Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 1
Headteacher Newsletter: Issue 1 11.9.15
This is the first of our fortnightly newsletters for this academic year. Welcome again to the new term and it is very pleasing to see how well the children have settled into the new term.
Each class will be sending out a class newsletter. Each newsletter will inform you of the curriculum that is being taught this term and the trips that have been planned.
Meet the Teacher Evening – Wednesday 23rd September please note change of date
7 PM – 7.30 PM Classes R, 2, 4 and 6
7.30 PM – 8 PM Classes 1, 3 and 5
(We have staggered the times to accommodate families with more than one pupil in the school)
This will take place on Wednesday evening, please go to your child’s class for 7 pm (Classes R, 2, 4 and 6) OR 7.30 pm (Classes 1, 3 and 5) where the teacher will talk about the rules, routines and expectations of the class as well as the curriculum coverage this term. This is not an evening for individual consultation which will take place during November. Work will be displayed on the walls but there will be an opportunity for you to look at your child’s work during our termly ‘tray afternoon’ which will be held on Tuesday 8th December from 3.15 – 4.00pm.
Healthy Snacks
We would like to encourage all children to bring in a snack for break time. It is a long time between breakfast and lunch and a snack, as well as a drink of water, make a big difference to children’s concentration levels and ability to learn. As a healthy school we have agreed strict guidelines for the type of snack bought in, it must be fruit or vegetable in the form in which it grew (ie. nothing added, not stretchy or made into a bar and wrapped). This also helps to promote our eco school policies of reducing waste and packaging.
Each class will be taking part in a healthy eating project this half term to promote the bringing of a healthy snack for break time with competition for good snack eating in fruity teams. We would also like to take this opportunity to encourage a healthy balanced lunch box for those not taking a school lunch. Classes will be working on ideas for this in their food technology lessons this year.
Please note that we are a nut free school. We have several children with allergic reactions and therefore children cannot bring nuts in their snacks or lunch boxes.
Thank you.
Last Saturday 5th September, a group of 8 “Clavering School” dads, plus Craig Dyce, embarked on a 270 mile charity cycle from Clavering in Hartlepool to our Clavering in Essex. This journey took 3 long days of cycling and culminated at our school, on Monday 7th September. The team have been training for many months and are raising funds towards much needed improvements to our playground area which will hopefully include the provision of an all-weather surface. At this point they have raised around £15,000 which is an amazing effort. We would like to thank the team for all their hard work completing this event for our school.
During the week 28th September – 2nd October, we will be celebrating harvest in school. This year we will be collecting non-perishable foods for a local food bank. Please would you be kind enough to donate one or some of the following food items:
- Tea bags
- Instant coffee
- Biscuits
- Cereal
- Sugar (500g)
- Rice (500g)
- Pasta (500g)
- Tinned soup, baked beans, rice pudding etc
Could you please make sure that the items have a long use-by date?
Many thanks for your support with this good cause.
Mrs Course
Sharing Assemblies – an invitation!
We would like to invite our parents to attend one of your child’s Sharing Assemblies. The assemblies take place in the hall on a Friday afternoon and start at 2.45pm. Listed below are dates when your child’s class will be taking part in a Sharing Assembly. Please join us on this date:
Autumn Term:
Class 6 13th November
Class 3 20th November
Class 2 27th November
Spring Term:
Class 1 date to be arranged
Class 5 date to be arranged
Summer Term:
Class Reception date to be arranged
Class 4 date to be arranged
A note from Mrs Poole
Thank-you everyone for the fabulous gifts you gave me at the end of term, I was really touched by your generosity and good wishes. The lovely seahorse statue has pride of place in our garden and every time I see it, it reminds me of the fantastic community at Clavering School that I am very proud to have been part of for the last 20 years.
Many thanks again and my very best wishes for the year ahead.
Earlier this week with our ‘welcome back’ school letter, a leaflet was included for parents to increase e-safety awareness. We have also included, as part of our school e-safety policy, some rules that we would like you to discuss with your child. We will reinforce these messages in school. Please return the slip that is attached to the e-safety letter once you have been able to discuss the rules with your child. Thank you
PE Clothing
In compliance with health and safety regulations, earrings (including studs) must not be worn for any sport. Please make sure that children who wear earrings know how to remove them and have somewhere safe and clean to keep them during PE lessons. Thank you.
Application for leave of absence for term time holidays
We actively discourage pupils from taking time off during term time. Requests should be made via leave of absence forms which are available from the main school office. All holiday leave will be unauthorised unless there are very exceptional circumstances. All requests for leave will be acknowledged. If the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken the case is more than likely, under the new guidance, to have to be referred to the Education Welfare Service who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school.
Updated guidance from the Local Authority for September 2015:
“Leave of absence may only be granted by a person authorised in that behalf by the proprietor of the school. As from 1st September 2013, the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 amended Regulation 7 to prohibit the proprietor of a maintained school from granting leave of absence to a pupil, except where an advance application has been made by the parent with whom the pupil normally resides, and the proprietor considers that there are exceptional circumstances relating to the application.
Taking your child out of school during term time could be detrimental to your child’s educational progress. There is no entitlement to parents to take their child out of school during term time, however, you may apply to the school for leave of absence if you believe there are exceptional circumstances.
If the absence is not authorised and the holiday is taken, the case will be referred to the Education Welfare Service who may issue a Penalty Notice for £120 (or £60 if paid within 21 days) to each parent for each child taken out of school.”
3rd September INSET
4th September INSET
7th September Clavering2Clavering cycle return
14th September Resilience Workshops for whole school – ThinQ121
18th September Non uniform day for Wales (Sports Day winners), Oliver
(most questionnaire responses) and Saville (most house
23rd September Year 4 visit Saffron Hall to see author Cressida Cowell
23rd September Meet the Teacher evening- staggered for siblings7 – 7.30
even classes. 7.30 – 8pm odd classes
30th September School Improvement Evening for staff and governors
1st October Friendship Day
2nd – 9th October Book Fair
5th – 9th October Book Week
8th October School Council Conference
22nd October School Photographs
22nd October Halloween Disco
23rd October Non pupil day – INSET – Consortium Conference
4th November Bag2School
13th November Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Year 6 parents
20th November Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Year 3 parents
27th November Sharing Assembly – an invitation for Year 2 parents
2nd December Parent Consultations 3.30 – 5.30pm
3rd December Parent Consultations 5 – 7pm
4th December Christmas Fayre
8th December Tray Day – 3.15 – 4.00 pm
9th December KS2 Dress Rehearsal am, KS1 Dress Rehearsal pm.
10th December Reception Nativity am, KS1 performance pm, KS2 performance Eve
14th December Christmas Shopping Morning
16th December Christmas Lunch
16th December Cross Country event am.
18th December End of term
4th January Spring Term begins
- Swimming for this term is for year 2 and 3 on Mondays. Please make sure your payments are up to date, the cost is £5.00 per week, £65.00 per term. Please make cheques payable to Clavering Primary School.
- When it is raining heavily all the children walk to their classrooms through the main entrance. There will be a person on duty outside at the front of the school to take any messages and to guide the children. Please could parents leave their children at the main entrance/notice board area to avoid congestion in the entrance hall.
- Reception parents, at present, are escorting their children to Reception class, they need to do this when it is raining via the main entrance where they will need to sign in and collect a ‘visitor’ sticker before going through the school. They need to sign out via the main entrance once their children have been taken to class.
- When the weather is fine the usual routine applies. The children go on to the playground via the side gate and wait for the bell. There is a person on duty on the playground. There is also a person on the gate to take any messages from parents.
- Reception parents, at present, are escorting their children to Reception class via the side gate where they wait on the playground for the bell when Mrs Course or Mrs Honour will meet the children.
If you have any questions at any time then please feel free to make an appointment
Have a good weekend
Rosalind Allsop