
Year Five:
Sophie Hartley – for trying to develop her understanding of maths and rising to the challenge of trickier questions
Lizzie Bohannon – for enjoying and persevering with maths challenges this year
Year Six:
Elliot Wood – for consistent effort and enthusiasm throughout the whole school year resulting in excellent progress and very high attainment
Harry Chalk- for great leaps of confident and consistent effort resulting in excellent progress and attainment in all areas.
Our cleaners are judging the tidiest classroom each week. The winners are announced in assembly on a Friday. The class that has won the most times at the end of a term will be awarded an afternoon with an activity of their choice or an extra playtime.
Summer Term winners: Year Two
13.4.15 Reception
20.4.15 Year Two
27.4.15 Year Three
4.5.15 Year Six
11.5.15 Year Four
18.5.15 Year Six
1.6.15 Year Four
8.6.15 Year One
15.6.15 Year Three
22.6.15 Year Five
29.6.15 Year Two
6.7.15 Reception
13.7.15 Year Two
14.7.14 Alice Donker and Hannah Moloney for helping the Playleaders set up and play a game with year 2
18th July Friends of Clavering Barn Dance
21st July Break up for the summer 3.15 pm
3rd September Staff Inset – school closed to pupils
4th September Staff Inset – school closed to pupils
7th September Autumn Term begins
Sun Protection
Please can you ensure that on sunny days your child brings a hat to wear at breaktimes and lunchtimes. Wide-brimmed or legionnaires hats, which have a cloth attached on the back to give additional protection to the neck, are perfectly acceptable. Sunglasses are not allowed and sun lotion (long lasting waterproof sunscreen with a high protection factor and high UVA protection) should be applied just before the children come to school. This should last until after school and overcomes the need for pupils to bring in lotion. Please make sure that children have water bottles in school.
Lost Property
A large amount of lost property is collecting. If your child has lost any clothing please could you have a look through the collection to see if any of it belongs to you. It will be displayed in the main entrance during the last week of term. After this time it will need to be re-cycled.
Home Time Arrangements
Please could we remind you that if anyone other than a parent is picking up your child at the end of the day (this includes relatives) to please notify the office and class teacher via letter, phone call, email or gate book.
We will also assume all children registered for the bus will be taking the bus each evening unless we hear via email, phone or through the gate book that morning that this is not the case.
Oliver’s Lodge have their own register which we follow and if this differs to the information that we have been given we will call the relevant parents.
School Uniform
We are now able to order jumpers and cardigans from Tesco. Please log on to tesco.com/ues and follow instructions.
Other items of uniform are available from the supplier below.
How to order:
Our supplier is called Saffron Apparel and samples are available in the office if you would like to view the items before ordering. Ordering can either be over the phone, via email, fax or by post with an order form (the office have forms). The company is in the process of setting up a school ordering website for Clavering, which should be operational by the summer holidays. Alternatively you can visit the shop in Wendens Ambo.
Address: Saffron Apparel Ltd, Ward Unit 2, Bearwalden Business Park, Royston Road, Wendens Ambo, Saffron Walden. CB11 4JX
Telephone: 01799 542142
Fax: 01799 543661
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment.
We wish you all an enjoyable and restful summer holiday and thank you for all your support throughout the year.
Rosalind Allsop